
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Shakespeare May Not Have Looked Like This

Portrait cleaning could alter the Bard's look in a big way

(Newser) - When you picture William Shakespeare, the image that likely comes to mind is the Chandos Portrait—the most famous portrait of the Bard and the only one known to have been painted during his lifetime, reports Smithsonian . But that doesn't mean it looks exactly like him, at least in...

Art World Has Nearly Solved 80-Year-Old Jigsaw Puzzle

René Magritte apparently cut 'The Enchanted Pose' into pieces

(Newser) - An "exciting art world jigsaw puzzle" is nearly complete after the third piece of a painting by Belgian artist René Magritte missing for more than 80 years was recently discovered hiding at the Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery in Britain, the Guardian reports. Magritte's The Enchanted Pose...

Trump May Not Be Pro-Immigrant, but Naked Trump Is

Explicit statue to be auctioned off to help immigrants rights group

(Newser) - Pretty soon, one lucky American will get to come home to naked Donald Trump every night. The San Francisco Chronicle reports one of the explicit Trump statues that made headlines when they popped up around the country last month will be auctioned off on Oct. 22. The statues created by...

Man Loses 14 Years of Work When Google Deletes His Blog

Dennis Cooper's misfortune is raising new censorship concerns

(Newser) - Artist Dennis Cooper made a horrifying discovery June 27: His 14-year-old blog—the sole home of his experimental writing, research, photographs, and more—was gone, Art Forum reports. According to Fusion , Cooper's blog was hosted by Google-owned Blogger, and those headed to are greeted with the...

In Bizarre Case, Artist Must Prove Painting Isn't His

Peter Doig says $5M lawsuit is a scam

(Newser) - A Canadian man claims he has an original painting by Peter Doig, whose works have sold for up to $26 million, per ArtNews . Doig says the painting isn't his. You'd think that would be the end the story, but no. In what the New York Times describes as...

'Dazzling' Find in France: a Van Gogh Sketchbook

French publisher says 'stunning' discovery will be released in book form in November

(Newser) - A "stunning, dazzling" find across the pond, per a French book publisher: a sketchbook that belonged to Dutch master painter Vincent Van Gogh, AFP reports. "This sketchbook was known only to the owners, myself, and the publisher," a Seuil official told the news agency Thursday, noting that...

It's Raining So Much in Paris the Louvre Is Closed

Rising waters in France, Germany, and Belgium have already led to at least 6 deaths

(Newser) - The Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay closed their doors to the public Thursday as the Seine crept up past its normal water levels, prompting fears of flooding and peril to famous works in both Paris art institutions, the Independent reports. Local cops say that flood warnings for areas along...

A 'New' Rembrandt Work Is Unveiled

He paints again, thanks to a computer program

(Newser) - Computers can master ancient games , drive cars , and have social-media meltdowns . But can they continue the work of a master painter who died more than 300 years ago? "That's an appealing question," professor Joris Dik tells International Business Times . Dik, along with assorted developers, art historians, and...

Rare Work by Renaissance Master Found in Kansas City

A small museum has mostly kept it in storage for the past 80 years

(Newser) - Last displayed more than a decade ago and kept mostly in storage at a small museum in Kansas City is not the treatment you'd expect for a rare painting by a Renaissance master. But the Kansas City Star reports that's exactly what's happened to The Temptation of ...

You Can Now Get a Passport to Antarctica

Either go to New York, or do it online

(Newser) - If you want to get your hands on a passport to Antarctica, you now can, sort of, Hyperallergic reports. But instead of bureaucrats and red tape, you'll head to New York City's Jane Lombard Gallery , where artist Lucy Orta tells the New York Times that you'd best...

Behind Mona Lisa's Smile: Another Woman?

Pascal Cotte used reflective light technology to analyze the paint layers

(Newser) - Will the real Mona Lisa please stand up—or at least send us a signal from within the paint layers? The art world is buzzing over a French scientist's claims that he discovered a portrait of another woman lurking beneath the top layer of the world's most famous...

