abortion rights

Stories 341 - 358 | << Prev 

Superstitious McCain Knocks on ... Newsroom

Elsewhere on the trail, Giuliani, Obama tangle with hecklers

(Newser) - Even as New Hampshire voters queued up, John McCain cut the intensity by relying on some stabilizing superstition. Known to carry a lucky penny, a feather, a compass, and a pouch of sacred stones, the senator—both insurgent candidate and establishment figure—visited the Union Leader offices today, repeating the...

Argentina Led by Woman, Still Lags on Gender

In Buenos Aires politics, women who rise are still Peronist wives

(Newser) - Argentina might have its first elected female president—and her nearest rival was also a woman—but the fairer sex is succeeding politically only on the coattails of husbands, and female-friendly policies get nowhere. In a phenomenon the Economist calls “Peronist”—president Juan Peron had two wives who...

Not Far Enough Off His Rocker
Not Far Enough Off His Rocker

Not Far Enough Off His Rocker

Duncan Hunter is too boring to be a successful fringe candidate

(Newser) - Duncan Hunter may be the “hard-ass conservative” running for president, the New Republic’s Eve Fairbanks allows, but the congressman dubbed “Pat Buchanan with a smile” is simply too boring to fill the fringe niche. Sure, he wants a double fence on the Mexican border and to withhold...

Anti-Abortion Group to Back Thompson

NRLC decision could boost his campaign among conservatives

(Newser) - An influential anti-abortion group will endorse Fred Thompson today, despite qualms among the religious right over his hesitancy to see abortion as a federal issue, the Tennessean reports. "The key is how he voted," a spokesman for the National Right to Life Committee says. The decision could give...

Pat's Nod Gives License to Pull Rudy Lever

But press overstates endorsement power, Salon scribe says

(Newser) - Pat Robertson’s endorsement will undoubtedly help Rudy Giuliani snag conservative votes, but the televangelist's nod can only do so much to help the pro-choice divorcé, writes Salon’s Walter Shapiro—and Rudy may be satisfied with that. The aging evangelical has granted permission for those already attracted to Rudy...

Rivals Boast Right Stuff in Fight for Conservative Cred

Who is the right-est one of all?

(Newser) - Republican presidential hopefuls fought bitterly over who has the best conservative credentials in an Orlando, Fla., forum last night. Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee cited their conservative executive experience, while John McCain and Fred Thompson touted conservative Senate voting records. Giuliani generally sparred with Thompson, and McCain with...

Verizon Bans Abortion Rights Text Service

Executives invoke right to block 'controversial or unsavory' messages

(Newser) - Verizon Wireless has rejected a bid from an abortion rights organization to establish a text-message information system for supporters who sign up for the service. Verizon invoked its right to block "controversial or unsavory" messages in refusing the program by Naral Pro-Choice America, reports the New York Times. Verizon's...

Rudy Calls for Truce in Culture Wars

Leave social issues to the states, candidates argues

(Newser) - Giuliani may be running as a terrorist slayer, but what sets him apart is his plan to leave social issues up to the states, says LA Times columnist Ronald Brownstein. Localizing gay marriage, gun control and even abortion decisions would allow states to make policies that reflect the proclivities of...

Thompson, Romney Battle Over Flip-Flops

Candidates fight to renounce liberal pasts, denounce each others'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson are in an all-out war to convince right-wing voters of their conservative cred, the LA Times reports. Romney, long dogged by his pro-choice past, has seized on the fact that Thompson once lobbied to ease abortion counseling restrictions, a charge the undeclared candidate first denied.

Abortion Doc's Killer Draws 2nd Life Sentence

Federal added to state term in 1998 Buffalo sniper case

(Newser) - A militant anti-abortion activist who murdered an obstetrician was sentenced to life in prison on federal charges yesterday. James Kopp is already serving a state term of 25 years to life for the 1998 sniper-style killing of Barnett Slepian, who performed abortions. Kopp is also suspected in four other shootings...

Anti-abortion Groups Split by Late-Term Ban

Purists rip Dobson for praising limits, not full prohibition

(Newser) - The recent Supreme Court ruling against partial-birth abortions has ignited a battle among anti-abortion groups, the Washington Post reports. The bickering highlights a divide between groups working for a wholesale ban and those seeking limits. In newspaper ads, a religious coalition ripped the ruling as "wicked" and slammed longtime...

Abortion Docs Drawn to Fight for Access

In shrinking field, they're backing up politics with action

(Newser) - Abortion doctors are an embattled bunch, harassed by activist opponents and shunned by other doctors. But a new generation of practitioners is entering the field not in spite of the obstacles, but because of them, the LA Times reports. Galvanized by the prospect of abortion rights being curtailed, they are...

House Dems Slam Pope's Threat
House Dems Slam Pope's Threat

House Dems Slam Pope's Threat

(Newser) - A group of House Democrats bridled at Pope Benedict's recent suggestion that politicians who support abortion rights should be excommunicated, The Hill reports. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut led 18 legislators in condemning the Pope's comment, which "offends the very nature of the American experiment," according to their...

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Giuliani Will Come Out As Pro-Choice

No more vacillating: Rudy will test GOP will by backing abortion rights

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will cut the embarrassing equivocation and declare himself  in favor of abortion rights in the coming days, reports the New York Times. The GOP frontrunner, who's drawn flak for trying to explain away his support for abortion in his mayoral days, will risk alienating the conservative portion of...

In Brazil, Pope Talks Tough On Abortion

Benedict makes first visit to world's largest Catholic population

(Newser) - Pope Benedict brought the Catholic Church's stern anti-abortion message to Brazil today, weeks after Mexico City legalized the practice and as Brazil faintly contemplates doing the same. The Pope is on his first trip to Latin America—the fastest-expanding corner of his flock, but also one of the most precarious—...

Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood
Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood

Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood

Donations in '90s may spell trouble for GOP candidate

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani donated to Planned Parenthood, the country's leading abortion provider and a prominent abortion-rights advocate, at least six times in the 1990s, according to public tax returns. Giuliani has walked a thin line during his campaign for the Republican nomination, maintaining that he personally opposes abortion but supports a...

Abortion Ship To Sail Again
Abortion Ship
To Sail Again

Abortion Ship To Sail Again

Dutch vessel offers offshore procedures in countries where abortion is illegal

(Newser) - The "abortion ship" is returning to international waters after a three-year hiatus, offering early-term procedures to women whose countries ban them. The Dutch nonprofit Women on Waves will distribute abortion pills to women up to seven weeks pregnant on the ship, which was prevented from docking in Lisbon in...

Stories 341 - 358 | << Prev