Condoleezza Rice

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Don't Dismiss Romney-Rice Ticket Just Yet

If he is considering a woman, she's probably the one: Bill Kristol

(Newser) - The smart money is still on Mitt Romney picking someone from the Ryan-Rubio-Portman-Pawlenty camp as his VP, but yesterday's tease from Ann Romney that a woman is under consideration prompted Bill Kristol to rethink the prospects of Condoleezza Rice. Sure, Sen. Kelly Ayotte or New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez...

Condoleezza as Romney VP? 'No Way'

She also criticizes Obama's foreign policy

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice gave an unequivocal "no," this morning when asked if she'd be Mitt Romney's running mate—despite polls showing she's the most popular pick for the job. "Charlie, I didn't run for student council president," Rice told Charlie Rose on CBS'...

Why Mitt Should Avoid Condi as VP

 Why Mitt Should  
 Avoid Condi as VP 

Why Mitt Should Avoid Condi as VP

Rice's lousy record should keep her off Romney ticket: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - Did you like the Bush administration? No? Then why the heck would you want Condoleezza Rice to be Mitt Romney's running mate, asks Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal . A recent poll had Rice as Republican voters' top choice for the ticket, and it's easy to see...

Marco Rubio: 'If I Do a Good Job as VP...'

...oops, he meant 'senator'; speculation swirls around Condi

(Newser) - Marco Rubio has said over and over that he doesn't want to be anyone's running mate this year, and he said it again yesterday in an interview with the National Journal at the University of Phoenix. But he also had what the Journal terms a "Freudian slip....

Condoleezza Rice Perfect for Vice-Presidential Republican Candidate: Joseph Curl

 Condi for VP? 

Condi for VP?

Condoleezza Rice would fit GOP bill perfectly: Joseph Curl

(Newser) - How's this for a master chess move? Whoever emerges as the GOP presidential candidate can attract female voters, hush charges of conservative racism, and cover his lack of foreign policy experience all in one stroke: Name Condoleezza Rice as VP candidate. "Her addition to the ticket, which wouldn’...

VIDEO: Pat Robertson: Is Mac & Cheese 'a Black Thing'?
Pat Robertson: Is Mac & Cheese 'a Black Thing'?

Pat Robertson: Is Mac & Cheese 'a Black Thing'?

'700 Club' host sticks foot in mouth again

(Newser) - Pat Robertson and his always wacky quotes are back. On the 700 Club Wednesday, after watching a segment in which co-host Kristi Watts discussed Thanksgiving foods such as mac and cheese with Condoleezza Rice, Robertson was simply baffled. Turning to Watts, he asked, “What is this mac and cheese,...

Rice: Syria on Verge of Civil War

Bashar al-Assad is 'no friend' of the US, says former secretary of state

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar Assad is taking his country to the brink of civil war, says former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. She tells CNN's State of the Union that Assad "is no friend of the United States" and that his overthrow would be a "great thing" for...

John Boehner: Republicans Not Servants of the Rich
 We're Not 
 of the Rich 


Boehner: We're Not Servants of the Rich

Also, he and Obama have a 'good relationship'

(Newser) - The notion that Republicans are "servants of the rich" is "very unfair," John Boehner told Christiane Amanpour today , adding that his job is "to make sure that the American dream that was available to us is available for our kids and our grandkids. And frankly, I'...

Condi: We Feared We Were Poisoned

But detected deadly White House toxin turned out to be false alarm

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice recounted the day that she, President Bush, and Dick Cheney believed they had been exposed to a lethal toxin by terrorists. Cheney suddenly appeared on a secure video conference screen just weeks after 9/11 while Rice and Bush were traveling in China for the APEC summit. He warned...

Condi Rice Strikes Back in New Memoir

She recalls clashes with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush

(Newser) - It's time for Dick Cheney to take a little return fire from Condi Rice. Less than 2 months after his memoir described her as turning tearful during a political discussion , Condoleezza Rice has written her own book, No Higher Honor, which comes out next month, the New York Times...

