Vladimir Putin

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Heir Not Just Putin's Puppet
 Heir Not Just Putin's Puppet

Heir Not Just Putin's Puppet

Medvedev favors Western style and outlook

(Newser) - The man hand picked by Vladimir Putin to be his successor and a virtually certain victor in this Sunday's election has been portrayed in the West as the Russian president's personal puppet. But Dmitri Medvedev, who plans to appoint Putin as his prime minister, may be more independent, reform-minded and...

Stable Russia Hardly Guaranteed
Stable Russia Hardly Guaranteed

Stable Russia Hardly Guaranteed

Putin-Medvedev partnership at odds with country's wish for single, strong leader

(Newser) - When Dmitry Medvedev takes over as Russia's president and Vladimir Putin assumes the mantle of prime minister, after Sunday's elections, Russia will be moving into uncharted territory—and Der Spiegel writer Christian Neef isn’t confident it’ll work. Putin’s Russia isn’t nearly as stable as it looks,...

Dem Debate Oddly Like 'SNL' Parody
Dem Debate Oddly Like
'SNL' Parody

Dem Debate Oddly Like 'SNL' Parody

Clinton sees Barack coddling; NYT writer says she has a case

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was so taken by last week's "Saturday Night Live" sketch that had moderators fawning over Barack Obama in a debate between the two candidates that she brought it up in the real debate last night. And the debate lived up to the SNL spoof, Alessandra Stanley writes...

Russia Steps Up Support for Serbia
Russia Steps Up Support for Serbia

Russia Steps Up Support for Serbia

Leaders meet in Belgrade as tensions over Kosovo continue

(Newser) - Unrest and uncertainty marked the one-week anniversary of Kosovo's independence as ethnic Serbs within Kosovo and around the world continued to protest, and Serbian ally Russia deployed top officials to Belgrade to meet with Serbian leaders, BBC reports. Serb protesters in northern Kosovo brandished posters of Vladimir Putin and a...

Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow
Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow

Putin Defies Critics in Last Bow

Russian leader underlines post-presidency designs on power, spars with West

(Newser) - Today may have been Vladimir Putin’s final press conference as Russia's president, but he made it clear he won’t be going far, the New York Times reports. Putin said he would remain a force in the Kremlin, as “there’s enough power to go 'round,” Bloomberg...

Serbia, Russia Blast Kosovo Independence

Serbia won't cooperate, Putin hits 'hypocrasy' of Western support

(Newser) - Serbian and Russian leaders today lambasted Kosovo's imminent declaration of independence from Serbia, the Guardian reports. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica declared the move illegal, and said his government won't cooperate with European efforts to keep Kosovo running. Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted as "immoral and illegal" Western nations'...

Lovefest Film Puts 'Putin' in Romantic Light

Just in time for Russian elections, gag movie hits the fans

(Newser) - A warm and fuzzy Russian movie about a politician's rise to the Kremlin, released today for Valentine's Day, bears more than a passing resemblance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, CNN reports. "It's a film about the life of a politician, about love, and the relationships every person has,"...

Russia to Ukraine: Don't Join NATO, Or Else

...We may aim nuclear missiles at you

(Newser) - If Ukraine joins NATO and hosts the US missile-defense program, Russia may aim nuclear missiles at its neighbor, Vladimir Putin said today in a press conference with Ukranian president Viktor Yushchenko. Russia’s president claimed that “it is horrible to say and even horrible to think” that such measures...

Kremlin Closes Top Russian University
Kremlin Closes Top Russian University

Kremlin Closes Top Russian University

Shutdown reportedly retaliation against target of Putin's ire

(Newser) - A leading Russia university, attacked by Vladimir Putin as an agent of American and European intervention, has been shut down, the Guardian reports. A court ordered the European University at St. Petersburg to close on Friday, ostensibly because its aging buildings posed a fire hazard, but school officials say the...

Putin: Russia Ready for 'New Arms Race'

Lame-duck prez takes veiled jabs at NATO weapons plans, US Middle East policy

(Newser) - Russian president Vladimir Putin virtually renewed Cold War hostilities today, accusing the West of starting a new arms race and vowing to respond in kind, Reuters reports. “It is already clear that a new arms race is unfolding,” Putin said, citing recent NATO decisions to expand to Russia’...

