
Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>

Google Stokes Wireless Competition With $4.6B Bid

Search giant set to buy wireless frequencies

(Newser) - Google is poised to bid $4.6 billion in the upcoming federal auction of wireless frequencies,  to create a national broadband network that could challenge the dominance of companies like AT&T and Comcast. If Google's bid triumphs, the web search giant could expand into selling Internet, telephone and...

Market Backs Off Milestone
Market Backs Off Milestone

Market Backs Off Milestone

After flirtation with 14K, reality bites

(Newser) - A week of record highs ended with a thump today as the major markets plummeted after a flurry of disappointing quarterly earnings reports. The Dow, which crested 14,000 yesterday, dropped 149.33 to close at 13,851.08, off more than 1%. The S&P 500, beset by worries...

Google Hears New Cell Service Calling
Google Hears New Cell Service Calling

Google Hears New Cell Service Calling

Web giant boosts wireless profile with move into mobile media

(Newser) - Google is taking its business to a smaller screen with the development of a search tool to help cellphone users find and purchase content. Sources tell the Wall Street Journal the company hopes to tap into the small but lucrative world of mobile media, expanding beyond simple Web searches to...

The Top 10 Moments of the eCommerce Decade

(Newser) - The Software & Information Industry Association has rolled out its list of the top 10 e-commerce developments of the past decade:
  1. Google (Sept. 1998)
  2. Broadband Penetration of U.S. Internet Users Reaches 50% (June 2004)
  3. eBay Auctions (launched Sept. 1997)
  4. (IPO May 1997):
  5. Google Ad Words (2000)

How to Survive the Email Onslaught
How to Survive the Email Onslaught

How to Survive the Email Onslaught

Salon surveys advice for those losing the battle with their deluged inboxes

(Newser) - A spate of new survival manuals is addressing the problem of swamped inboxes, writes Salon's Scott Rosenberg. But how does one navigate through the sea of attachments, spam, and forwarded off-color jokes? Most experts agree on striving for emptiness: delete ruthlessly.

Airwaves Sale to Break Open Cell Phone Biz

New access could loosen grip of telecom giants

(Newser) - An auction of government-owned frequencies could break open the cell phone industry and loosen the grip of giant telecom carriers, the Wall Street Journal reports. The FCC is likely to set aside a band of radio-spectrum frequencies for an open network free of restraints imposed by Verizon and AT&T....

Corporate Blog Makes Trouble for Google

Employee's movie review draws attention to corporate communication tool

(Newser) - In case anyone missed the first apology, Google is still sorry for an employee's post on a corporate blog. Her reaction to Michael Moore's "Sicko"—a suggestion that health-care companies buy Google ads to offset his accusations and burnish their reputations—has outraged bloggers and prompted two separate...

Google's Got Your Number
Google's Got Your Number

Google's Got Your Number

Giant buys company that consolidates all your phones, voicemail accounts

(Newser) - Google extended its recent buying spree by snatching up a cutting-edge internet service that consolidates consumers' phone numbers and provides unified voicemail access via a single web account. The acquisition of GrandCentral Communications is expected to lead to Google's own online phone service to rival Skype and Vonage, reports PC ...

PR Firms Target Customers' Google Reputations

Imagemakers offer services to improve web persona and dodge bloggers

(Newser) - If your first hit on Google feels like a mafia hit, don't despair. Firms like ReputationDefender and Reputation Management offer clients an enhanced image on the top search engine by creating links, sites, YouTube videos, and MySpace profiles that promote positive Google results, and lower the pageranks of defamatory comments.

Battle for Tech-Savvy New Grads Heats Up

Geeks are a hot commodity on the job market

(Newser) - Demand for students and recent grads with top-notch tech skills is higher than it's been in over a decade, thanks in part to banks and securities firms waging the recruiting wars alongside Silicon Valley giants such as Google. Bloomberg goes inside the process of wooing the so-called millennials, born between...

