
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Castro Backs Cuban Athlete Who Kicked Ref

Accuses Matos' opponent of trying to fix fight

(Newser) - An ailing Fidel Castro expressed "total solidarity" today with a Cuban martial artist who kicked an Olympics referee in the face, the AP reports. Castro supported a claim by the taekwondo athlete's coach that the contest was fixed and marred by a bribery attempt. "They had tried to...

Fla. Keys Unfazed by Fay
 Fla. Keys
 Unfazed by Fay

Fla. Keys Unfazed by Fay

Residents dismiss storm that scares off tourists

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Fay has scared off tourists but left laid-back Florida Key residents unconcerned, the AP reports. "We're not worried about it. We've seen this movie before," said one Floridian who was stocking up on food and whiskey today. The storm that killed at least eight in Haiti...

Fay May Hit Fla. as Hurricane
 Fay May Hit Fla. as Hurricane

Fay May Hit Fla. as Hurricane

Tropical storm carries 50 mph winds

(Newser) - Tourists were ordered to evacuate the Florida Keys this morning, as Tropical Storm Fay, which has already killed six in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, is expected to hit the Keys as soon as midnight tonight, the Miami Herald reports. With winds at 50mph and rising, Fay could be a...

Storm Kills 4 in Haiti; Fla. Preps for 'Disaster'

(Newser) - Flooding from Tropical Storm Fay killed four people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and authorities warned Saturday that the storm could reach hurricane strength as it barreled toward Cuba. Florida's Gov. Charlie Crist declared a state of emergency and said Fay threatened the state with a "major disaster....

Putin Pushes to Renew Russia's Influence in Cuba

Military move under consideration in response to NATO 'buffer zone'

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is pushing for a renewal of Russia’s former presence in Cuba, the AP reports. “We should restore our position in Cuba and other countries,” the president-turned-PM said after a briefing by diplomats returned from Cuba. Though a military presence on the island wasn’t specifically...

Cuban Youth Prefer Facebook to Revolution

They're resigned to small freedoms, not sweeping change

(Newser) - Cuba's youth are restless, but many are more concerned about access to Facebook, flat-screen TVs, and trips abroad than political change, reports the Christian Science Monitor. Young people say that they pressured Raul Castro to allow cell phone and computer ownership, but they remain disillusioned about the prospects for greater...

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro
McCain Ad
Links Obama
to Castro

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro

'Guilt by endorsement' ad runs on South Florida websites

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is running an Internet ad composed of photos of Barack Obama and Fidel Castro side by side, with the caption “Fidel Castro thinks he is 'the most advanced candidate,'" the Huffington Post reports. The ad is running on websites catering to South Florida, home to...

Cuba Rebuilds Spy Network in Fla., Agent Says

Ranks swell to about 210 after crackdown 10 years ago

(Newser) - Cuba has rebuilt its spy network in Florida to its highest level in 10 years, a US Army expert on Cuban agents tells the Miami Herald. The FBI rounded up more than a dozen spies in 1998, but they have all been replaced, bringing Florida’s spy population to around...

Bush Could Decide by Weekend to Close Gitmo

Supreme Court's decision has forced administration's hand

(Newser) - President Bush could decide by Saturday to close Guantanamo Bay as a prison for high-value detainees, insiders tell ABC. There is “generally wide agreement” among Bush's top advisers—Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates among them—that Gitmo should eventually be shuttered, but the landmark recent Supreme Court decision undermines...

Elian Spotlight Shows Obama Weak Spot
Elian Spotlight Shows Obama Weak Spot

Elian Spotlight Shows Obama Weak Spot

Legacy of 8-year-old dispute haunts Fla. campaign effort

(Newser) - Eight years after the Elian Gonzalez standoff contributed to Al Gore’s defeat, the row is back in the headlines and causing trouble for Barack Obama. Obama’s stance on Cuban issues, not to mention the prominent roles Elian’s father’s lawyer and a Clinton deputy AG play in...

