
Stories 161 - 176 | << Prev 

MTV Banks on Vice Video
MTV Banks
on Vice Video

MTV Banks on Vice Video

Online VBS.tv sticks with mag’s ‘raw’ aesthetic, is a training ground for TV content

(Newser) - MTV has put its hippest foot forward with VBS.tv, the online video channel run by Vice magazine’s editors. The web presence, originally pitched as “‘60 Minutes’ meets ‘Jackass,’” is a toehold in youth web programming, the Times reports. “Our aesthetic is raw,...

Former FBI, CIA Agent Had Hezbollah Ties

Lebanese immigrant scammed entry, snooped in FBI files

(Newser) - Lebanese native Nada Nadim Prouty overstayed her student visa, obtained US citizenship through a sham marriage, waitressed at a Detroit restaurant suspected of laundering money for Hezbollah, and became a CIA agent with access to sensitive intelligence. The case of Prouty, who tapped into government computers to obtain information about...

Lebanon MPs Deadlock, But Deal Looms

After last week's killing, possible presidential compromise awaits

(Newser) - As expected, the Lebanese parliament deadlocked today as it tried to select a successor to outgoing president Émile Lahoud. But after last week's assassination of an anti-Syrian MP, this week brought promising signs of a compromise between the ruling party and more pro-Syrian opposition groups, including Hezbollah. Another vote...

Judge Fines Iran $2.65B for '83 Blast in Beirut

Families of 241 slain servicemen awarded record amount

(Newser) - A federal judge ruled today that Iran must pay $2.65 billion to the families of the 241 Americans killed in the 1983 suicide bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut. Iran allegedly supported Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which claimed responsibility for the attack. The judge called the judgment the...

Lebanese Hopes Pinned to Reluctant Billionaire

Can a $2.3B fortune keep Saad Hariri alive long enough to become PM?

(Newser) - Portfolio profiles Saad Hariri, the billionaire who now leads Lebanon's pro-Western majority party and America's last, best Middle Eastern hope. Hariri, pulled into politics when his former-PM father was assassinated in 2005, spends most of his days barricaded inside his Beirut mansion, trying to avoid being murdered by Hezbollah guerrillas.

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll
US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

US Blames Iran for Bomb Toll

Record number of fatalitles linked to EFP attacks

(Newser) - A sophisticated bomb that the US military has tracked to Iran was used in a record number of attacks on American-led troops last month, the New York Times reports. The  bombs—called explosively formed penetrators—fire  a semi-molten copper slug that can break through the armor of a Humvee. They...

Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat
Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat

Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat

Former president defeated in race for murdered son's seat

(Newser) - The complex political crisis in Lebanon deepened yesterday when a Christian opposition candidate  defeated a  pro-government former president in a special parliamentary election—one of two held to fill seats of anti-Syrian politicians assassinated last year. Ex-president Amin Gemayel, a key player in the US backed majority coalition, was running...

White House Proposes $43B in Mideast Military Aid

Rice pitches strategy to help contain Iran

(Newser) - More than $43 billion in US military aid is earmarked for the Middle East, Reuters reports, part of a strategy to fight terrorism and counterbalance Iran. The outlays, which require congressional approval, include $13 billion to Egypt, $30 billion to Israel, and an unspecified amount to Saudi Arabia and other...

Resurgent Al-Qaeda Poised to Strike US

New report says terror group poses 'persistent and evolving threat'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda’s mounting presence in Iraq may lead to an attack on US soil within the next three years, a new intelligence report finds. The group’s Iraqi affiliate is building resources, animating Sunni extremists, and recruiting new members. The document also says that Hezbollah and non-Muslim radical groups pose...

Olmert Gets Assist From Barak, Perez

Old allies pull Israeli prime minister back from brink of disaster

(Newser) - Ehud Olmer's year and a half in office have been a calamity for Israel—the election of Hamas in Palestine, the breakdown of the peace process, the botched war with Hezbollah, the Hamas takeover of Gaza. But the profoundly unpopular PM, whose approval rating sank to 3%, is actually in...

Iran ID’ed Working With Iraq Militants

US arrests Hezbollah go-between in Iraq; cites training camps in Iran

(Newser) - The US military has accused Iran’s Revolutionary Guard of aiding Iraqi militants in a devastating January attack and of using Hezbollah as a go-between to arm violent Shiites in that country. In March coalition forces arrested a Hezbollah operative suspected of liaising between Iran and a group led by...

Lebanon Under Seige
Lebanon Under Seige

Lebanon Under Seige

(Newser) - Economist Middle East correspondent Max Rodenbeck takes us on a painful amble through the history of modern Lebanon.   He sees Lebanon as a Manichean society where the wealthy live next to the poor, the religious coexist (sort of) with the secular, the pro-Syrian are at odds with the pro-Israeli.

Abbas Swears in New Gov't
Abbas Swears in New Gov't

Abbas Swears in New Gov't

Outlaws militant arm of Hamas

(Newser) - Mahmoud Abbas swore in his emergency government today, 3 days after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip. Salam Fayyad, a former World Bank economist, will head the new government, composed largely of independents. Unsurprisingly, Hamas says it will not recognize Abbas's regime, and declares the original unity government still...

Israel Cautiously Invites Syria to the Table

Olmert denounces war, hints back-door deals may end in peace talks

(Newser) - Israel's PM deflected fears of a war with Syria today, and fueled semi-official rumors that peace talks are going on furtively between the two hostile countries. Olmert says he wants a sitdown with Syria—which would be the first in seven years—but warned president Assad that talks would not...

Olmert Braces For Possible Summer Ouster

Report critical of Lebanon war may doom Israeli PM

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert may be forced out of office to avoid dragging the Kadima party down with him, Haaretz reports. Quoting a senior party official, the newspaper says the Israeli Prime Minister may resign this summer as part of the fallout from a government report on the run-up to and conduct...

Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel
Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel

Klein: War on Terror Has Hurt Israel

Hawks in the Bush administration were pro-Israel, but the results weren't

(Newser) - "As a Jew, I am embarrassed by the role that so many prominent Jews have had in empowering the enemy," Joe Klein writes in a blog from Jerusalem, noting the number of neoconservatives in the Bush  war machine who had close ties to the Israeli government. Klein says...

Stories 161 - 176 | << Prev