White House

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Obamas Arrive at White House
 Obamas Arrive at White House 

Obamas Arrive at White House

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have arrived at the White House for a visit, his first since last week's landslide election victory. President Bush and first lady Laura Bush were at the North Portico of the White House to greet the Obamas on a sunny fall day with...

Obama to Upend Policies With Exec Orders

Prez-elect may enact own oil, stem cell plans in January

(Newser) - President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas, the AP reports. John Podesta, Obama's transition chief, said today Obama is reviewing President Bush's executive...

At White House, Youth Will Be Served

Obamas must shelter girls from negatives, capitalize on positives on time in spotlight

(Newser) - Malia and Sasha Obama will be the youngest residents of the White House since 1977, and it will be a major responsibility for their parents to keep the spotlight from burning them, experts tell Newsday's parenting columnist. Today's 24/7 news cycle and the Obamas' status as the nation's first black...

Strap In, 'Rahmbo': Bush's Ex-Chief

Andy Card explains how to survive in the White House

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel will have to delegate and be decisive, President Bush's first chief of staff tells Newsweek. But there's more: Serving as President Obama's go-to guy will be "a 24/7 job" that requires sensitivity to "the psychology, emotions and needs of the president beyond policy."...

Allergies Complicate Obamas' Pooch-Vetting Process

Malia's issues have AKC pushing 'hypo-allergenic' breeds; docs say there's no such thing

(Newser) - Animal advocates are chomping at the bit to sway President-elect Obama’s choice of first dog, and they’re using daughter Malia's allergies to do it, the New York Times reports. The American Kennel Club suggests the Obamas buy a “hypoallergenic” breed like a poodle or Bichon Frise, but...

Emanuel Will Be Obama's Super Salesman
 Emanuel Will Be Obama's 
 Super Salesman 

Emanuel Will Be Obama's Super Salesman

(Newser) - The prospect of a presidential chief of staff with Rahm Emanuel's elbows-out style is winning praise from Democrats, censure from the GOP. Salon media critic Jack Shafer says his style of working with the press is right out of David Mamet: hyperaggressive salesman who uses "charm, insults, and bluster"...

Expect More Diversity in Press Corps

Media organizations rejigger White House teams

(Newser) - The White House press corps is likely to get a diversity makeover as news organizations prepare for the Obama administration. Beat assignments haven't been announced, but Liberian-born New York Times reporter Helene Cooper will be on the White House beat, sources tell Politico. Although it isn't necessary to have black...

Obama's Pick of Emanuel Shows He Means Business
Obama's Pick of Emanuel Shows He Means Business

Obama's Pick of Emanuel Shows He Means Business

(Newser) - Republicans say Barack Obama's appointment of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff is a sign that the president-elect has no intention of making good on his promise to "heal the divides" of Washington. But the pick is "a powerful signal of Obama’s determination to be effective...

Bush's Dog Bites Reporter

(Newser) - Take that, liberal media. One of the presidential pooches, Barney, bit the finger of a Reuters reporter at the White House today, ABC News notes. When Jon Decker reached down to pet Barney, the Scottish terrier snapped at him and broke the skin on his index finger. Decker got some...

Bush Won't See Mideast Deal During Term

In region, Rice aims to keep process on track for Obama's team

(Newser) - Israel and the Palestinians won’t likely reach a peace agreement by the 2009 deadline set at the Annapolis negotiations a year ago, the White House said today. The Bush administration began to question the feasibility of the deadline when a corruption scandal ousted PM Ehud Olmert and set the...

Bush, Obama Will Sit Down Monday

Transition moving quickly between president, successor

(Newser) - President George W. Bush will meet with Barack Obama early next week to discuss plans for transition, the Washington Post reports. Obama received his first intelligence briefing this morning, and key staffers have been given expedited security clearances. “We face economic challenges that will not pause to let a...

Laura Invites Obamas Over to the House

Incoming first lady gets tour of new digs from Bush on Monday

(Newser) - At Laura Bush’s invitation, Michelle Obama will visit the White House on Monday, along with that guy who got elected Tuesday, to scope out the new residence, the Washington Post reports. The first-lady-to-be thanked Bush for helping her during the transition, after a campaign in which Obama hailed the...

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew
 Dowd: Bring in 
 Obama's Cleaning Crew 

Dowd: Bring in Obama's Cleaning Crew

Obama can restore the capital's brilliance, writes Times columnist

(Newser) - For Maureen Dowd, the election of Barack Obama means more than just an end to the Bush years; it's a chance for Washington itself to regain its moral standing. Outside the White House on election night—"there was no U-Haul in the driveway"—the New York Times columnist...

A Tough Decision for Obama: Picking the First Dog

AKC wants a poodle, PETA wants a mutt

(Newser) - Barack Obama promised his daughters a dog after the election, win or lose. So it was no surprise when he told the girls during his acceptance speech they “have earned the puppy that is coming with us.” But what kind will the first family choose? Malia, 10, wants...

Bush Gets Props—for Exit Planning

Prez praised by both parties for ambitious transition efforts

(Newser) - These days, not even "Brownie" would say "Heckuva job, Bushie," but President Bush is getting lauded by both sides of the aisle over his perhaps unparalleled efforts to ensure a smooth handover of power, Bloomberg reports. Bush began delegating tasks and deadlines this spring. “The White...

Bush Absent For a Reason, But He's OK

(Newser) - President Bush is lying low on Election Day eve, and even his White House spokeswoman admits his dismal ratings are the cause, Reuters reports. “Everybody would like to be popular,” Dana Perino said today. “We can all remember that back in high school, everyone really wanted to...

Judge Demands White House Turn Over Wiretap Memos

He'll determine if their public release would jeopardize national security

(Newser) - A federal judge has ordered the Justice Department to turn over legal memos related to the government's policy allowing warrantless wiretapping, reports the Los Angeles Times. The memos must be turned over by Nov. 17 for review by US District Judge Henry Kennedy, who will determine if releasing them would...

Obama Team Has Wiggle Room for Hiring Lobbyists

Candidate has pledged that lobbyists won't run show

(Newser) - Barack Obama has said lobbyists “won’t run my White House,” but the realities of Washington dictate that some will play important roles in his or any administration. In fact, the Obama camp is working out hiring rules that would prohibit registered lobbyists from holding high-ranking White House...

Huge Bush Deregulation Push Before Jan. 20

White House will relax rules on environment, consumer protection

(Newser) - George W. Bush is president for 11 more weeks, and the White House is plotting to use that time to modify federal regulations to weaken protections for consumers and the environment. The deregulatory initiatives would be some of the most controversial of the Bush era, reports the Washington Post, lifting...

Obama Camp Likes Emanuel for Chief of Staff

Looking ahead, Democrats approach Illinois congressman

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about serving as White House chief of staff, say anonymous Democratic sources. An aide to the congressman says he "has not been contacted to take a job in an administration that does not yet exist. Everyone is focused on Election...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>