State Department

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Clinton's Great, But Not a Fit at State
 Clinton's Great, 
 But Not a Fit at State 

Clinton's Great, But Not a Fit at State

Obama needs 'an agent, not an author'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton would probably do a good job as secretary of State, but giving her the post would be a mistake, writes David Broder in the Washington Post. “It’s not the best use of her talents, and it’s certainly not the best fit for this president.”...

Report: Clinton Will Be Secretary of State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will accept Barack Obama's offer to become secretary of state, the Guardian reports. The president-elect's team does not anticipate problems arising from an ongoing examination of the records of Bill Clinton's foundation, clearing the way for Obama's fiercest primary rival to embody his stated ambition to assemble a...

Picking Hillary: Pros and Cons
 Picking Hillary: 
 Pros and Cons 

Picking Hillary: Pros and Cons

Pundits split on merits of Clinton as Obama's most powerful cabinet member

(Newser) - Barack Obama is widely reported to be considering Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, causing a storm of speculation over the pros and cons of the choice.
  • The case for Clinton is plain, Jake Tapper writes at ABC News. She's smart, strong, experienced, reasonably diplomatic—and she's familiar with many

Obama Mulls Richardson, Clinton for Sec. of State

President-elect offered job to former rival at last night's meeting: source

(Newser) - Barack Obama is considering Hillary Clinton and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson for the job of Secretary of State, the Huffington Post reports. Democratic officials say he met with Clinton yesterday and Richardson today to weigh which former foe to bring into his administration. Two officials say he offered Clinton...

Diplomats See Risk in Handing Posts to Obama Pals

Friends, big donors often get cushy ambassadorships, to chagrin of lifers

(Newser) - Could Barack Obama make Oprah Winfrey an ambassador? It’s an all-too-plausible scenario, the Chicago Tribune reports, assuming Winfrey was willing to leave her TV career. Presidents typically give out roughly a third of the 200 ambassadorships to friends and political allies, and, in a first, the American Academy of...

Obama Held Secret Meeting With Hillary

Clinton's visit to Chicago last night turns up volume on Secretary-of-State buzz

(Newser) - Barack Obama held a hush-hush meeting with Hillary Clinton yesterday, fueling rumors his former rival could be offered the Secretary of State post in his Cabinet. Journalists following Obama last night spotted an unidentified motorcade of about three SUVs pulling out of Obama’s transition headquarters in Chicago, minutes before...

Jockeying for State Dept. Job Under Way

HIspanic groups push Richardson, but Kerry may have inside track

(Newser) - As Barack Obama deliberates his Cabinet choices, the chorus of "Pick me! Pick me!" begins in earnest, with many eyes on Condoleezza Rice's chair, reports the Wall Street Journal. Hispanic groups are pushing for their own Bill Richardson, a former presidential rival who ultimately endorsed Obama. But...

Petraeus Panel to Rethink Iraq, Afghan Strategy

General assembles brain trust for 100-day review of regional efforts

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus is assembling a panel of experts to carefully reconsider US strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Pakistan, Iran and the surrounding region, reports the Washington Post. He's recruiting a handpicked brain trust of advisers from the private sector, State Department and Pentagon. The group will...

US May Yank N. Korea Off Terror List

Strategy to restart nuclear diplomacy

(Newser) - The US is expected to provisionally remove North Korea from the State Department's list of state sponsors of terrorism, possibly as early as today, reports the Washington Post. It may be the Bush administration's last "carrot" to offer as diplomatic efforts to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear...

Rice Laments Lack of Black Diplomats

Calls shortage of African-Americans 'unacceptable'

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice may be the second African American to become secretary of state, but she remains unimpressed by the number of blacks in the foreign service. "I can go into a whole day of meetings at the Department of State and actually rarely see somebody who looks like me....

Rice Set for Historic Meet With Gadhafi

First secretary of state visit to Libya in 55 years

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice will become  first US secretary of state to visit Libya since the Eisenhower administration when she meets Friday with leader Moammar Gadhafi, reports the Voice of America. The meeting demonstrates the radical improvement in relations between the two nations since Gadhafi turned away from terrorism and scrapped Libya's...

Bush Ordered Troop Surge Over Internal Opposition

State Dept., Pentagon, military leaders were split over plan

(Newser) - President Bush’s 2007 addition of 20,000 troops in Iraq helped stabilize the country —but advisers didn’t support the idea until the situation there looked like “civil war,” in the CIA’s words. Instead, the Pentagon wanted to shift responsibilities to Iraqi troops; the State...

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War
 Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Part of plot to win votes for McCain, he claims

(Newser) - Invoking the era of Cold War conspiracies, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of sparking conflict in Georgia to give John McCain a campaign boost. “They need a small victorious war,” the told CNN. He insisted the US encouraged Georgia to attack their two breakaway...

On Land and Sea, Passport Info in the Cards

State Dept.'s new high-tech 'document' features built-in chip

(Newser) - Starting this month, US residents have the option to use a wallet-size passport card instead of the traditional booklet when crossing land and sea borders, the Miami Herald reports. The cards, which aren't accepted for air travel, cost less than standard passports and speed the border-crossing process. The State Department...

Russia Opens Second Front in Georgia
 Russia Opens
 Second Front
 in Georgia

Russia Opens Second Front in Georgia

(Newser) - Russia opened a second front of fighting in Georgia today, sending armored vehicles beyond two breakaway provinces and seizing a military base and police stations in the country's west, officials told the AP. Meanwhile, the US State Department evacuated more than 170 American civilians to Armenia. The new forays into...

US Expands Visa Program for Iraqis Tenfold

5,000 allies, plus families, can come to America annually

(Newser) - The US embassy in Baghdad announced a major expansion of its visa program for Iraqi employees of the American government, raising tenforld the number of work permits it currently offers. The move is the latest step by the Bush administration to answer criticism that it has neglected the Iraqis, particularly...

Gov't Workers Peeked at Celeb Passport Data

Report suggests 127 million Americans' information unsafe

(Newser) - Government employees have been taking unauthorized peeks at electronic passport records of celebrities, says a State Department report that suggests the travel data of 127 million Americans is at risk. One high-profile person's records were opened 356 times by more than six dozen people, the Washington Post reports. Five contractors...

White House in Loop on Troubling Iraq Oil Deal

Bush crony's Kurdistan deal undermined Baghdad government

(Newser) - The State Department was fully aware that a Texas firm linked to President Bush planned to sign a controversial Kurdistan oil deal that undermined the Iraqi government, reports the New York Times. Documents released by a congressional committee yesterday reveal that Hunt Oil—run by a close associate of the...

Mandela Finally Removed From US Terror List

US takes icon off terrorist watch list

(Newser) - Former South African President Nelson Mandela is finally being removed from US terrorism watch lists, CNN reports. The 90-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate was designated a terrorist because he battled against the old apartheid regime in South Africa. His name was never officially removed from the US lists until a...

US Axes Fulbrights for 8 Palestinians

Israel won't let the students leave Gaza to study abroad

(Newser) - Eight Palestinians have had their Fulbright scholarships taken away because Israel won't grant them visas to leave the Gaza Strip, reports the New York Times. Israel has isolated Gaza since Hamas took control of the territory last year. The State Department has allocated the prestigious scholarships to students the West...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>