Key Watchdog Won't Monitor Russia Vote

Group cites Kremlin's excessive restrictions on March 2 election

(Newser) - Europe's main election watchdog will boycott Russia's March 2 presidential vote due to excessive Kremlin restrictions, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights announced today. The group had agreed to send just 70 monitors to oversee the campaign, the New York Times reports, but when Russia barred them from...

Putin Critic Committed to Mental Hospital

Disturbing echo of Soviet era tactics

(Newser) - An opponent of Russian president Vladimir Putin has been imprisoned  in a mental hospital in a move reminiscent of the "punitive psychiatry" used to discredit dissidents in the old Soviet era. Roman Nikolaichik, a member of chess champ Garry Kasparov's anti-Putin coalition, Other Russia, was certified mentally unstable after...

Putin Opponent Kasyanov Barred From Election

Ex-PM decries 'farce' after disqualification from presidential race

(Newser) - Mikhail Kasyanov, a former Putin loyalist who became one of his fiercest critics, has been disqualified from the presidential ballot, reports the BBC. Russia's electoral commission ruled that too many of his supporting signatures were fraudulent—up to 5% is OK. Kasyanov has another theory: "There is no doubt...

Putin Pick Hits Campaign Trail
Putin Pick Hits Campaign Trail

Putin Pick Hits Campaign Trail

Medvedev launches bid with 79% support in polls, virtually no competition

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin's hand-picked replacement has launched his presidential campaign with a 2-day visit to Russia's far west. Dmitry Medvedev has seen his popularity soar since the president announced he would like to see him as his successor: he's now polling 79%, higher than Putin did before his 2004 landslide victory,...

Sky-High Oil Will Reshape World Power, Dent US Clout

Power shifts as global economies change

(Newser) - The surging price of oil from $10 a barrel a decade ago to a record $100 today is remaking the global economy and altering the balance of power across the world, according to the Wall Street Journal. If oil prices continue to climb, as many experts predict, US political power...

Russia Completes GPS Rival
Russia Completes
GPS Rival

Russia Completes GPS Rival

Final satellite for orbital positioning network launched

(Newser) - Russia launched three additional satellites for its GLONASS positioning system today, Reuters reports. The Russian positioning system is similar to the American GPS network, and currently consists of 18 satellites operated by the country's military. GLONASS already provides ground coverage for most of Russia itself, and is expected to expand...

Russian Liberal Stands Down
Russian Liberal Stands Down

Russian Liberal Stands Down

Opposition candidate accuses Kremlin of turning presidential contest into 'farce'

(Newser) - Another candidate has dropped out of the race for the Russian presidency, complaining of dirty tricks, the Washington Post reports. Boris Nemtsov, leader of a mainstream liberal party, said the uneven playing field was turning the contest into a farce. He accused the Kremlin of using "Goebbels-like propaganda, force...

Russia's Gas Giant Faces Big Squeeze

Powerful Gazprom has too little oil to meet demands

(Newser) - Russia faces a threat to its international trump card as Gazprom—its powerful natural gas company—struggles to meet massive worldwide demand, Newsweek reports. The company gets much of its oil dirt cheap from former Soviet republics in Central Asia, then resells it a handsome profit to Europe. Now those...

Is Putin Europe's Richest Man?
Is Putin Europe's Richest Man?

Is Putin Europe's Richest Man?

Kremlin power struggle reveals fortune of 'at least' $40B

(Newser) - The Guardian looks at an unprecedented power struggle within the Kremlin as Vladimir Putin's last term as president winds down. The battle, between ex-KGB officers and liberal allies of Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev, revolves around control of the enormous assets of Russia's state-owned industries. As the face-off heats up, information...

Bush: I Didn't Know About CIA Tapes
Bush: I Didn't Know About
CIA Tapes

Bush: I Didn't Know About CIA Tapes

Reserves judgment; knocks spending, Putin, in year-end presser

(Newser) - President Bush said today he didn’t know about the destroyed CIA interrogation tapes until CIA chief Michael Hayden briefed him earlier this month, and he intends to reserve judgment while they’re investigated. "Let's wait and see what the facts are," he said. In his year-end press...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>