Goldman Sachs

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US Banks Paid Employees Record $145B in 2009
US Banks Paid Employees Record $145B in 2009

US Banks Paid Employees Record $145B in 2009

Haul breaks mark set in pre-bust 2007

(Newser) - Employees at the major US banks were paid about $145 billion in 2009—a total that, despite the financial crisis and public outcry over compensation in the industry—breaks a record set in pre-bust 2007. A Wall Street Journal analysis finds that 2009 revenue will be $450 billion, up 25%...

Geithner Will Testify on Secretive Bailout Deals

House committee wants answers on his role on AIG contracts

(Newser) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will testify Jan. 27 before a House probe into his role in deals that sent billions of bailout dollars to Goldman Sachs and other big banks. The committee wants to know why the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—which Geithner headed at the time—paid...

Blankfein: Goldman Not Guilty, Didn't Need Feds' Help

Blankfein says firm wasn't 'reliant on government assistance'

(Newser) - Lloyd Blankfein was on the hot seat this morning as chairman Phil Angelides opened the financial crisis commission hearing with a relentless grilling of the Goldman CEO. After asking why Goldman created CDOs, sold them, and then immediately shorted them, he said, “It sounds to me a little bit...

Wall Street's Finest Head to DC Showdown

Commission styled after 9/11 inquiry probes meltdown

(Newser) - Four of Wall Street's fattest fatcats are headed to Washington this morning to do some explaining about how exactly it was that the United States of America came to teeter on the brink of financial Armageddon. A 9/11 Commission-style panel appointed by Congress has the job of writing the narrative...

Goldman May Force More to Donate to Charity

Face-saving program would be similar to 4% rule at Bear Stearns

(Newser) - As Goldman Sachs prepares to lavish spectacular bonuses on employees this month—based on record profits of about $12 billion for 2009—the investment bank is mulling a face-saving program that would require more employees to donate to charity. Goldman already has such a program, which targets about 400 top-earners....

Wall Street Weighs Huge Bonuses Vs. Public Wrath

Small signs of restraint as bonus season begins with record profits

(Newser) - Wall Street this week enters that cash free-for-all known as bonus season with quite the dilemma hanging overhead: How to distribute the billions in record-breaking profits reaped this year without incurring public wrath? Goldman Sachs expects to give out an average of $595,000, the New York Times reports, and...

Banks Probed for Betting Against Own Securities

Firms bundled bad debt then sold it short

(Newser) - Congress and financial regulators are probing several Wall Street firms for bundling bad debt, selling it to clients, and then profiting from betting that those same securities would fail, insiders say. Clients at Goldman Sachs and other firms lost billions of dollars on the mortgage-related securities as the housing market...

Goldman Is Greedier, Riskier Than Ever

No more Mr. Nice Goldman, partners say, in Lloyd Blankfein era

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs is making plenty of money, but that’s in part because CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s abandoned the bank’s old customer-first ethos and long-term outlook, insiders say. The New York Times spoke with nearly 20 former and current Goldman partners, and found many uncomfortable with the current regime....

Fund Sues Goldman Sachs Over Bonuses

Cop, firefighter pension group seeks to halt $22B payout

(Newser) - A pension fund investor is taking Goldman Sachs to court over bonuses it says has nothing to do with employee merit. The suit filed by the Security Police and Fire Professionals of America Retirement Fund accuses the company of preparing to "blindly" hand out $22 billion in bonuses, Reuters ...

Goldman Won't Dole Out Cash Bonuses

Top execs will get stock that can't be cashed for five years

(Newser) - No cash bonuses for top Goldman Sachs executives this year. Instead, the Wall Street giant will pay its 30 top execs bonuses in the form of restricted stock that can't be cashed for five years. And the company can get the shares back if the performances they were based on...

Geithner: Goldman Woulda Failed Sans Bailout

Execs dreaming if they think they wouldn't have failed

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs fatcats were musing this week about how they might have been fine without a federal bailout, but Tim Geithner is having none of it: “None of them would have survived,” he tells Bloomberg , without federal intervention. “The entire US financial system and all the major...

Goldman Hustles Investors on Soaring Bonuses

Bank privately meeting with large shareholders to shore up support

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs has been holding private meetings with its top shareholders in an effort to stave off proposals that would reign in its ginormous bonuses. It’s a first for Goldman, which normally doesn’t feel compelled to justify its pay, no matter the public outcry. But shareholders have the...

NYT to Blankfein: Your 'Apology' Is Bull

Editorial board schools Goldman CEO in true meaning of 'sorry'

(Newser) - Lloyd Blankfein took his sweet time acknowledging his firm's role in almost toppling the financial system, and the New York Times editorial board stewed until today, when the paper's audience is largest. The Goldman Sachs CEO said in a speech this week, "We participated in things that were clearly...

Dow Dips 14; Energy, Tech Fall
 Dow Dips 14; Energy, Tech Fall 

Dow Dips 14; Energy, Tech Fall

Dow gains 0.5% for the week, other indices fall

(Newser) - Energy stocks led declines on Wall Street today after Goldman Sachs downgraded coal firm Peabody Energy, and Dell reported a bigger-than-expected profit decline, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow closed down 14.28 points at 10,318.16.
  • The Nasdaq lost 10.78, closing at 2,146.04.
  • The

Goldman Bonuses Irk Investors, Too

Shareholders question need for $20B in bonuses

(Newser) - With Goldman Sachs on course to hand out the highest bonuses in its history, it's not only furious populists who are complaining; investors, too, are getting into the act. Major shareholders, who have stayed out of the executive compensation controversy until now, are calling for the bank to cut back...

Disgruntled Dem Wants Geithner, Summers Sacked

Peter DeFazio says White House betrayed Main St. for Wall St.

(Newser) - Rep. Peter DeFazio wants Barack Obama to fire the Larry Summers and “Timmy Geithner” for being Wall Street lap dogs, and says there’s a “growing consensus” in the Progressive Caucus that agrees with him. Summers and Geithner oppose a Progressive proposal to use unspent TARP funds to...

Goldman Pumps $500M Into Small Businesses

Blankfein apologizes— but not for the $16B payout to employees

(Newser) - In a move that definitely has nothing to do with spiraling public hostility, Goldman Sachs has announced a $500 million small-business assistance program. Headed by an advisory panel that includes Warren Buffett and Lloyd Blankfein (he who works for God ), the so-called “10,000 Small Businesses” program will...

Goldman to Insurers: Health Reform Will Hurt

 Goldman to Insurers: 
 Health Reform Will Hurt 

best plan is no plan

Goldman to Insurers: Health Reform Will Hurt

Who knew Wall Street and teabaggers could agree?

(Newser) - Here's a reason for Goldman Sachs to be even more popular with the public: The investment bank has issued research on private health insurers advising that fighting off reform would best for their bottom line. Goldman takes as the “base” case passage of the bill that exited the Senate...

Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B
Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B

Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B

Average payout will be five times median household income in US

(Newser) - Recession? What recession? Some Wall Street firms are not feeling any pain this year as record bonuses at just three of the top firms are likely to hit an eye-popping $30 billion. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, the three biggest banks to be bailed out by the feds,...

Goldman's Blankfein Is 'Doing God's Work'
 Is 'Doing 
 God's Work' 
masters of the universe

Goldman's Blankfein Is 'Doing God's Work'

A look behind the scenes at the omnipresent bank

(Newser) - Lloyd Blankfein likes to say he's "attained perfection," a plausible-sounding assertion now that Goldman Sachs has repaid its TARP funds and is dishing out mammoth bonuses. "I don’t want to put a cap on their ambition," the CEO says of his employees. "It’s...

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