
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Boston Show Tries Out Imus Sidekick
Boston Show Tries Out Imus Sidekick

Boston Show Tries Out Imus Sidekick

Bernard McGuirk set off scandal; auditions to be Tom Finneran's co-host

(Newser) - Don Imus's old sidekick Bernard McGuirk will audition live next week to be the co-host of "Finneran's Forum," a morning political talk show on Boston's WRKO. McGuirk set off last month's controversy by calling the Rutgers womens' basketball team "hard-core hos." But his potential future co-host,...

Clear Channel Board Takes Private Equity Bait

(Newser) - After months of stops and starts, Clear Channel's board today gave the green light to a $19.5 billion buyout offer. The communications giant bit after Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital, which have been bidding since November, gained the backing of two large shareholders. The successful offer was...

XM Fans Irate at Shock Jock Suspension

Opie & Anthony, kicked off airwaves, now in trouble on satellite

(Newser) - Fans of "The Opie & Anthony Show" cancelled their satellite radio subscriptions by the hundreds after XM slapped the shock-jock duo with a 30-day suspension earlier this week. Subscribers are accusing the station—which promises uncensored content—of pandering to the FCC so they won't block a pending merger...

Limbaugh Defends 'Magic Negro' Song
Limbaugh Defends 'Magic Negro' Song

Limbaugh Defends 'Magic Negro' Song

Obama dismisses controversy over derogatory ditty

(Newser) - A song on Rush Limbaugh's radio show that derides Barack Obama is sparking controversy—but not with Obama. In perhaps the most devastating response a blowhard shock jock can provoke, the senator says he hasn't heard the song. Limbaugh has been playing "Barack the Magic Negro" (sung to the...

Imus Will Sue CBS for $40 Mil Left on Contract

Shock jock Won't Go Quietly

(Newser) - Don Imus is off the airwaves but not finished fighting: He's hired First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus to help him sue CBS. Sources tell Fortune that Imus's five-year, $50 million contract guaranteed him a warning before his routinely foul mouth got him fired; without it, he may be owed the...

Champ Claims NASCAR is Rigged
Champ Claims NASCAR is Rigged

Champ Claims NASCAR is Rigged

Officials throw bogus caution flags to shape races, Stewart says

(Newser) - Two-time champion Tony Stewart charges that NASCAR is rigged like pro wrestling. He said officials control races by throwing bogus caution flags for debris on the track. “They can almost dictate the race instead of the drivers doing it. It’s happened too many times this year," said...

Radio Replaces Commercials With Sponsors

Dallas station moves to keep up with the iPod generation

(Newser) - In a throwback to the days of Texaco Star Theater and the Colgate Comedy Hour, a Clear Channel radio station has ditched spot ads in favor of hourly corporate sponsors. In an effort to compete with uninterrupted satellite radio and mp3 players, DJs on KZPS-FM in Dallas will pepper their...

Phillies Manager Assaults Reporter
Phillies Manager Assaults Reporter

Phillies Manager Assaults Reporter

Manuel physically restrained from attacking radio host

(Newser) - In a confrontation in his office, Philadelphia manager Charlie Manuel blew up at radio host and long-time Manuel goad Howard Eskin and threatend to take him down. Later, in the Phillies clubhouse, two coaches physically restrained Manuel from making good on his threat.  Eskin had enraged the manager by...

Kerry Says Imus Shouldn't Have Been Fired

"To me it was in the hands of the young women"

(Newser) - John Kerry defended Don Imus in a TV interview last night, saying CBS should have suspended the shock jock, not fired him. The network should have waited to make its move, he suggested, until after Imus met with the Rutgers team. "To me it was in the hands of...

Democratic Soapbox Disappears With Imus

Politicians fear losing a pipeline to white male voters

(Newser) - The cancellation of the Don Imus' show creates a vacuum for Democratic pols  who've used it to reach the white, politically independent men that were Imus's prime audience, the LA Times reports. Democratic candidates like Joe Lieberman,  Chris Dodd, John Kerry, and Harold E. Ford were among those who...

Fired Imus Meets Players
Fired Imus Meets Players

Fired Imus Meets Players

(Newser) - Don Imus sat down with the Rutgers women’s basketball team last night, hours after he became a former radio star for calling them “nappy-headed hos.”  The meeting, which included their coaches and parents, took place at the New Jersey governor’s mansion, whose proprietor, Jon Corzine,...

CBS Pulls the Plug on Imus
CBS Pulls the Plug on Imus

CBS Pulls the Plug on Imus

After a week of rants and apologies, it all finally hits the WFAN

(Newser) - CBS  has fired Don Imus, in a surprise move a week after the jockey called the Rutgers womens' basketball team "nappy headed hos," provoking a war of words over race in America. CBS Prez Les Moonves finally announced the decision today, citing the feelings of "young women...



(Newser) - MSNBC dropped toxic shock jock Don Imus this afternoon, after a day in which companies, pols, and network execs couldn't distance themselves from the host fast enough. The announcement came after General Motors and Sprint Nextel, the show's two biggest advertisers, pulled their sponsorship, and prez contender Barack Obama, intiially...

Advertisers Dump Imus
Dump Imus

Advertisers Dump Imus

Procter & Gamble and others pull ad dollars after racist comment

(Newser) - Piling on to the mounting outrage against Don Imus, three advertisers have pulled their support from the CBS radio show or its simulcast MSNBC TV program. The three include marketing heavyweight Procter & Gamble, Staples and Bigelow Tea, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Rutgers Coach Fires at Imus
Rutgers Coach Fires at Imus

Rutgers Coach Fires at Imus

(Newser) - Rutgers coach Vivian Stringer struck back at Don Imus in a press conference today, calling his comments " deplorable, despicable and unconscionable"—but confirming that her players will meet with the foul-mouthed radio host. Stringer says her players are "valedictorians, future doctors, musical prodigies," not the' "...

Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension
Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension

Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension

(Newser) - Five days after characterizing the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed ho's," renegade radio personality  Don Imus received a two-week suspension from NBC News and CBS Radio, along with a mandate that he must change the tone of his show, the Times reported. Imus made a contrite appearance...

Imus, Sharpton Square Off
Imus, Sharpton Square Off

Imus, Sharpton Square Off

After "stupid" remarks from former and ire from latter, hosts to meet on-air

(Newser) -  Two of the loudest personalities on the FM dial will publicly brawl today when right-leaning mock jock Don Imus visits Al Sharpton’s syndicated show, days after characterizing the black-leaning Rutgers basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” The always-vociferous Sharpton wants Imus fired, and Imus—no shrinking violet...

Imus in Hot Water Again
Imus in Hot Water Again

Imus in Hot Water Again

Uses racial and gender inappropriate epithets to describe Rutgers women's basketball team

(Newser) - Earlier this week during his syndicated show simulcast on MSNBC and CBS radio station WFAN Don Imus called the Rutgers Women's basketball team "nappy headed hoes," initiating a firestorm of criticism.  The politically incorrect shock jock now admits that his remarks were "inappropriate, thoughtless and stupid....

News Wars
News Wars

News Wars

PBS takes on the future of news

(Newser) - From “infosnacking” to “hyperlocal” news, there is a whole new terminology describing the evolution of news, particularly the move to online news.  The PBS show Frontline has developed a four-part series that examines the ‘News Wars’ taking place all around us. 



How do you make beloved public radio program This American Life work on TV?

(Newser) - Stevenson Swanson wonders how and weather Chicago Public Radio god Ira Glass can really do a television show and, even more daring, a show for the premium cable only network, Showtime.

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>