Condi Rice Disses Cheney 'Cheap Shots': I Never Cried

Former secretary of state says she never 'tearfully admitted' anything

(Newser) - Add Condoleezza Rice to the list of people torqued by Dick Cheney's opus: The former secretary of state is taking umbrage to Cheney's assertion that she "tearfully admitted I had been right" that the administration shouldn't apologize over a claim in George W Bush's 2003...

Gadhafi Had Album of Condi Rice Pics

He once praised her as 'my darling black African woman'

(Newser) - Did Moammar Gadhafi have a thing for Condoleezza Rice? It sure looks that way: Rebel looters found a photo album in Gadhafi’s compound filled with page after page of photos of Rice, MSNBC reports. Rice visited Libya in 2008 to celebrate what was supposed to be a new stage...

Dick Cheney Reveals He Wanted to Bomb Syria in New Memoir, 'In My Time'

 Cheney: I 
 Wanted to 
 Bomb Syria 
More Memoir

Cheney: I Wanted to Bomb Syria

Former VP discusses his conflicts with Condoleezza, Powell, Tenet

(Newser) - And the revelations from Dick Cheney's new memoir just keep coming: yesterday, news of a secret resignation letter. Today, the New York Times , which obtained a copy of In My Time , reports that Cheney pushed Bush to bomb what the US believed to be a nuclear reactor site in...

Prosecute Bush, Cronies: Human Rights Watch

Group wants torture allegations investigated

(Newser) - Human Rights Watch wants George W. Bush and his top officials prosecuted for war crimes and criminal conspiracy, the Guardian reports. In a new report, the US group calls for foreign governments to move forward with the prosecution if the Obama administration does not investigate. In addition to allegations of...

Condoleezza: Saddam Was a Threat

'With or without mature weapons of mass destruction'

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein “was a threat” to the US, Condoleezza Rice told Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night. While O’Donnell held that “Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th,” The former secretary of state argued that “after September 11th, of course you look at...

US Threatened to Attack China Over Space Weapons
US Threatened to Attack China Over Space Weapons
wikileaks reveal

US Threatened to Attack China Over Space Weapons

Beijing 'anti-satellite' display prompted threat from US

(Newser) - The US threatened to take military action against China after Beijing conducted an "anti-satellite test" in 2007 in which it shot down one of its own weather satellites with a missile, WikiLeaks documents reveal. Fearful that the action demonstrated China's ability to destroy satellites belonging to the US, officials...

Piers' Condi Interview Will Make You Cringe

Hard-hitting questions include, 'Do you dream of a fairytale wedding?'

(Newser) - Piers Morgan certainly had some important matters to discuss with Condoleezza Rice last night on his show : Matters like why she isn’t married, considering she is—as Morgan called her—"one of the most eligible women in Washington" (um, she lives in California now) and "quite a...

Condi: I Yelled at Bush on 9/11

She didn't want him to return to Washington

(Newser) - When he heard that the second plane had hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, George W. Bush was determined to fly to the White House immediately—or at least, immediately after he finished reading The Pet Goat. That determination got him into a shouting match with Condoleezza Rice, who...

Did Bush, Blair Plot vs. Gordon Brown?

Labour sources drop bomb ahead of Blair memoir

(Newser) - Tony Blair and George Bush plotted to have Blair stay on as prime minister because Bush wasn't sold on Gordon Brown, claims the Sunday Telegraph . Labour Party sources tell the Telegraph that Bush's team expressed doubts about Brown after he "harangued" Condi Rice in a private meeting. Rice subsequently...

Aretha, Condi Duet in Concert
 Aretha, Condi Duet in Concert 
odd couples

Aretha, Condi Duet in Concert

Unlikely pair comes together for music education

(Newser) - One is the face of the George W. Bush administration; the other a staunch Democrat and the Queen of Soul. Nonetheless, Condoleezza Rice and Aretha Franklin came together last night in a performance raising money for music education. Both performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the Mann Music Center, but...

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