Chavez: US Confrontation 'Inevitable'
Chavez: US Confrontation 'Inevitable'

Chavez: US Confrontation 'Inevitable'

But Venezuelan leader receives steadying advice from Castro

(Newser) - With the US distracted by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been busy amassing a Latin American power bloc to blunt Washington’s influence. But the firebrand leader, who calls President Bush “the devil” and the US “the empire,” is receiving level-headed...

Elian Case Returns to the Spotlight
Elian Case Returns to
the Spotlight

Elian Case Returns to the Spotlight

Great-uncle criticizes role of Obama aides in custody fight

(Newser) - When the battle over whether to send young Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba raged in 2000, Barack Obama was an Illinois state senator nowhere near the fray. But two of the candidate's current advisers played a role, and that connection has some Cuban-Americans ready to protest the senator's speech this...

Europe Votes to Lift Cuba Sanctions

Washington 'disappointed' by decision

(Newser) - The European Union has agreed to lift sanctions against Cuba, much to the annoyance of the White House. "We see encouraging signs in Cuba and I think that we should show the population in Cuba that we are ready to work with them," an EU official tells the...

Ailing Fidel Appears on TV
Ailing Fidel Appears on TV

Ailing Fidel Appears on TV

Former Cuban president chats with Hugo Chavez about food, fuel crises

(Newser) - An animated Fidel Castro appeared on state-run Cuban TV yesterday, in the first such broadcast of the ailing revolutionary since January. Castro, standing in some parts of the video, was seen chatting in a garden with his brother Raul, the current Cuban president, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the AP...

Prison of Cuban Baseball Ensnares US Agent, Too

Case of Gus Dominguez, now in Calif. prison, sends author on island odyssey

(Newser) - Politics is keeping "at least half a billion dollars of baseball players in Cuba right now," one agent tells Michael Lewis as he investigates, for Vanity Fair, the case of an American sports agent now in jail for smuggling athletes. Gus Dominguez appears to be a victim of...

Hard Workers in Cuba Will Finally Get Their Due

Wages will be tied to productivity

(Newser) - Raul Castro has ordered employers to create new salary structures that include extra pay for increased productivity—a bold departure, by Cuban standards, from Socialist orthodoxy, the Miami Herald reports. Under the current system, workers get a flat fee based on their job descriptions with no hope for incentives. Low...

Cuban Prez OKs Sex Change Operations

Daughter Mariela, who heads sex ed center, pushed for change

(Newser) - Cubans can now have free sex change operations, Reuters reports. The latest legal change under President Raul Castro was pushed by his daughter, Mariela Castro, who heads a sex education center and says she has a 28-person waiting list. Cuba allowed a sex change 20 years ago, but sparked so...

Miami Cubans Toe Softer Line on Embargo
Miami Cubans
Toe Softer Line
on Embargo

Miami Cubans Toe Softer Line on Embargo

'Waving the bloody shirt of anti-Castro politics' may be out of date

(Newser) - In his speech in Miami this week, John McCain talked the familiar macho talk on Cuba, taking a hard line on the embargo and ridiculing Barack Obama for suggesting that he might open a dialogue with Raul Castro. That may still play with older exiles, Time notes, but a growing...

Iceland Most Peaceful Nation
 Iceland Most Peaceful Nation 

Iceland Most Peaceful Nation

Cuba and Libya beat America

(Newser) - Iceland is the world's most peaceful nation, says a new ranking of 140 countries, Reuters reports. Other findings of the Global Peace Index:
  • The US ranked 97th, below Libya, Cuba, Chile, and Belarus.
  • Iraq finished last, edging out Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Israel.

McCain Blasts Obama for Saying He'd Talk to Cuba

Dodd, Richardson strike back, criticize Republicans' hard-line approach

(Newser) - John McCain told Miami’s Cuban community today that Barack Obama would “give hope” to the Havana regime by sitting down with Raul Castro without preconditions, prompting a response from Bill Richardson that McCain was “afraid to talk to bad guys.” Speaking on Cuban Independence Day, the...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>