
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

One Obscure Question Threatens US-Cuba Ties

Can Americans who fled Castro get their stuff back?

(Newser) - As the US and Cuba speed toward renewed relations, an often-overlooked question threatens to gum everything up: Can Americans who fled Castro get their stuff back? At Slate , Seth Stevenson takes a long, fascinating look at the issue of "prior claims," which range from the huge ($268 million...

Woman Falls Off Cruise Ship During Floating Music Fest

Norwegian Pearl crew says she went overboard 'intentionally' near Cuba

(Newser) - For the second time in a week , a person has fallen overboard on a major cruise line's ship. The Miami Herald quotes an emailed statement from Norwegian Cruise Line that says an un-IDed woman was seen Thursday evening "intentionally going overboard" from the deck of the Norwegian Pearl,...

CIA: Yes, We Covered Up the JFK Killing

Report from an in-house CIA magazine says how

(Newser) - Think the CIA played a role in covering up the John F. Kennedy assassination? Now an important source agrees with you: the CIA. According to an article written by the agency's senior in-house historian, the CIA purposely held back information from the Warren Commission, Politico reports. John McCone, then...

Throngs in Havana Give Pope a Hero&#39;s Welcome
 Pope Sits Down 
 With Fidel Castro 

Pope Sits Down With Fidel Castro

Francis delights crowd in Cuba ahead of his US visit

(Newser) - Pope Francis and Fidel Castro, the man who transformed his country through decades of Communism, met today at the revolutionary leader's home shortly after the pope told tens of thousands of Cubans to focus their lives on service to others instead of ideology. Papal spokesman Federico Lombardi says during...

This Sight Hasn't Been Seen in 54 Years

The US flag flies again over the newly opened US embassy in Havana

(Newser) - The Stars and Stripes rose today over the newly opened US embassy in Havana for the first time in 54 years, marking a symbolically charged victory lap for the Obama administration's new policy of engagement with Cuba. It's "a day for pushing aside old barriers and exploring...

How a Secret Pregnancy Nearly Jeopardized US-Cuba Talks

White House worried Adriana Pérez's belly would raise suspicion

(Newser) - The American flag will be raised above a reopened embassy in Havana today for the first time in more than 50 years. It's just the latest sign that US-Cuba relations have been transformed in the last 18 months, but a secret pregnancy could have derailed it all. The New ...

Fidel Castro: US Owes Cuba a Lot of Money

Uses essay on his 89th birthday to complain about embargo

(Newser) - John Kerry arrives in Havana tomorrow to reopen the American embassy , and Fidel Castro apparently wants him to bring a fat wallet. In an essay for his 89th birthday, Castro complains that the US owes his country lots and lots of money because of the trade embargo that's been...

After 54 Years, US, Cuba Reopen Embassies

Historic shift arrived at midnight

(Newser) - More than a half-century of lingering Cold War enmity came to an abrupt but quiet end just after midnight as the United States and Cuba restored full diplomatic relations. The new era began with little fanfare when an agreement between the two nations to resume normal ties on July 20...

2 Cuban Baseball Players Defect to US

Pair stays in North Carolina during exhibition match

(Newser) - Relations between the US and Cuba are warming , but apparently not fast enough for two Cuban baseball players. The pair defected while in the United States for a series of games against US collegians. Official sports website Jit says third baseman Luis Yander La O left the team in North...

US, Cuba Will Reopen Embassies
US, Cuba to Reopen Embassies This Summer

US, Cuba to Reopen Embassies This Summer

It could happen in a matter of weeks

(Newser) - It's another step toward normal relations between the US and Cuba, and it's a big one: The two countries will reopen embassies in each other's capitals this summer. Cuba says the move will happen July 20, though President Obama didn't provide a specific date in his...

Cuba Is First Nation to Reach HIV Milestone

It has wiped out mother-to-baby transmissions, says WHO

(Newser) - On at least one aspect of health care, the world's most advanced nations can now take a back seat to Cuba. The World Health Organization says Cuba has become the first country to eliminate mother-to-baby transmissions of HIV, reports NBC News . The same holds true for syphilis. Cuba did...

US Removes Cuba From Terror List

Move paves way for reopening of embassies

(Newser) - President Obama's push to normalize relations with Cuba keeps steamrolling ahead: The State Department has officially removed Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, reports the BBC . The expected move will likely be followed by the reopening of embassies in the two countries. Obama notified Congress of...

US, Cuba on Verge of Reopening Embassies

Washington talks could iron out final details: official

(Newser) - The US and Cuba are so close to restoring diplomatic ties broken more than 50 years ago that they're now discussing possible dates to have embassies back up and running. Officials say meetings between negotiators beginning today in Washington will serve to iron out final details. "I'm...

We're About to Get Cuba's Lung Cancer Vaccine

Clinical trials of Cimavax could start this year

(Newser) - Closer American ties with one of the world's major cigar exporters could actually be good news in the fight against lung cancer. Cuba has developed Cimavax, an effective lung cancer vaccine, and American researchers can now finally get their hands on it, reports Wired . After New York Gov. Andrew...

'Bienvenido!' Francis Welcomes Raul Castro

Pontiff helped drive warming US-Cuban relations, will visit island

(Newser) - Cuban President Raul Castro received a warm welcome at the Vatican today from Pope Francis, who played a key role in the breakthrough between Washington and Havana aimed at restoring US-Cuban diplomatic ties. "Bienvenido!" Francis said in his native Spanish, welcoming Castro in a studio near the Vatican...

Florida Ferries Going to Cuba Again

Also, JetBlue adds a weekly flight from New York City

(Newser) - The US embargo on Cuba is still in place, but two developments today further suggest that its days are numbered:
  • Ferry service: Two companies have gotten approval from the US to begin running ferries from Florida to Cuba for the first time in 50 years, reports the Sun Sentinel . The

Fidel Castro Smuggled Coke Into America

Former bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sanchez pens book about old boss

(Newser) - Fidel Castro, ragtag communist revolutionary? Not according to a new book that chronicles his alleged luxurious lifestyle and drug-smuggling into the United States. A former bodyguard to Castro, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez—who fled Cuba in 2008 and has made similar allegations before—describes them fully in The Double Life of ...

Obama to Remove Cuba From Terrorism List

President notifies Congress he's making the move

(Newser) - It's a major milestone in US foreign policy: President Obama is removing Cuba from a list of state sponsors of terrorism, reports AP . The move is a crucial step in Obama's bid to normalize relations between the two countries and follows a face-to-face meeting and handshake between Obama...

Obama, Castro Have Historic Sit-Down
 Obama, Castro Break the Ice 

Obama, Castro Break the Ice

The US, Cuba meet for first time in over 50 years

(Newser) - The leaders of the US and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century today, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed unthinkable to both Cubans and Americans for generations. In a small conference room in a Panama City convention center, President...

Castro: 'Obama Is an Honest Man'

Presidents meet later today

(Newser) - They shook hands last night, and today President Obama and Cuba's Raul Castro continued on the same track in public speeches at the Summit of the Americas. Castro, however, first castigated the US by reeling off a list of grievances spanning the decades, reports AP . But then he made...

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