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Basque Militants Declare Permanent Cease-Fire in Spain

But statement falls short of government hopes

(Newser) - The militant Basque separatist group ETA declared a permanent cease-fire today in what it called a firm step toward ending its bloody, decades-long independence fight—but the Spanish government quickly demanded it disband outright. Masked ETA members announced the cease-fire in a video distributed to Spanish media, and ETA's statement...

Tamil Tigers: 'Battle Has Reached Its End'

Sri Lanka president earlier declared victory

(Newser) - Sri Lanka's rebel Tamil Tigers have declared a ceasefire after a 26-year war in a statement lamenting thousands of deaths in the past 24 hours, the BBC reports. “This battle has reached its bitter end,” said a Tamil Tigers spokesman on the group’s website. The statement later...

Sri Lanka Rejects Rebels' Ceasefire Call

Gov't calls Tigers' move 'a joke,' demands a full surrender

(Newser) - Surrounded by government forces and citing an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis,” Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers declared a unilateral ceasefire today that was immediately rejected, the Guardian reports. Sri Lanka’s defense chief called the ceasefire “a joke. They were not fighting with us, they were running from...

Pakistan, Taliban Call Indefinite Truce

Militants agree to extend ceasefire in Swat valley

(Newser) - Taliban militants and Pakistani officials have agreed to an indefinite ceasefire in the country's troubled Swat valley, Reuters reports. The agreement extends an earlier 10-day truce in which the Taliban agreed to lay down their arms in return for Islamic sharia law being enforced in the area. Militants in the...

Taliban Declares Ceasefire in Pakistan Valley

Militants begin peace talks with government, warn of retaliation

(Newser) - The Taliban declared a 10-day ceasefire in a Pakistani valley and freed a Chinese hostage today after it began peace talks with the government, but an abducted American remains missing. The militants called the move a goodwill gesture, as its sympathizers and government officials discuss introducing elements of Islamic law...

Long-Range Rocket Strikes Israel
Long-Range Rocket
Strikes Israel

Long-Range Rocket Strikes Israel

Israel vows 'great force' in response

(Newser) - A long-range rocket fired today from Gaza struck the Israeli city of Ashkelon in the first such attack since the ceasefire began last month, reports CNN. No injuries were reported, but Israel vowed to respond with "great force." Resumed rocket fire from Gaza presents a particular problem for...

Israel Pounds Gaza Targets
 Israel Pounds 
 Gaza Targets 

Israel Pounds Gaza Targets

Attacks follow militant fire in heaviest exchange since truce

(Newser) - Israeli aircraft pounded Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip late last night after militants there unleashed 10 rounds of rocket and mortar fire on Israel. It's the region's heaviest exchange since a ceasefire began two weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times reports. Six explosions rocked Rafah, a border town near...

Hamas Rivals Violating Ceasefire

Olmert promises to strike back after rocket attacks

(Newser) - Israel’s military intelligence chief says Hamas “is conducting serious soul-searching on its strategic mistakes and operational failures" in the wake of the Gaza war, the Jerusalem Post reports. Rival Palestinian groups “are challenging the organization and carrying out attacks in order to bring on another escalation,”...

UN Asks Davos for $613M in Gaza Aid

Funds would provide immediate aid, more money needed for long-term

(Newser) - The UN asked attendees at the Davos economic forum for $613 million to address “massive and multi-faceted” needs resulting from recent violence in Gaza, the BBC reports. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon says the funds will provide medical care and clean water for 6-9 months. As fresh violence heightened the need...

Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Border Attack

Militants breaching ceasefire believed to have set blast

(Newser) - An Israeli soldier has been killed and three wounded by an explosion along Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, reports the BBC. The attack appeared to have been carried out by militants in a breach of last week's ceasefire declaration, although no group has claimed responsibility, according to Palestinian authorities....

Mitchell to Israel Within the Week

(Newser) - Newly appointed Middle East special envoy George Mitchell will make his first trip to Israel next week, possibly as early as Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reports. Mitchell is expected to meet with top Israeli officials and leaders of the Palestinian Authority. The main priority will be ensuring that the current...

Israel Begins 'Gradual Withdrawal' From Gaza

(Newser) - Israel began pulling troops out of the Gaza Strip today after Hamas echoed the call for a ceasefire, the Times of London reports. As troops started leaving, Gazans came out of their homes to survey the damage. Mosque loudspeakers declared "victory," but Palestinians appeared too stunned to...

Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire
 Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire 

Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire

Israel agrees to withdraw from Gaza if truce holds

(Newser) - Hamas and other Gaza militants have agreed to an immediate ceasefire, and will allow Israel a week to pull troops out of the area, a Hamas official said today in Egypt. Israel said it would withdraw if the truce was upheld. It had declared a unilateral ceasefire beginning early this...

Israel Pummels Gaza Before Ceasefire Vote

2 children killed in UN school shelter: Palestinians

(Newser) - Israel launched 50 air strikes on Gaza last night ahead of a Cabinet vote on a unilateral ceasefire, the BBC reports. A tank shell hit a UN school, killing at least two children among hundreds of people who had taken refuge there, Palestinians say; Israel says it’s looking into...

Israel Nears Decision on Gaza Ceasefire

Cabinet may approve unilateral move at meeting tomorrow

(Newser) - Israel’s security cabinet will meet tomorrow to discuss, and likely approve, a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza, the Jerusalem Post reports. The move comes after negotiations in Egypt and the signing of an agreement with the US designed to halt smuggling of arms into Gaza. The ceasefire does not include...

Livni Heads to Washington to Cut Gaza Deal

Critical step toward truce would block Hamas arms smuggling

(Newser) - Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is on her way to the US to sign a deal central to a Gaza ceasefire as diplomatic efforts intensify to stop the fighting, reports the Jerusalem Post. The agreement, designed to stop Hamas from rearming, would step up intelligence agency cooperation to stop weapons...

Stop Gaza Fighting, UN Boss Pleads

'Society being destroyed' in Gaza, says Ban Ki-Moon

(Newser) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, where Israeli tanks and troops were driving even deeper into Gaza City today in search of Hamas positions. Ban Ki-Moon, preparing for a trip to the region to personally push for a ceasefire, mourned the loss of...

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight
 Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight 

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight

Israeli leaders torn over next step

(Newser) - “The elements of an agreement” for a ceasefire in Gaza are in place, Mideast envoy Tony Blair said today amid negotiations in Cairo including representatives of Israel and Hamas. But in Jerusalem, Israeli leaders were weighing an escalation, the Washington Post reports. PM Ehud Olmert is pushing for a...

Israel Warns Attacks Will Intensify

(Newser) - Israel dropped leaflets on the Gaza strip today warning inhabitants of an escalation in the 2-week offensive against Hamas militants, the BBC reports. The leaflets assured civilians that the action was against “Hamas and the terrorists only” and urged people to stay away from military targets. The development could...

Gaza Fighting Continues After 3-Hour Break

Militant rocket fire breaks lull, Israel says

(Newser) - Fighting resumed in Gaza today after a 3-hour ceasefire, the Times of London reports. The lull was broken by a rocket attack launched by Palestinian militants into the Israeli city of Beersheba, Israeli officials said. The Israeli military plans to halt fighting every day from 1-4pm (local time) to allow...

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