Google Court Filing Cranks Up Heat on Microsoft

Request to extend consent decree points to potential problems with Vista changes

(Newser) - As if their relations weren't frosty enough, Google has asked a federal judge to extend the consent decree and judicial supervision Microsoft has operated under for nearly 5 years. Microsoft responded to a Google complaint last week by agreeing to modify the desktop-search function in its new Vista OS, but...

German Privacy Laws Threaten Gmail Service

Facing new data rules, firm would rather switch than fight

(Newser) - Google will halt Gmail service in Germany next year if the country enacts aggressive surveillance legislation pending in the Bundestag. The law, which reflects EU regs on data retention, would compel telecom companies to keep records of Internet and phone activity for 6 months, Der Spiegel reports. A company consultant...

Mobile Servers Save Energy, Add Capacity

Sun packages extra processing power in steel shipping containers

(Newser) - Sun Microsystems has a solution for the booming demand for network space, and as a bonus, it lowers energy use: packing servers into steel shipping containers that can be parked wherever they're needed. It's called Project Blackbox, and Sun says it reduces power consumption by 20%. The giant 20-foot boxes...

Google Complaint Spurs Vista Revision

Microsoft responds to antitrust action with change to desktop search feature

(Newser) - Microsoft has caved in to Google's antitrust complaints and agreed to alter the search tools in its new Vista operating system by the end of the year. The move is a victory for Google, which complained to antitrust regulators that Vista's hard-drive indexing was difficult to switch off and made...

eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads
eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads

eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads

Auction site drops search giant's marketing tools after weeklong spat

(Newser) - Online auction powerhouse eBay broke a multi-million-dollar "keyword" advertising deal with Google, ostensibly after the search engine threw a party in Boston that crowded an eBay conference. But the boycott on search-driven spots also comes as Google's online payment feature Checkout elbows in on eBay-owned PayPal's territory.

Google Amps Up Privacy Protections
Google Amps Up Privacy Protections

Google Amps Up Privacy Protections

Search engine vows to 'radically redesign' security features

(Newser) - Google promised to step up its privacy protection yesterday, after European officials rebuked the search giant for storing data that could reveal political opinions, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences. Google will limit the amount of time it retains user data to 18 months and will "radically design" its cookie...

Google Flunks Privacy Probe
Google Flunks Privacy Probe

Google Flunks Privacy Probe

"Don't be evil" motto questioned after search giant rated worst on web for user protection

(Newser) - Google ranks dead last among Internet sites for protecting user privacy, a new study by watchdog group Privacy International concludes. In its 6-month analysis of top e-commerce, social networking, e-mail, and search sites, PI singled out Google for what it called a "entrenched hostility to privacy," citing fuzzy...

Google Shows You the World, and Vice Versa

New function zooms in so close that privacy worries show up

(Newser) - A new Google Maps service that offers detailed views from the streets of major cities is provoking worries about privacy—and moving users to close their blinds. The Street View function gets so up close and personal, the Times reports, that one woman was able to zero in on her...

Google Grabs for Microsoft Territory

With new app, Schmidt and company gear up for offline revolution

(Newser) - Google is releasing its first ever hard-drive-based application, in what some tech watchers are calling a charge onto Microsoft's turf. Google Gears, an open-source browser extension now in beta, will allow users to operate Google programs without a web connection—a domain Gates, Ballmer, and co. have traditionally ruled.

Wall Street Mogul Starts N(ew)FL
Wall Street Mogul Starts N(ew)FL

Wall Street Mogul Starts N(ew)FL

Investment banker, Google exec lay groundwork to challenge NFL next year

(Newser) - Wall Street renegade Bill Hambrecht is taking on one of America's biggest monopolies and launching his own professional football league. The United Football League plans to launch its challenge to the NFL's hegemony in 2008 with eight teams in non-NFL markets, including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Mexico City. One...

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>