Condoleezza Rice

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Turkish Troops Cross Into Iraq
Turkish Troops Cross Into Iraq

Turkish Troops Cross Into Iraq

Ground operations follow air raids on Kurdish rebels

(Newser) - Turkey sent hundreds of troops across the Iraqi border today to battle Kurdish separatists, the first large-scale ground incursion since tensions rose in the fall, Reuters reports. About 300 lightly armed troops arrived in a semi-autonomous mountainous region, Iraqi officials said. Ankara had no immediate comment on the operation, which...

Rice Pops Up in Iraq to Plead for Peace

Calls for reconciliation on surprise visit

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Iraq for a surprise visit today to plead for increased efforts at reconciliation, Reuters reports. She flew into the ethnically mixed northern city of Kirkuk—which some expect to be the next flashpoint for violence. The city's Kurds, Arabs, and Turkmen are deeply...

Palestinians Seek $5.6B in Talks
Palestinians Seek $5.6B in Talks

Palestinians Seek $5.6B in Talks

60 nations meet in Paris to bankroll the Palestinian Authority

(Newser) - Representatives of more than 60 nations meet in Paris today to discuss providing aid to the Palestinians. Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas, locked in a power struggle with Hamas in Gaza, is hoping to secure $5.6 billion in aid over the next three years. The US has promised $550 million....

UN Food Aid Restored in Somalia
UN Food Aid Restored in Somalia

UN Food Aid Restored in Somalia

Mysterious obstacles disappear as help is allowed again to devastated region

(Newser) - United Nations food aid has been restored to Somalia today after it was suspended yesterday, when the government hiked road tolls to $500 a truck and prevented two ships from delivering food to the problem-plagued Lower Shabelle region. UN aid teams were given no explanation for the trouble. But a...

Rice Ripped for Stonewalling Rights for Gay Partners

Ex-ambassador quits: 'More benefits for pets'

(Newser) - The former US ambassador to Romania has quit the Foreign Service to protest its treatment of gays, the Washington Post reports. Michael E. Guest had some parting shots for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the system that he said gives same-sex partners of members of the Foreign Service fewer...

Lesbian Gossip Trumps Mideast Peace Plan

Tabloid buzz draws more readers from hard news; CJR upset

(Newser) - Sure, Condoleezza Rice is trying to broker Mideast peace, but isn't she really gay? Like Hillary Clinton? And isn't John Edwards having an affair? A recent spate of articles has swung the political spotlight on gossip, the Times of London reports—and the Columbia Journalism Review is so concerned that...

6,000 Killed in Mogadishu in 2007
6,000 Killed in Mogadishu in 2007

6,000 Killed in Mogadishu in 2007

700,000 displaced as brutal Somalian civil war grinds on

(Newser) - Somalia's bloody civil war between the Ethiopian-backed provisional government and Islamic insurgents has killed 5,960 people this year in Mogadishu alone, according to the country's oldest human rights group. And more than 700,000 Somalians have been displaced, the AP reports, though data gathering has become more difficult since...

Bush Vows Active Peace Role
Bush Vows Active Peace Role

Bush Vows Active Peace Role

President pledges to keep up US engaged in Israel-Palestine talks

(Newser) - President Bush promised today that the US would remain an active player in the Middle East peace process. Having coordinated yesterday's pledge by the leaders for a treaty by the end of 2008, Bush joined Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a ceremony marking resumption of...

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer
Russia Rips
US Missile
Defense Offer

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer

White House proposal is still 'unilateral,' says defense minister

(Newser) - American and Russian plans to collaborate on a missile defense program suffered another blow today as Russia's foreign minister blasted American offers as "a significant rollback" from earlier promises. US proposals amounted to a "unilateral" American effort that would seek help and information from Russia, and no more,...

Computer Game Lets Players Try Virtual Peace

Peace center will distribute games to Israelis, Palestinians during US talks

(Newser) - A computer game that promotes peace in the Middle East will be distributed to Palestinians and Israelis this week while their leaders meet in the US to negotiate, the Associated Press reports. “PeaceMaker” players choose roles as Israeli or Palestinian leaders and respond to attacks from the opposing side....

