White House

Stories 1161 - 1180 | << Prev   Next >>

US Attorney Firing Probe Spreads to White House

Congress calls Miers, another ex-official

(Newser) - The congressional investigation of the US attorney firings reached the White House today as the judiciary committee in each chamber subpoenaed a different former high-level official. Lawmakers subpoenaed documents from the White House chief of staff, the AP reports, but Karl Rove has not been served because Democrats are...

Pardon Me?
Pardon Me?

Pardon Me?

Will Bush let a former caporegime off the hook for old time's sake?

(Newser) - Yesterday's steep sentence for Scooter Libby is forcing Bush's hand on a possible pardon for the convicted perjurer. Judge Reggie Walton probably won't let Cheney's former chief of staff remain free pending appeals, WaPo reports, so the president is short on time if he wants to spare a close and...

Give Scooter a Jail Break
Give Scooter
a Jail Break

Give Scooter a Jail Break

One group's rooting for probation as the man who wouldn't snitch is sentenced

(Newser) - With Scooter Libby facing sentencing today for perjury in the Valerie Plame affair, Salon's Joseph Cooper asks his English class at the Webster Correctional Institution in Connecticut what punishment they would impose. The student cons go for probation, on the grounds that Libby's only crime was that he didn't snitch.

Top Bush Aide to Step Down
Top Bush Aide to Step Down

Top Bush Aide to Step Down

Bartlett bows out after 14 years

(Newser) - Another Bush administration official is stepping down, and this time the resignation shrinks the president's inner circle: Top aide Dan Bartlett will leave on July 4 after 14 years working for Bush. The defection is the latest in a trickle that's rapidly becoming a flood. Bartlett, 36, will seek a...

Veil of Secrecy Descends on White House

Court fight rages over Secret Service visitor records

(Newser) - The White House wants records of top officials' meetings to be secret, and the latest attempt to put a lid on that information raises questions about privacy, confidentiality, and the definition of presidential records, the AP reports. This week's revelation of the vice president's effort to restrict record-keeping at his...

Prosecutor Keeps an Eye on Cheney
Prosecutor Keeps an Eye
on Cheney

Prosecutor Keeps an Eye on Cheney

Froomkin: Even after the fact, CIA leak case evidence leads to VP

(Newser) - Scooter Libby is about to be sentenced, but the government prosecutor and lawyers for the VP's ex-chief of staff aren't letting up, the Washington Post's Dan Froomkin blogs today. The jousting continued in a court filing last week in which, Froomkin posits, "the special counsel evidently felt obliged to...

Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs
Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs

Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs

Prez 39 calls 43 worst ever; White House fires back against "irrelevant" Carter

(Newser) - A cold war of words is escalating between the White House and former occupant Jimmy Carter. On Saturday, Carter called the Bush administration "the worst in history" on the international front; yesterday Bush spokesman Tony Fratto shot back against the "reckless personal attack," sneering at Carter as...

Bush, Dems Test Compromise Skills on Iraq

(Newser) - Congress' Democratic bosses and the White House are attempting diplomacy after six years of Republican neglect that has left the new majority uneasy, the Times reports. But this week's agreements on less thorny issues, trade and immigration, contrast significantly with a divided Washington's repeated, fumbled attempts at a compromise war...

Comey's Star Rises as Support for Gonzo Falls

Testimony spotlights political future of former Justice No. 2

(Newser) - James Comey's star turn in Senate testimony against Alberto Gonzales this week prompts speculation that the charismatic former deputy AG should be on the short list to replace him—and might even have legs as a presidential candidate some day. The Wall Street Journal assesses Comey's political future, as support...

White House Support for Wolfowitz Crumbles

Bank will discuss his fate today

(Newser) - The White House is looking for an exit srategy for besieged World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. After months of unwavering support that failed to soften the bank's European partners, the Bush administration has indicated a willingness to replace him if it can be done without firing, the Washington Post reports....

Key Democrat Resigns White House Post

McNulty's departure overshadows former Clinton aide's act of protest

(Newser) - A onetime Clinton special counsel resigned from a White House civil-liberties oversight board yesterday, but the defection of the No. 2 Justice official overshadowed Lanny Davis' act of protest. Davis, the only Democrat on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board, said the panel had become unable to check the abuses...

White House Hid Rove's Role in US Attorney Hiring

Leaked emails show cover-up of meddling

(Newser) - Karl Rove finagled a U.S. attorney post for his protégé Timothy Griffin, and the White House concealed his role in the appointment, the National Journal concludes from previously unrelease e-mails leaked to them. Griffin replaced fired attorney Bud Cummins; a Justice Department letter (later retracted) assured Congress Rove...

Awkward! Bush Muffs Dates in Front of Queen

Then launches into "boilerplate" speech

(Newser) - British protocol hounds were on high alert for lapses as President Bush hosted their regent yesterday, and he did not disappoint. At a photo op with Queen Elizabeth II, he mangled the date of a previous visit. "You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17—1976," he...

Gonzales Aide Probed for Political Hiring

Goodling accused of screening prosecutors for party affiliation

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether Monoica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales recently given immunitiy to testify before Congress, illegally used party loyalty as a criteria in hiring federal prosecutors. Goodling's position involved reviewing applications for prosecutors; it's a violation of federal law to consider political affiliation in...

The Decider With the 'Yee Haw' Aesthetic

Blumenthal connects the dots from cowboy art to Abu Ghraib

(Newser) - You can learn a lot from the art in someone's office, says Sidney Blumenthal, even the oval one. George Bush's prized painting of cowboys riding into the unseen helps explain his "stay the course" mentality, while a painting of the Alamo feeds W's evangelically inflected insistence on a "...

Rove to Sheryl Crow: "Don't Touch Me!"

Bush mastermind strikes sour note with singer/activist

(Newser) - "Dismissive, condescending, and quite frankly a bully," is the verdict on Karl Rove from environmental activist Laurie David and singer Sheryl Crow. In their Huffington Post account of the White House Correspondents Dinner, they say Crow tapped Rove's shoulder when he turned from a conversation about global warming,...

House Subpoenas Gonzo
House Subpoenas Gonzo

House Subpoenas Gonzo

Stakes raised in purge- gate as White House resists disclosure

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales got served yesterday, as House Dems issued their first subpoena in the attorney-firing scandal. They want the AG to turn over hundreds of pages of new or uncensored documents, including a complete version of the March 2005 chart Gonzales and chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson used to evaluate all 93...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

Gonzales Gets Little Help In Fight for Job

AG preps for Senate testimony without White House, Justice Dept. aid

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales is prepping for his April 17 Senate testimony as strenuously as if it were a confirmation proceeding, the Washington Post reports, since his job clearly depends upon it. And he's going it alone: Thanks to possible obstruction of justice charges, DOJ lawyers won't let the attorney general coordinate...

Karl Rove Finds His Inner Eminem
Karl Rove Finds His
Inner Eminem

Karl Rove Finds His Inner Eminem

Bush's main man busts a few moves at the White House correspondents' dinner

(Newser) - White House codger-in-residence Karl Rove debuted his hip-hop alter ego, "MC Rove," at last night's correspondents dinner, the Politico reports. Bush's embattled adviser shouted "I'm MC Rove" at comedian-appointed intervals, pretending gamely to have a sense of humor (and any idea how to win the black vote)...

Stories 1161 - 1180 | << Prev   Next >>