Republican presidential primaries

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Iowa Caucuses: Mitt Romney, GOP Avoiding the State as It Swings Right
 From Iowa 
Election 2012

Romney, Others Running From Iowa

As state leans right, it seems less important

(Newser) - The Iowa caucus might have gotten too conservative for its own good: The 2012 presidential contenders are spending less time in the state than usual, and others are avoiding it altogether, the AP reports. Mitt Romney in particular is MIA, which makes sense, given that he spent $10 million and...

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

 Majority of GOP 
 Now Birthers 
Poll Results:

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

And that's likely to hurt Mitt Romney's primary chances

(Newser) - The birthers are multiplying—and they could have a real impact on the Republican presidential primary. In a new survey, 51% of those who say they’ll vote in the primary also say they don’t believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to Public Policy Polling...

Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President
 Meet the GOP's 
 Gay Candidate 
 for President 


Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President

'Fred Who?' a longshot, but openly gay candidate breaking ground

(Newser) - The Republicans' best-formed candidate for 2012 isn't Romney or Huckabee: It's Fred Karger, a little-known conservative and longtime GOP operative—who happens to be openly gay. Karger is pounding the pavement in Iowa and New Hampshire, reports the Guardian , and he would be the country's first homosexual candidate for president....

CPAC Kicks Off 2012 GOP Race

Contenders vie to define themselves in speeches, straw poll

(Newser) - The race to the 2012 GOP presidential nomination begins in earnest tomorrow, when the annual Conservative Political Action Committee shindig kicks off in Washington. Nearly all the party’s hopefuls will be there—with the notable exceptions of Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee—vying both to define themselves against the...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

Trouble for Romney? '08 Backers Keep Quiet

Former governor has little support in Iowa, South Carolina

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may be “the nearest thing the GOP has to a frontrunner,” but the path ahead of him is looking thorny: many of the key supporters of his 2008 campaign haven’t committed to supporting him in 2012, writes Jonathan Martin in Politico . In fact, some former...

Obama's Ambassador Eyes 2012 Run Against Him

Jon Huntsman's DC home purchase may signal potential White House run

(Newser) - Who's the moderate conservative, Mormon ex-governor making ripples in the 2012 presidential pool? Not Mitt Romney—meet Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah who President Obama appointed ambassador to China in 2009. The move, seen as an effort to neutralize the only potential rival who made Team Obama "...

Gingrich 'Very Serious' About Presidential Run: Daughter

Jackie Gingrich Cushman says dad is 'very concerned' about country

(Newser) - It’s presidential primary speculation season, and Jackie Gingrich Cushman thinks you should pencil in her dad as a probable candidate. "He’s very serious" about running, she tells Human Events . “He’s much more serious than he ever has been. And I can tell that because we...

Republican Hopefuls for 2012 Taking It Slow

Don't expect formal candidates until February at the earliest

(Newser) - Five Republicans had filed to run for the presidential nomination at this time four years ago; right now, there isn’t one. We can’t expect any formal declarations until February at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Why? For one thing, the first primaries won’t happen until...

Palin in Iowa, Sparking 2012 Speculation

Former governor could be gearing up for presidential bid

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at the Iowa Republican Party's Ronald Reagan Dinner tonight, an engagement widely seen as a possible step toward a 2012 presidential bid, the Washington Post reports. The dinner is an early hurdle for prospective GOP candidates, and Palin's influence is at a high...

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely
 Gingrich: 2012 
 Bid Looking 
 More Likely 

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely

Newt thinks Barack Obama's sure to lose

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says there's “more of a possibility now” that he'll run for president in 2012 than there was in 2008, but that he'll only do it if he can “raise the resources to be a serious, major candidate.” He tells Politico he'll make a decision in...

Would-Be 2012 Challengers Rush to Web

Republican candidates establish themselves online

(Newser) - Barack Obama ruled the web in 2008, and his prospective 2012 challengers don't want to let it happen again. They're all investing heavily in their online presence, Politico reports. From Newt Gingrich, who's built a sophisticated micro-targeting operation, to Sarah Palin, who's hired a couple of guys who made a...

'Vampire' to Run for President
 'Vampire' to Run for President 

'Vampire' to Run for President

Jonathon 'The Impaler' Sharkey wants the GOP nomination

(Newser) - Look out, Sarah Palin: There’s a new force vying for the GOP presidential nomination, and he is powered by the blood of others. Meet Jonathon “the Impaler” Sharkey, a 45-year-old Floridian and self-proclaimed descendant of Vlad II the Impaler, who yesterday announced that he was filing papers to...

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run
Howard Kurtz

Huckabee's Fox Gig Perfect for a Presidential Run

...If he were running, which he's totally not. Really. Maybe.

(Newser) - Listen to Mike Huckabee unload on Obama ("he's never run even a Sno-Cone stand") on his Fox News show and you'd probably conclude he's running for president in 2012, writes Howard Kurtz. Huckabee insists that he’s unconcerned with his political career, that he’s really not sure...

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee
 Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee 

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee

Winner-take-all primaries favor unpopular Palin

(Newser) - She may be hugely polarizing, but Sarah Palin’s the odds-on favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, thanks to the party’s winner-take-all primary system. The party establishment may not want Palin, but if she can maintain, say, 35% support in a multi-candidate field, she could win...

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run
 You Betcha: Palin Won't Run 

You Betcha: Palin Won't Run

She has nothing to gain, and no hope of victory

(Newser) - Tom Schaller is so sure that Sarah Palin won’t run in 2012, and wouldn’t be nominated if she did, that he’s made a bet on it with fellow writer Nate Silver. Schaller’s argument, in a nutshell, is that short of winning the presidency or...

Romney Emerges as GOP's 2012 Frontrunner: Poll

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is heating up—at least in a Gallup poll of Republican voters. CQ Politics looks at the results, which have former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney out front, with 26% saying he should top the GOP ticket. Sarah Palin snags 21%, Mike Huckabee gets 19%, and Newt...

Palin's Haul From Small Donors Echoes Obama: Silver

60% of war chest in chunks under $200

(Newser) - The nearly $1 million raised by Sarah Palin’s political action committee this year is not in itself all that impressive, writes Nate Silver for After all, her figures are dwarfed by Republican players with significantly less star power. But Palin’s fundraising numbers reveal a true strength:...

Sources: Palin Done With Politics

(Newser) - Sources close to Sarah Palin say the Alaska governor intends to leave politics entirely—and not focus on a 2012 presidential bid—when her resignation becomes official later this month, Andrea Mitchell reported today on MSNBC. The Republican, under fire at home over ethics complaints and from various media outlets...

Team Romney Ready for 2012 Run

(Newser) - Mitt Romney says he’s not running for office, but his former aides don’t believe him, Politico reports. Romney’s campaign staff never really disbanded. Loyalists meet in Washington every month, hold fundraisers, brief Romney on current events, and strategically publicize his every move. It’s a turnkey political...

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