Xi Jinping

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Chinese Miffed by Putin Acting Like Gentleman

Russian president wraps shawl around China's first lady, a no-no

(Newser) - It was a warm gesture on a chilly night when Vladimir Putin wrapped a shawl around the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping while he chatted with Barack Obama at an event linked to this week's Asia-Pacific summit. The only problem: Putin came off looking gallant, the Chinese summit...

Things Could Intensify in Hong Kong Tomorrow

Chinese National Day holiday could usher in 'tipping point'

(Newser) - Pro-democracy protesters continued to block key roads in Hong Kong today, and while the mood has remained peaceful, some expect a showdown with police is looming ahead of tomorrow's Chinese National Day holiday. Workers have the day off, which could make for larger gatherings. Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung...

China's Smog Is 'Nuclear Winter' Bad

Crop scientist says the nation's food supply is at risk

(Newser) - Just how lousy is Beijing's air these days? Chinese President Xi Jinping found it necessary to demonstrate his support for the people by ... walking around and breathing yesterday. That's it. "Breathing the same air, sharing the same fate," read the headline on the state's official...

Biden Stirs Pot in Beijing as Tensions Simmer

He begins China visit amid soaring regional tensions

(Newser) - Joe Biden has landed in Beijing for what was meant to be a trade mission but has become a high-stakes bid to calm soaring regional tensions over China's new air-defense zone over disputed islands in the East China Sea.
  • The vice president has been attacked in state media for

US: Obama Pushed China on Cyberspying

President, Chinese leader Xi Jinping wrap up 2-day summit

(Newser) - President Obama pushed Chinese President Xi Jinping to do more to address the online theft of US intellectual and other property coming from his country and said the hacking is "inconsistent with the kind of relationship we want to have with China," a top White House aide said....

US-China Summit: High Stakes, Casual Vibe

Obama meeting with Xi Jinping at California estate

(Newser) - Cyber-spying, trade, North Korea, US military maneuvers—there's no shortage of big issues for President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping to tackle tonight and tomorrow during their informal summit in Southern California. But the biggest emphasis is on establishing "personal chemistry," reports the Wall Street Journal...

In China, Officials Sneak Their Booze in Water Bottles

In order to get around Xi Jinping's anti-corruption instructions

(Newser) - Disguising your vodka as "water" in an old Evian bottle? Seems like the realm of the college-aged, but apparently such deception is also all the rage among Chinese government officials looking to dodge President Xi Jinping's crackdown on graft . Instead of toeing the line on frugality, the Communist...

China to Military: Stop Driving Flashy Cars

Beijing bans Porsches, Beemers with military plates

(Newser) - China is yanking the keys from military brass who like to zip around in posh Mercedes and Porsches. Under new President Xi Jinping's crackdown on corruption , the country has banned the use of military plates on luxury cars, according to state news. The new government is concerned with its...

US Might Have Unlikely Ally Against N. Korea: China

Beijing shows signs it's getting fed up with Pyongyang: New York Times

(Newser) - American efforts to rein in North Korea have long run into one big roadblock called China, but that might be changing, reports the New York Times . New President Xi Jinping seems more receptive to working with the West to keep the North in check, as seen in Beijing's quick...

As China Wraps Transition, Xi Vows to Clean Up Govt.

Xi and Li strike populist tone, want to crack down on corruption

(Newser) - China's new leaders struck a populist tone today as they got down to the painstaking work of governing, promising cleaner government, less red tape, and more fairness to a still small middle class. In appearances that mark the completion of a months-long, orchestrated leadership transition, President Xi Jinping and...

Xi Jinping Officially Named China's President

Became head of Communist Party, military in November

(Newser) - China's new leader Xi Jinping capped his rise yesterday by adding the largely ceremonial title of president, though he will need cautious maneuvering to consolidate his power and build support from a public that is increasingly clamoring for change. The elevation of Xi to the presidency by the rubber-stamp...

China: We're Reforming Forced Labor Camps

Controversial program was said to be used against political activists

(Newser) - China's first step toward the reform promised by new leader Xi Jinping : The country will reform its forced labor camp system, state media reported today. The long-standing, controversial "re-education through labor system" allows police to jail petty criminals for up to four years without going through the court...

Meet China's New Leader: Xi Jinping

Beijing completes once-a-decade transition

(Newser) - China's once-per-decade leadership transition is complete: Former Vice President Xi Jinping was presented to the country today as general secretary of the Communist Party, replacing Hu Jintao. He also takes over as head of the military commission. Xi's ascent has been expected since he joined the country's...

China Begins Once-a-Decade Leadership Change

Conference addresses corruption, slowed economic growth

(Newser) - China's Tiananmen Square has been emptied of its usual activists and crowds, red flowers and flags blanket the capital, and 1.4 million volunteers are on-hand to provide security as the country's leadership today begins a shift that occurs just once per decade, the BBC reports. President Hu...

China's Communists Boot Bo as Transition Looms

Central Committee ends final meeting before party congress

(Newser) - China's ruling Communist elite have endorsed the expulsion of former high-flying politician Bo Xilai and approved final preparations for the party's upcoming congress. The closed-door meeting of the Central Committee that ended yesterday was the last before Communist Party leader Hu Jintao and other government officials begin to...

China's Xi Emerges to Greet Panetta

Future leader appears healthy, despite illness rumors

(Newser) - Xi Jinping, the man expected to become China's new leader next month, appeared in public again today, this time to meet with Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, reports the Washington Post . Xi's sudden and unexplained cancellation of several high profile meetings, including one with Hillary Clinton, had fueled...

China's Missing VP Finally Resurfaces

Xi Jinping hadn't been seen in public in two weeks

(Newser) - China's leadership transition seems to be back on track: The state-run Xinhua news agency made a point today to show Vice President Xi Jinping attending a Beijing event to mark national science day, reports the BBC . The seemingly healthy Jinping, 59, hadn't been seen in public in two...

Why China's Next Leader Went AWOL: Heart Attack

Back injury has been blamed for Xi Jinping's disappearance

(Newser) - Speculation has been swirling about why China's president-in-waiting inexplicably dropped out of public view , and the Telegraph may have an answer: Xi Jinping suffered a heart attack just weeks ahead of his expected promotion, an insider says. Xi hasn't been seen publicly since Sept. 1, and "although...

World Wonders: Where's China's Next Leader?

Expected president Xi Jinping cancels meetings, disappears

(Newser) - The global rumor mill is swirling around the sudden conspicuous absence of Xi Jinping, who is scheduled to ascend to China's presidency in a matter of weeks. Xi hasn't been seen in public in 10 days, according to the Telegraph , and last week he took the unheard of...

Ferrari Crash Could Affect China Leadership Transition

Bizarre accident reportedly involved son of close presidential adviser

(Newser) - A Ferrari crash in China that happened back in March is getting fresh attention now that it turns out it could have an impact on the country's political leadership transition. The crash was insane even without any political tie-in: The black Ferrari 458 Spider—purchased for nearly $1 million—...

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