White House

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

65 Oil Protesters Arrested at White House

Demonstrators oppose 1,700-mile pipeline going from Canada to Texas

(Newser) - Two weeks of anti-oil protests at the White House kicked off with 65 arrests yesterday, reports the AP . Top on the protesters' agenda is getting President Barack Obama to kill the permit for a 1,700-mile pipeline through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas to refineries on the...

Man Jumps White House Fence as Cameras Roll

Homeless intruder quickly arrested

(Newser) - A homeless man was arrested after hopping the White House fence Tuesday night in an incident captured by CNN's John King USA program, which was filming from the North Lawn. The man was quickly taken into custody by Secret Service agents who approached him with guns drawn. Security officers...

Deal Still Faces Hurdles

Hawks, libs expected to bolt—selling fine print to the rest is crucial

(Newser) - Not so fast. Is the debt ceiling agreement settled? Or could it still go down in flames? "We all may not be able to support it, or none us may be able to support it," Nancy Pelosi ominously told reporters yesterday ahead of today's Democratic caucus on...

Sign of Hope? Harry Reid Postpones Debt Vote

It's now scheduled for Sunday afternoon as talks intensify

(Newser) - It's either a sign that a last-minute deal is truly in sight or one last tease: Harry Reid has postponed a 1am procedural vote on his plan to raise the debt ceiling until tomorrow afternoon, reports the Hill . Reid says the delay is intended to give negotiations with Republicans...

White House, Fox News Feud Plays Out in Press Room

Jay Carney snipes with Ed Henry for second straight day

(Newser) - The frosty relations between the White House and Fox News have played out on two consecutive days via testy exchanges between Jay Carney and Fox correspondent Ed Henry, reports the Huffington Post . Today, when Henry pressed Carney on why the White House hasn't presented a debt plan to the...

White House Rickrolls Twitter Followers

Links to Rick Astley feed in official tweet

(Newser) - OK, so they may be a year or two (or three) late from the peak of the trend, but the White House Twitter feed got in a little "rickrolling" action today. In response to this tweet from someone complaining that the press briefing was a little dull, the White...

No Debt Compromise In Sight
 No Debt Compromise in Sight 

No Debt Compromise in Sight

One top Democrat says things getting 'very, very scary'

(Newser) - Exasperation is high on Capitol Hill, as the House and Senate barrel ahead with unrelated debt ceiling plans, neither of which resemble the “grand bargain” President Obama wanted. Today, John Boehner will hold a vote on his so-called “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill, which calls for $5.8...

RNC Chief: Obama Is Guilty of Fundraising Crime

Priebus wants White House video investigated

(Newser) - The chief of the Republican National Committee wants the Department of Justice to investigate an "apparent crime" committed when President Obama recorded a fundraising video in the White House. Reince Priebus says the video was recorded in the Map Room, violating a law against using any area of the...

Actor Kal Penn Leaving White House for TV Role

His next gig will be on 'How I Met Your Mother'

(Newser) - Kal Penn is once again leaving behind his job as a bureaucrat to return to acting. Penn, whose big acting chops include Harold and Kumar and House, will leave his White House post in the Office of Public Engagement for a role on How I Met Your Mother, notes Perez...

Obama Calls White House Debt Talks

Boehner says they'll be useless

(Newser) - President Obama is hauling congressional leaders into the White House tomorrow for a sit-down in a desperate attempt to break the debt-ceiling deadlock. He rejected calls for a short-term increase in the limit, saying they had “a unique opportunity to do something big.” He said the sides had...

141 Staffers Make $100K at White House

...Not counting Obama

(Newser) - Budget crisis or not, it pays to work at the White House. Of the 454 employees who work at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, 141 bring home six-figure salaries, according to the annual report released by the White House. Twenty-one make the top salary of $172,200, reports the National Journal . They...

White House Misses Solar Panels Deadline

Promised last October panels would be installed by end of spring

(Newser) - Summer officially begins today, which means spring ended yesterday, which means the White House has a broken promise it made last October: to install solar panels on the roof of the most iconic home in the nation by spring 2011. The Energy Department did release a statement yesterday, saying it'...

Austan Goolsbee to Leave White House

Economic guru returning to teach at University of Chicago

(Newser) - Another one bites the dust: Austan Goolsby, President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers chairman, is heading off into the sunset to return to his job as a professor of economics at the University of Chicago. He's been on leave for four years to serve Obama, Politico notes, and...

Gmail Hackers Went After White House

Officials' personal accounts may have been compromised

(Newser) - Those alleged Gmail hackers from China weren't messing around: They went after the White House, reports the Wall Street Journal . It remains unclear exactly who was targeted or whether any sensitive information was compromised, but the hackers were apparently hoping that high-ranking officials were conducting government business on their...

WH Vows to Block Indiana Planned Parenthood Law

Medicaid recipients have right to choose providers: White House

(Newser) - Indiana’s new law that strips Planned Parenthood of Medicaid funds took effect on May 10—but it's subject to federal review, and the White House says it won’t approve the measure. The Obama administration, which says the law denies Medicaid recipients’ right to choose healthcare providers, has...

Rebels Leave White House Without Recognition

Libyan coalition fails to secure recognition as legitimate interim governing body

(Newser) - Libyan rebels just can't quite get what they want from the White House. A meeting between a delegation of rebels and US national security advisers yesterday ended with a statement from the US calling the Libyan Transitional National Council a “legitimate and credible interlocutor of the Libyan people”...

Stewart: Common Haters Huff 'Foxygen'

Glenn Beck: Obama is 'clearly anti-cop'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart again smacked Fox News for its fury over Common’s White House appearance, pointing out last night that only huffers of “Foxygen”—“the heady mix of partisan hackery, character assassination, and manufactured outrage”—would be bothered by the rapper’s performance. From there, Stewart...

Stewart Slams Fox Over Rapper Brouhaha ... Via Rap

No cops, Bushes hurt as Common performs at poetry night

(Newser) - Rapper Common was among several artists who performed at a poetry event at the White House last night—and he didn't shoot any cops. The rapper, whose presence at the event infuriated conservative pundits who seized upon some of his controversial lyrics, gently recited verses about love and the...

Conservatives Peeved Over White House Rapper Invite

Common once rapped anti-Bush sentiment, but Dems note outrage is silly

(Newser) - Michelle Obama invited rapper Common to the White House for a poetry event tonight, reports the Chicago Tribune, and conservatives are none too happy about it. Why? Well, to start, Common, AKA Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., has a song that apparently tells people to "burn" George W. Bush. Tucker...

White House Won't Release Osama bin Laden Photos

Obama: 'We don't trot this stuff out as trophies'

(Newser) - President Obama has decided not to release grisly photos of Osama bin Laden's body. Obama himself tells Steve Kroft of his decision in a 60 Minutes interview to air Sunday, reports CBS News . Excerpts will be out later today. The decision— NBC reported it earlier today—comes after CIA...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>