Syria Headed for Annapolis Talks
Syria Headed for Annapolis Talks

Syria Headed for Annapolis Talks

US gets full wish-list of Arab states to attend Israel-Palestine talks

(Newser) - Syria said today it will attend this week’s Israel-Palestine peace conference in Annapolis, a US victory in convincing every major Arab state—16 in all—to show, the AP reports. The US hopes such broad participation will help these talks succeed where previous efforts failed. Syria wants to discuss...

US Won’t Force Diplomats to Serve in Iraq

Volunteer officers step forward to fill last open spots

(Newser) - The State Department won’t have to assign diplomats to open posts in Iraq because enough staff members have volunteered for the spots, the AP reports. The department planned to require foreign service officers to serve at the US embassy in Baghdad and in nearby provinces if there weren’t...

Abbas: Palestinian State Possible by 2009

Palestinian president speculates on statehood before Bush leaves office

(Newser) - The Palestinians and the Israelis can broker peace before George Bush leaves office in January 2009, Mahmoud Abbas said today in a press conference with Condoleezza Rice. The Palestinian president parroted a statement last night by Israeli PM Ehud Olmert. Putting the leaders on the same page is an achievement...

Pakistani Police Battle Lawyers
Pakistani Police Battle Lawyers

Pakistani Police Battle Lawyers

Hundreds more arrested as cops storm courthouse rally protesting emergency rule

(Newser) - Baton-swinging Pakistani police clashed violently today with lawyers across the nation demonstrating against President Pervez Musharraf's declaration of emergency rule and suspension of civil rights. Hundreds were were arrested, joining 1,500 activists detained yesterday. In the largest confrontation security forces rushed 2,000 demonstrators outside the high court in...

Musharraf's Chaos Leaves US Twisting in Wind

Musharraf power grab a 'big embarrassment' for the White House

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf is gripping not only Pakistan in a tight state of emergency, but also his allies in Washington, the New York Times reports. American officials are stuck monitoring developments as the US-backed military dictator threatens a shaky democracy and spurs civil unrest. Condoleezza Rice called Musharraf’s decision “...

Pakistani Troops Grab Activists
Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Media forbidden to express opposition views after Musharraf declares emergency

(Newser) - Pakistani soldiers today began rounding up activists, lawyers and judges at gunpoint a day after President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency, suspending the constitution and banning free speech. Media and police sources say 1,500 opposition figures have been detained; Prime Minister Shaukat Aziztold reporters there have been...

Rice Ordered to Testify in Espionage Trial

10 top officials subpoenaed on behalf of pro-Israel lobbyists

(Newser) - In a rare move, a federal judge yesterday ordered Condoleezza Rice and 10 other high-ranking officials to testify at the upcoming trial of two pro-Israel lobbyists accused of espionage. National security adviser Stephen Hadley and former Defense official Paul Wolfowitz are among those subpoenaed to testify on behalf of the...

Rice Pledges US Assist to Turkey
Rice Pledges
US Assist
to Turkey

Rice Pledges US Assist to Turkey

Promises 'effective' action to stop attacks from rebels in Iraq

(Newser) - Heading to talks in Ankara today, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters the Kurdish militants who have attacked Turkey from northern Iraq are a "common enemy" of the US and Turkey, and promised that the US will deliver an "effective" strategy against Kurdish militants if Ankara holds...

Rice to Proceed, Cautiously, With Mideast Talks

Low expectations for weekend trip, with little concrete progress

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders this weekend in order to create a document of joint principles as a prerequisite to a peace conference expected later this month. For fear of killing the conference before it begins, the document will contain few hard-core specifics, instead...

Diplomats Raise Stink Over Iraq Assignments

'Potential death sentence’ in required postings, staffers say

(Newser) - Foreign service officers vented anger today over the State Department's plan to require some to serve in Iraq, chewing out their director in a meeting. One senior officer called the “directed assignments”—which could force diplomats to take postings in Baghdad or outlying provinces—a “potential death...

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