Artist Who Etched Ancient Rock Broke All the Rules
Artist Who Etched Ancient Rock Broke All the Rules
in case you missed it

Artist Who Etched Ancient Rock Broke All the Rules

Scientists say 13.8K-year-old Paleolithic slab from Spain may show a campsite

(Newser) - A picture of what's believed to be crudely drawn huts on a stone slab has scientists excited, despite its seemingly rudimentary style—or, rather, because of it. Archaeologists say the rock etching found at the Moli del Salt site in Spain is about 13,800 years old and breaks...

Why Art Should Hit You Over the Head

Subtlety isn't all it's cracked up to be, writes Forrest Wickman

(Newser) - Forrest Wickman isn't a fan of subtlety in art, though he's probably in the minority. Today we tend to use phrases like "hits you over the head" or "lacks subtlety" as criticisms—a trend that came with the rise of highbrow and lowbrow cultural hierarchies in...

This Artist's DNA Could Be Yours for the Right Price

'An extremely personal self portrait'

(Newser) - A 29-year-old Dutch artist is selling what he calls "an extremely personal self portrait." How extremely personal? Let's just say it's everything that makes him him—genetically speaking. Jeroen van Loon has made his entire DNA sequence available to the highest bidder as part of a...

Painting Looted by Nazis Turns Up in Ohio Home

Portrait of a Young Man was returned to Poland last week

(Newser) - A nearly 300-year-old painting stolen from Poland's National Museum by the Nazis during WWII was found in July hanging in an Ohio family's home, the Columbus Dispatch reports. Krzysztof Lubieniecki's Portrait of a Young Man is believed to have been looted by Nazi troops—like 70% of...

World's Oldest Wooden Statue Twice as Old as Pyramids

New dating puts Shigir Idol at 11K years old, 1.5K years older than thought

(Newser) - When scientists first tried in 1997 to date the famous Shigir Idol wooden sculpture —originally found in a Siberian peat bog in 1890—radiocarbon dating suggested the art was so old the findings were widely disputed. Now, armed with better tech, scientists turned to one of the world's...

Kid Trips Into $1.5M Painting
 Kid Trips Into 
 $1.5M Painting 

Kid Trips Into $1.5M Painting

The only Paolo Porpora artwork that's signed now has a fist-size hole in it

(Newser) - Elsewhere in the world, terrorists threaten art and antiquities , but in Taiwan tween boys holding beverages are the threat. A 12-year-old taking a guided tour with his mom at an art exhibit in Taipei lived out what was probably his (and his mother's) worst nightmare when he tripped next...

The Unhappiest Place on Earth: Banksy's Dismaland

Artist calls his creation 'a festival of art, amusements, and entry-level anarchism'

(Newser) - Cinderella's carriage has crashed, she and the horses are dead, and the paparazzi are hovering over their bodies, snapping away. That's just one attraction in Dismaland , the new Banksy art show in the English resort town of Weston-super-Mare, the Guardian reports. Nearly 60 artists built what Banksy calls...

New Video Could Crack One of World's Great Art Heists

$5M reward for 13 priceless artworks stolen from Boston museum 25 years ago

(Newser) - The FBI hopes new surveillance footage released today will aid in the recovery of 13 priceless artworks stolen 25 years ago and help put to rest one of Boston's greatest mysteries. In the early hours of March 18, 1990, two men dressed as cops were let into the Gardner...

At Long-Dead Artist's Home, a 'Once-in-a-Century' Find

Art experts find unknown Thomas Cole murals, painted around 1836

(Newser) - Art experts working at the summer home and gallery of 19th-century American artist Thomas Cole simply wanted to figure out the original color of the walls. Instead, paint analyst Matthew Mosca uncovered an incredible find: previously unknown friezes on the original plaster of the Catskill, NY, farmhouse, hidden behind layers...

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