Vladimir Putin

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As Russia Erupts, Gorbachev Steps In

More rallies expected for today

(Newser) - Mikhail Gorbachev is stepping into the fray, and urging Russian authorities to annul the results of Sunday's scandal-ridden elections and hold a new vote. His voice is joined by those of thousands of Russians who have taken to the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg since Monday, and Gorbachev...

Russia Jails Protest Leaders
 Russia Jails Protest Leaders 

Russia Jails Protest Leaders

But more demonstrations planned for tonight

(Newser) - Two notable opposition figures have been charged with crimes relating to yesterday’s massive election protest in Moscow—even as angry Russians plan for more protests tonight. Ilya Yashin, the leader of the Solidarity movement, was convicted by a judge today of organizing an unauthorized rally and disobeying police orders,...

Thousands Protest Putin in Moscow

 Thousands Protest 
 Putin in Moscow 

Thousands Protest Putin in Moscow

They say he stuffed the ballot box

(Newser) - Somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 people poured into the streets of Moscow today chanting things like “Russia without Putin!” to protest the prime minister’s allegedly rigged victory in the weekend’s election. Police detained an as-yet-unknown number of demonstrators, including several hundred who were marching...

Putin's Party Walloped in Russian Vote

May lose majority in parliament

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin's grand plans to be Russia's next president may have hit a snag: The PM's United Russia party suffered a major setback in parliamentary elections held today, reports Reuters , securing only 48.5% of the vote amid allegations of widespread voter fraud. That marks a significant...

Putin Officially Running for Prez

United Russia party nominates him to run in March elections

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin has decided that he'd like to be Russia's top dog again, so his United Russia party today obliged him by formally nominating him to run for president in March's elections. Pooty-poot, who has relegated himself to the No. 2 prime minister job since 2008, has...

China Awards Peace Prize to ... Putin?

Because he opposed NATO's Libya campaign

(Newser) - China’s Nobel Peace Prize knock-off has selected its second winner: Vladimir Putin. Apparently Russia’s once and future president has been "outstanding in keeping world peace" this year, Confucius Peace Prize organizer Qiao Damo tells the AFP . How so? "Putin was against NATO’s idea to bomb...

Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao Are Forbes' Most Powerful
 5 Most Powerful 
 People in World 
forbes list

5 Most Powerful People in World

... Mark Zuckerberg cracks the top 10

(Newser) - When it comes to the world’s 5 most powerful people, Forbes doesn’t offer many surprises. Barack Obama heads the pack, with other world leaders in the next three spots. The full list of 70 powerhouses, however, does offer some food for thought: Mark Zuckerberg (9), for example, is...

Berlusconi Secretary: Let's Drug Test Stock Traders

...because cocaine may be behind turmoil

(Newser) - Are stock brokers trading under the influence? Carlo Giovanardi seems to think so. Giovanardi, an undersecretary to Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, intends to contact regulators and industry groups about a plan to drug test stockbrokers, lest families entrust their savings to someone “not capable of making decisions,” he...

Surprise! Putin Diving 'Discoveries' Were Fake

Press secretary sees no cause for 'malicious joy'

(Newser) - You were right, Internet. Vladimir Putin isn’t really a deep sea archaeologist . The once-and-future Russian president’s press secretary has admitted that the video of Putin finding a collection of ancient Greek jugs at the bottom of a Black Sea bay was a setup, the New York Times reports....

Putin: Time for 'Eurasian Union'

'Economic and currency' alliance wouldn't be new USSR: prime minister

(Newser) - Russia’s former—and likely next —president wants to join former Soviet countries in a “Eurasian Union.” The entity would be rooted in Russia’s Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan, to allow labor, capital, and trade to flow freely among the countries beginning next year, Reuters...

Some Russians Worship Putin— Literally

Sect thinks he's the reincarnation of St. Paul

(Newser) - At the Chapel of Russia's Resurrection, in a village 250 miles east of Moscow, the parishioners pray to a most unusual patron saint—Vladimir Putin, who they consider a reincarnation of St. Paul, reports Der Spiegel . The church was founded by a woman who calls herself "Mother Fotina"...

Medvedev: Putin's More Popular Than I Am

Russian prime minister says he's no seat-warmer

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev insists he's no seat-warmer for Vladimir Putin, the BBC reports. In a Russian TV interview shot today, Medvedev says he's letting Prime Minister Putin run for president in the next election because Putin is more popular. "Prime Minister Putin is now unquestionably the...

Tyrant Putin&#39;s Return Bad News
 Tyrant Putin's Return Bad News 

Tyrant Putin's Return Bad News

He's made Russian elections a farce

(Newser) - The editors of the Washington Post congratulated Vladimir Putin today “on his exciting, come-from-behind victory to become Russia’s next president ,” won after a brilliant and moving electoral campaign. “Oh, no, wait. That’s not how things work in Russia today. Actually, the story is simpler: Vladimir...

Putin Will Run for President: Medvedev Stepping Aside

He will likely lead Russia through 2024

(Newser) - He wasn't honing his image as an oh-so-buff Renaissance man for nothing: Vladimir Putin will again run for president in Russia next year, and the odds are that he will lead the nation through 2024, reports the Guardian . Current President Dmitry Medvedev ended months of Kremlin speculation today with...

Now Putin's an Archaeologist, Too?

Judo expert/whale hunter Putin discovers ancient artifacts in Black Sea

(Newser) - Move over, Chuck Norris. Hang up that whip, Indiana Jones. There's a new hero in town, and his name is Vladimir Putin. Yes, the Russian prime minister is not only a judo expert, artist , whale hunter , and muscle-bound fisherman , he is also a great and successful archaeologist, who, while...

Putin on US: It&#39;s a &#39;Parasite&#39;
 Putin on US: It's a 'Parasite' 

Putin on US: It's a 'Parasite'

Debt fight shows why world should move away from dollar, Russian leader says

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is using Soviet-era terminology to criticize the US over its huge debt load. The Russian prime minister, speaking to a pro-Kremlin youth rally yesterday, called the US a "parasite" and said Russia and other countries should seek a new reserve currency to replace the dollar, reports Reuters...

New Campaign Tells Girls to Strip for Putin

Facebook campaign offers naughty Russians chance to win iPad 2

(Newser) - Ladies, does Vladimir Putin make you want to take your clothes off? Because if so ( and who could blame you? ), you should join “Putin’s Army,” an online campaign urging Russian women to strip to show their support of their once-and-possible-future president. The campaign launched with...

Cracks Form in Putin-Medvedev Partnership

Lower-ranking politicians fired as tensions flare ahead of Russian election

(Newser) - After three years of relative harmony, cracks are emerging in Russia’s dual leadership ahead of this year’s presidential elections—and the country’s elite has “spent the whole last month on the verge of a nervous breakdown,” unsure who to support, wrote a Russian economist. Divisions...

Russians Cry Foul Over Vote for 2014 Olympic Mascot

Fans of psychedelic blue frog complain

(Newser) - The Russian people have spoken, and their mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi will be: a snow leopard, a polar bear, and a hare. More than a million people cast their votes during a live program on Russia's top broadcaster. Rejected mascots included a dolphin, a robin and...

Gorbachev Slams Russia's 'Sham Democracy'

Ex-Soviet leader attacks 'conceited 'Putin regime

(Newser) - Mikhail Gorbachev has launched his most blistering attack yet on Vladimir Putin's regime. The last Soviet leader, speaking at a press conference ahead of his 80th birthday, described Putin's Russia as a sham democracy, the Guardian reports. "We have everything—a parliament, courts, a president, a prime minister and...

Stories 861 - 880 | << Prev   Next >>