White House

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White House to Reject Keystone Pipeline

Obama won't issue permit, but company can reapply with alternate route

(Newser) - The White House will not allow the controversial Keystone XL pipeline to be built as is: The State Department is expected to make the announcement official this afternoon, but it's spreading the word in the meantime via anonymous sources in the big news outlets, including the Washington Post , Politico...

White House Locked Down After Smoke Bomb

Obamas out for dinner as missile hurled during Occupy protest

(Newser) - The White House was locked down for more than an hour last night after a smoke bomb was tossed over the compound's north fence. The Secret Service believes the device was thrown by an Occupy protester. More than 1,000 demonstrators had gathered outside the White House for a...

Michelle Obama: Don't Call Me an 'Angry Black Woman'

First lady responds to claims made in Jodi Kantor's book

(Newser) - Michelle Obama says she hasn't read Jodi Kantor's new—and, at times, unflattering—book on the Obamas, but she does take offense to what's in it. Speaking to CBS co-anchor/long-time pal Gayle King, Obama explains that she has grown weary of people portraying her as "some...

Michelle Frightened at First: Book

Details of Jodi Kantor book continue behind-the-scenes look

(Newser) - Details from The Obamas, by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, continue to trickle out , and ABC News reports on revelations of a personal nature. According to Kantor, Michelle Obama felt "frightened and alone" during her first days in the White House. The first lady wanted to stay behind...

Did White House Hide Lavish Costume Bash?

Nope, says spokesman: event reports, pics are online

(Newser) - At the nadir of the economic crisis, the Obama White House held a lavish Alice in Wonderland-themed Halloween costume party, organized by Johnny Depp and Tim Burton and full of Star Wars character. But with unemployment at 10%, the Tea Party at its apex, and the economic downturn still rocking...

White House Seeks $1.2T Hike in Debt Limit

Nation will need the extra money soon to pay bills

(Newser) - The Obama administration will ask Congress to raise the nation's borrowing limit by $1.2 trillion this week, marking the third and final increase from a deal negotiated over summer. Treasury officials said the increase is necessary because the government will be within $100 billion of its current limit...

Yemeni Prez Will Receive Medical Care in US: Officials

Aid for despised dictator will likely spark criticism

(Newser) - The debate is apparently over : Washington will allow Yemen's embattled president to visit New York for medical treatment, US officials tell the New York Times . They say the move will effectively disempower Ali Abdullah Saleh by removing him from Yemen, where demonstrators are still waging a deadly battle for...

Is Bo Obama a Pricey Jetsetter?

Nope. Bo didn't go to Hawaii with Michelle...

(Newser) - Oh-oh. The star of the Obamas' holiday card is in trouble again. After the first family got a shellacking from Sarah Palin for featuring their dog, Bo, alone, on their White House greetings, they're now under fire for transporting the dog all the way back from Hawaii just to...

Obama's New Payroll Tax Pitch: What's $40 to You?

John Boehner, meanwhile, asks Obama to intercede

(Newser) - The White House launched a PR campaign to try to save the floundering payroll tax cut extension last night, asking supporters to chime in with what $40 meant to them—since that’s how much the average family stands to lose per paycheck if the extension doesn’t pass, CNN...

White House: We've Recovered $5.6B in Fraud

Cabinet secretaries to meet on wasteful spending

(Newser) - The Justice Department has managed to recover some $5.6 billion lost to fraud over the 2011 fiscal year, officials will announce today. Civil fraud accounted for some $3.4 billion, with the rest attributable to criminal fraud, insiders tell the Washington Post . Much of the money was recovered by...

White House Metal Detector Set Off by ... Obama

The culprit? The president's cell phone

(Newser) - A metal detector leading into the White House was activated today by the president himself. President Obama was returning home from a holiday gathering across Pennsylvania Avenue when he decided to chat with the security guards at the Northwest Gate, reports USA Today . They showed him how a typical White...

In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals
In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals
propublica investigation

In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals

It also helps to be white: ProPublica

(Newser) - ProPublica has wrapped up a two-part investigation into the very subjective world of presidential pardons, and one thing is not so subjective anymore: If you are white and happen to know someone in Congress, your chances of getting a pardon just went way up:
  • Minority odds: Part one of the

Meet the 5 New Kennedy Center Honorees

Meryl Streep, Neil Diamond, Yo-Yo Ma among this year's recipients

(Newser) - It was glitz DC-style at the Kennedy Center last night, which saw five artists honored during this year's gala: Meryl Streep, Neil Diamond, Yo-Yo Ma, Sonny Rollins, and Barbara Cook. The Washington Post reports that the red carpet was a jumble of politicians (Newt Gingrich and wife Callista) and...

White House Decorations All About Bo

First dog is the main theme this year

(Newser) - As Michelle Obama welcomed military families to the White House yesterday, the building was decked out for the holidays—and Bo Obama was everywhere. Each room had a replica of the dog, made of everything from licorice to buttons to trash bags, the Washington Post reports. The dog is also...

Super Committee Fails to Reach Agreement on Budget Cuts
 Super Committee Gives Up 

Super Committee Gives Up

Democrats, Republicans can't bridge budget differences

(Newser) - The bipartisan leadership of a special congressional deficit super committee officially announced today that the panel failed to reach an agreement. Democratic Sen. Patty Murray and Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling say that despite "intense deliberations" the members of the panel have been unable "to bridge the committee's...

Shooting Suspect Charged With Trying to Kill Obama

Ortega-Hernandez faces attempted assassination charges

(Newser) - The 21-year-old accused of firing a semiautomatic rifle at the White House will be charged with trying to assassinate President Obama, reports CNN . Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez faces life in prison if convicted. Secret Service agents found two bullets, including one that got stopped by reinforced glass in a White House...

White House Shooting Suspect Arrested

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez found in Pennsylvania hotel

(Newser) - The 21-year-old drifter suspected of firing a semi-automatic rifle at the White House has been arrested in Pennsylvania, reports the AP . Police say they caught Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez at a hotel in the southwestern part of the state after an intense manhunt. His distinctive tattoos, including a prominent one of...

Bullet Hits White House Window, Cops Hunt Shooter

They fear Oscar Ramiro Ortega may be threat to president

(Newser) - A suspect believed to have fired shots at the White House last week is still at large and police believe he may be a threat to President Obama. A semi-automatic weapon was found in a crashed car belonging to Oscar Ramiro Ortega, a 21-year-old Idaho man, CNN reports. Ortega has...

Feds' $433M Smallpox Drug Contract a Controversial One

White House overrode experts, pushed for deal

(Newser) - Smallpox was virtually eliminated 33 years ago and already has a cheap, effective vaccine that exists in large quantities. So why is the Obama administration pushing so hard to spend $433 million on an expensive and experimental smallpox drug that might not be needed and might not work? Perhaps it'...

White House to Delay Keystone Pipeline Decision

Officials looking at new route, which should push things back a year

(Newser) - Looks like the controversial Keystone XL pipeline won't be an election issue after all. The White House is going to push back the decision on whether to allow it to be built for another year, reports the Washington Post . Specifically, officials will consider a new route through Nebraska for...

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