White House

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Woodward: White House Said I'd 'Regret' Sequester Stance

Calls Obama's approach 'madness'

(Newser) - Bob Woodward's standoff with the White House is heating up: Now the journalist says a top administration official warned him to stop blaming President Obama for the sequester, Business Insider reports. In an email, "it was said very clearly: You will regret doing this," Woodward told CNN...

White House Brief Makes Strong Case for Gay Rights

Urges Supreme Court to kill DOMA, suggests Obama will weigh in on Prop 8 case, too

(Newser) - The White House looks poised to make a robust defense of gay marriage before the Supreme Court. The first step came yesterday when the Justice Department filed a legal brief urging the court to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, reports CNN . DOMA defines a marriage as a union...

Thousands March Against Keystone Oil Pipeline

Greens also call for standards on current power plants

(Newser) - A crowd that organizers tallied at 35,000 marched on the White House today to pressure President Obama into nixing the Keystone XL oil pipeline, reports The Hill . The environmental activists came together in the National Mall and heard speeches before heading to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. "They’ve got...

1st Act of Civil Disobedience in Sierra Club's 120 Years

Daryl Hannah, Robert Kennedy Jr. among those arrested in Keystone XL protest

(Newser) - More than 40 protesters, including the likes of Robert Kennedy Jr. and Daryl Hannah, were arrested yesterday after protesting the Keystone XL oil pipeline, reports NPR . The event, which saw demonstrators tying themselves to the gates of the White House, was the first act of civil disobedience for the 120-year-old...

China at Heart of Sweeping Cyberspying War on US

Economic espionage is costing America billions

(Newser) - The past five years have seen a mammoth international effort to spy on the computer systems of US businesses and other institutions, an intelligence report finds—and China is by far the biggest threat. The goal: to gather economic information to benefit the spying countries, the Washington Post reports. Targeted...

Obama's Wunderkind Speechwriter Leaving

Jon Favreau may head to Hollywood after 7 years with president

(Newser) - Yet another departure from Obama's first term team : Jon Favreau, the president's wunderkind head speechwriter , is moving on. Fittingly, considering with whom he shares his name , Favreau is interested in screenwriting and may end up in Hollywood, the Los Angeles Times reports. Favreau was known for some of...

Former First Dog Barney Dies

He became famous for his 'Barney Cam' tours

(Newser) - Former first dog Barney Bush, famous for his "Barney Cam" tours of the White House and for occasionally chomping on a reporter , has died. George W. Bush and Laura Bush say their famous 12-year-old pooch had lymphatic cancer. The Barney video tradition started in 2002: With public access to...

White House: Immigration Deal Sounds Good

But Obama's wary of border security provisions

(Newser) - The White House offered a tentative endorsement of the bipartisan immigration deal that a group of senators offered today. "We are seeing a consensus building here," spokesman Jay Carney said, adding that the deal appears to "mirror" President Obama's principles. But Roll Call reports that Carney...

Obama's Inauguration Is Today

That whole inaugural party tomorrow is a re-enactment

(Newser) - Washington is still putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's every-four-years inauguration party, but it'll be a day late: President Obama will quietly be sworn in for a second term today, due to a Constitutional quirk that mandates that the commander in chief be sworn in at noon on...

Empire: Obama Chicken for Killing Death Star Plan

It's 'obvious cowardice': Star Wars blog

(Newser) - Did the White House just make a grave mistake? After the Obama administration rejected a petition to build a Death Star, the Empire—or its tongue-in-cheek representatives here on Earth—offered a statement, Space.com reports: "The overwhelming military superiority of the Galactic Empire has been confirmed once again...

Petition-Weary White House Changes Rules

You now need 100K signatures to get official response

(Newser) - Sorry, but the White House won't be responding to any more Death Star construction requests —at least, not unless they get 100,000 signatures. Yesterday, the White House raised the 25,000-signature threshold previously required to get an official administration response to a petition submitted on the "...

White House to Texas: No, You Can't Secede

Texas, 7 other states told they're staying in the union

(Newser) - White House to Texas: You're staying in America. The Obama administration has officially rejected a petition signed by more than 125,000 people demanding that the Lone Star State be allowed to leave the union, the Houston Chronicle reports. Similar petitions from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South...

White House: Sorry, No Death Star

Unless anyone has $850 quadrillion lying around

(Newser) - They got the required number of signatures on their White House petition to warrant an official response, but advocates of building a death star won't be happy. No dice, says the White House . Among the reasons: the $850 quadrillion price tag is a wee bit expensive and "the...

This Was &#39;Worst Day&#39; of Obama&#39;s Presidency
 This Was 'Worst Day' 
 of Obama's Presidency 
2012 in images

This Was 'Worst Day' of Obama's Presidency

Photo is of Sandy Hook briefing; White House releases images from 2012

(Newser) - White House photographer Pete Souza has released a collection of images from 2012, and they can be viewed on the official Flickr stream here . We picked out a few, including one getting a lot of attention today: President Obama's reaction as he gets briefed on the Sandy Hook shooting....

Marine Proposes to Partner at White House

Photos an Internet hit

(Newser) - The White House has played host to its first same-sex marriage proposal: Marine Corps Capt. Matthew Phelps asked partner Ben Schock for his hand. Photos of the moment have been making waves across the Internet, thanks to a posting at the American Military Partner Association, Gawker reports. "Thanks for...

Obama Will Have to Respond to Death Star Petition

It crosses 25K vote threshold

(Newser) - It could be the greatest stimulus project of all time—a Death Star. A petition to start work on the Star Wars vessel by 2016 was one of the stranger petitions submitted to the White House's "We the People" website. But now that the Death Star petition has...

Here's Obama Accepting Romney's Concession

White House releases official photo

(Newser) - The White House's Flickr feed posted a notable image today: It shows President Obama accepting Mitt Romney's concession phone call on election night, reports CNN . Obama took the call in his room at the Fairmont Millennium Park hotel in Chicago, and it looks like the room might have...

White House Considers Legal Fight Over Pot

It might sue Colorado and Washington over legalization: NYT

(Newser) - Top Justice Department and White House officials are meeting to figure out how to respond to marijuana initiatives that decriminalized possession in Washington and Colorado states, reports the New York Times . Options for the feds include bringing cases against low-level users, filing lawsuits against states to prevent them from setting...

11 Weird White House Petitions
 11 Weird White House Petitions 

11 Weird White House Petitions

Death star and Fark party make the cut

(Newser) - Secession petitions are popular on the White House's We the People website , but plenty of other entries prompt a double-take as well. The Week rounds up some favorites, reminding that if any of these get the necessary 25,000 signatures, the White House is obligated to respond:
  • Death star:

Boehner Blasts White House: &#39;Can&#39;t Be Serious&#39;
 Boehner Blasts 
 White House: 
 'Can't Be Serious' 

Boehner Blasts White House: 'Can't Be Serious'

Geithner says no deal without tax hikes

(Newser) - John Boehner is still grousing about the White House's opening bid in the fiscal cliff talks, lambasting it this morning as a "non-serious proposal" in a pre-taped interview with Fox News, picked up by Politico . "I was just flabbergasted. I looked at (Tim Geithner) and I said:...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>