consumer electronics

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Polaroid Out of Instant-Photo Biz
Polaroid Out of Instant-Photo Biz

Polaroid Out of Instant-Photo Biz

It will make enough film to last through '09, then turn focus to digital

(Newser) - The Polaroid photo company, whose familiar white-bordered snapshot has become an "icon," is leaving film behind to zoom in on digital equipment, Bloomberg reports. The Massachusetts company was founded in 1937 and in 1948 released the first instant camera, pulling in huge profits—but with the popularity of...

Apple Boosts Memory on Hot Gadgets
Apple Boosts Memory on
Hot Gadgets

Apple Boosts Memory on Hot Gadgets

16GB iPhone, 32GB iPod cost $100 more, allow movie rentals

(Newser) - Apple released new iPhone and iPod Touch models today that cost $100 more than their predecessors and have double the memory. The new iPhone boasts 16GB of memory, and the new iPod Touch has 32GB; each costs $499. "For some users, there's never enough memory," an Apple VP...

TV Makers Scoff at Your Puny Recession

Say buyers will continue snapping up flat panels; investors not so sure

(Newser) - Who cares if there’s a recession? The Super Bowl’s on! Even after the worst retailing Christmas in years, the makers of flat-panel, high-definition TVs are confident their trendy product will keep selling, spurred by falling prices and prime tube-watching events like the Olympics. One market-research firm is predicting...

TV Content Stars at Vegas Show
TV Content Stars at Vegas Show

TV Content Stars at Vegas Show

What viewers see, more than what they see it on, in focus at CES

(Newser) - Televisions were all over the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, including some of the biggest, thinnest ones around, showing the crispest pictures ever, the New York Times reports. But exhibitors' focus was much more on what viewers will be seeing on those TVs, with several manufacturers unveiling...

A Rocky 2008 Forecast for Consumer Tech
A Rocky 2008 Forecast for Consumer Tech

A Rocky 2008 Forecast for Consumer Tech

Subprime jitters, lack of new gadgets may mean bad year for buying

(Newser) - As the tech industry prepares for two huge events—the Consumer Electronics Show and Macworld—MarketWatch’s Therese Poletti takes a look at the year ahead, and has little nice to say about consumers’ continued appetite for buying. Few big products are expected to debut—“the commonly stated mantra...

NetFlix Box Will Bring Web Movies to TV

DVD firm teams up with LG Electronics to make stream-to-set device

(Newser) - DVD rental company NetFlix is teaming up with LG Electronics to make a set-top box that will let customers stream movies from the web straight onto their TVs, Reuters reports. NetFlix hopes to have the device ready later this year. The deal looks set to make the crowded web video...

Semiconductor Sales Rise While Prices Fall

Main growth in Asian-Pacific region

(Newser) - Semiconductor sales in October went up 5% worldwide from last year, thanks to strong growth in the Asian-Pacific region and Japan, and an industry association forecasts 3.8% growth for the year, reports the Wall Street Journal. Meanwhile prices have dropped rapidly -- "Consumers are reaping huge benefits from...

Screw G.I. Joe and Barbie, Gimme an iPod

Tech toys fly off the shelves, as young kids imitate grown up gadget lovers

(Newser) - Toddlers are getting their geek on, thanks to the rash of technological toys flying off the shelves this Christmas. The long-stagnant toy industry has found a growing market in kiddie versions of grown-up gadgets like laptops and digital cameras, the Times reports. “Toy companies don’t even call it...

Shoppers Swoon for Zunes
Shoppers Swoon for Zunes

Shoppers Swoon for Zunes

Thanksgiving shoppers on the hunt for 'iPod killers'

(Newser) - Microsoft's new Zune digital music players have been flying off the shelves, reports PC World. But big retailers have been running out, frustrating hordes of Thanksgiving shoppers attracted by big discounts and plenty of hype. Microsoft,  which seems to have seriously misjudged demand for the best-selling model, the Zune...

Amazon Tries Something Novel With E-book Reader

But similar devices haven't captured the public's imagination

(Newser) - Online retail giant will unveil its highly anticipated electronic-book reader on Monday in New York,  an industry source tells CNET. In the works for more than a year, the Kindle is equipped with a Wi-Fi connection that taps into an Amazon e-book store, which users can access...

Snap Together Devices Could Revolutionize Electronics Biz

'Bugbase' & modules available within weeks

(Newser) - A line of electronic devices that snap together like Legos could revolutionize the consumer electronics industry. Discovery News reports a New York software developer came up with the system, which is open source, so that numerous innovators can contribute new devices. A hub called a Bugbase contains the basics electronics....

iPhone Software Creation Kit Coming in Feb.

Jobs says delay is to ensure security against viruses and malware

(Newser) - Apple will release a software development kit for the iPhone and iPod touch in February, CEO Steve Jobs wrote in a letter on Apple's website. The kit will allow third-party developers to create native applications for the devices. Jobs said the delay was needed to ensure that the platform would...

Meet the New Zunes
Meet the New Zunes

Meet the New Zunes

Microsoft rolls out its second generation of mp3 players

(Newser) - The Zune is getting three shiny new models in November, Microsoft announced yesterday, including nano-like flash-integrated 4GB and 8GB players, and an 80GB hard drive model, all priced just like corresponding iPods. They’ll sport new features like wireless syncing, touch-sensitive navigation pads and a redesigned, DRM-free marketplace. But they...

The Wait Is Over: Apple Rolls Out New iPods

Biggest news is a touch-screen, WiFi-enabled version

(Newser) - The bloggers were right—Apple's latest high-tech plaything is a touch-screen, WiFi-enabled iPod. Steve Jobs unveiled the new toy in San Francisco today, along with an iPod Nano that plays video (and Sudoku!) and a feature for making ringtones out of songs on iTunes. And taking a page from...

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