sports doping

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Herbal Remedies Won't Compete at Beijing Games

Officials stress that athletes taking traditional medicines aren't doping

(Newser) - Chinese herbal medicines bear no resemblance to banned substances, say Beijing Olympics officials, but just in case, athletes won’t use them. "We know there is no relationship with doping and Chinese traditional medicine,” says one doctor, but because the remedies have not been used in previous Games,...

Hingis Fails Coke Test, Retires
Hingis Fails Coke Test, Retires

Hingis Fails Coke Test, Retires

Tennis star denies taking drugs, but quits over age and health issues

(Newser) - Tennis star Martina Hingis today admitted that she tested positive for cocaine in a pre-Wimbledon drug test, and announced her retirement, citing age and health problems. The five-time Grand Slam champ denies taking drugs, the AP reports. "I find this accusation so horrendous that I've decided to confront it...

New Drugs Will Heal Muscles, Abet Cheating

Doping agency frets over new treatments for muscle wasting

(Newser) - Scientists are currently testing two new classes of drugs designed to combat muscle-wasting diseases, but one organization isn't too excited: the World Anti-Doping Agency. Even though the treatments aren't yet commercially available, the Swiss-based organization that combats cheating in sports has banned them and is developing new detection methods, reports...

Landis Says He'll Appeal Ruling, Fight for Title

Tour de France winner wants sports court to review panel's decision

(Newser) - US cyclist Floyd Landis' fight to retain his 2006 Tour de France title will go on, he tells "I won the 2006 Tour de France fair and square," Landis writes on his website. That's why he is asking a Swiss-based sports court to reverse the split...

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