House Democrats

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US Waits for House Action on Fiscal Cliff Deal

Meetings began this afternoon

(Newser) - The nation—or at least, those of us in the nation not suffering from a major New Year's hangover —is waiting with bated breath to see what the House will do now that the Senate has passed a fiscal cliff deal . House Democrats met with Joe Biden starting...

Barney Frank: Looking Forward to No Responsibility

After lifetime in politics, Frank happily retiring

(Newser) - After a lifetime in politics, Barney Frank is looking forward to retirement in a matter of days, as he explains in a farewell interview with Politico . “After 45 years, I’m tired,” he says. With his contentious and storied career on Capitol Hill headed for history, what's...

Filibuster Fight Heads to Court

House Dems sue over 'accident of history'

(Newser) - The battle over the Senate filibuster is moving beyond Capitol Hill gridlock and into the courtroom: While Harry Reid fights the procedural tactic in the Senate, four House Democrats have taken the matter to the federal courts. They're joined in their lawsuit by Common Cause, a nonpartisan reform organization....

Pelosi Will Stay as Minority Leader: Report
 Pelosi to Stay On 
 as Minority Leader 


Pelosi to Stay On as Minority Leader

Broke the news while surrounded by fellow female House reps

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will stay on as House minority leader in the new session of Congress, she announced this morning, after first revealing her decision to her caucus at a private meeting, the AP reports. Pelosi broke the news at a press conference surrounded by her fellow female House reps, which...

Rangel Fined $23K for Misusing Rent-Stabilized Pad

FEC finding another blow to NY rep.

(Newser) - Rep. Charles Rangel and his campaign have agreed to cough up a $23,000 fine for using a rent-stabilized New York City apartment as a campaign headquarters. The Federal Election Committee decided by leasing the Harlem apartment at a price well below the market rate, the Democrat had accepted an...

Gabrielle Giffords Resigns
 Gabrielle Giffords Resigns 

Gabrielle Giffords Resigns

'I will recover, and will return,' resignation letter promises

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords was feted by colleagues including Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz today in her last day on the House floor. "Today I know that now is not the time. I have more work to do on my recovery before I can again serve in elected...

GOP Pulls 'Reverse Braveheart' on Payroll Tax

Scots got slaughtered, points out Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Last night, as the House was on the verge of scuttling the payroll tax cut extension , House Republicans gathered in a Capitol basement to talk—Braveheart? “You, Mr. Speaker, are our William Wallace," one rep has said. "Let’s rush to the fight." Besides being a...

Barney Frank to Retire
 Barney Frank to Retire 

Barney Frank to Retire

Says he didn't want to go through tough reelection campaign

(Newser) - Barney Frank has decided not to run for reelection next year, he announced today at a typically feisty press conference in Newton, Mass. “It would have been a rough campaign,” he said, according to the Boston Globe . “I don’t like raising money.” Frank has $760,...

House Rejects Balanced Budget Amendment

Measure falls short of two-thirds majority thanks to Democratic opposition

(Newser) - The House has rejected a proposal to amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget, seen by many as the only way to force lawmakers to hold the fiscal line and reverse the flow of federal red ink. The 261-165 vote was 23 short of the two-thirds majority needed to...

House Democrats Fade Into Irrelevance

 Nobody Cares 
 About Lowly 
 House Dems 

Nobody Cares About Lowly House Dems

Power is with Obama, Senate Democrats, and House Republicans: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - With Congress split between the two parties, power in Washington is about President Obama, Senate Democrats, and House Republicans (and, thanks to the filibuster , Senate Republicans). But House Democrats? Not so much, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . "[T]here is no dignity in being a House Democrat these...

Among Debt Bill's 'Aye' Votes: Giffords

Arizona congresswoman returns to DC for historic debt ceiling vote

(Newser) - Among House Democrats who crossed the aisle to vote in favor of tonight's debt ceiling bill was one for whom those steps were unthinkable just months ago: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords made her return to Washington today to vote in favor of the measure, reports Politico. “Gabrielle has returned...

Democrats to Obama: Use the 14th Amendment

Leaders in the House say he shouldn't rule it out

(Newser) - Desperate times: Some high-ranking Democrats say President Obama should invoke the 14th Amendment and raise the debt ceiling on his own. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, made the pitch to the Democratic Caucus this morning, reports the Hill . By doing so, Obama would bring "needed stability to our...

David Wu Sex Scandal: House Democrat Won't Seek Reelection
 Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection 

Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection

Hasn't decided whether to serve out remainder of term after sex allegation

(Newser) - Surprise! Mere hours after Nancy Pelosi called for an ethics investigation into a young woman's claim that she had an "unwanted sexual encounter" with tiger-suit-wearing David Wu, the Oregon Democrat is confirming that he won't seek reelection. Wu apparently hasn't decided whether to serve out the...

Dems: We'll Win Debt Fight for the Gipper

Gipper 'wouldn't be welcome in modern GOP'

(Newser) - The Democrats, the party that Ronald Reagan ditched in 1962, says that even the Gipper would be on their side in today's debt ceiling debate. Dems are telling Republicans they should follow Reagan's lead in fiscal responsibility, circulating a 1987 radio address in which Reagan slammed brinksmanship and...

Dems Wait for Weiner's Wife to Nudge Him Out

Huma Adebin may persuade husband to quit

(Newser) - House Democrats didn't take any steps to punish Anthony Weiner after a closed-door caucus meeting yesterday, but more than one lawmaker said they were waiting for his wife to get home and hopefully convince him to step down. Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, arrived back from...

House Dems Urge Weiner To Quit

Colleagues bailing on NY rep after tweeted penis shot

(Newser) - A growing number of House Democrats are making it clear that they want their Weiner problem to go away. Pennsylvania's Allyson Schwartz, an ally of Nancy Pelosi, was the first to openly call for his resignation, and she was soon followed by others, reports the New York Times . "...

Angry Dems Seek Obama Challenger

Some House Dems outraged by budget deal

(Newser) - The budget deal President Obama hammered out with Harry Reid and John Boehner appears to have been the last straw for some Democrats—especially in the House. Democratic caucus members, including Nancy Pelosi, who voted against the budget deal are feeling ignored and disappointed, and some have even begun discussing...

Government Shutdown Likely Averted, for Two Weeks

Democrats respond favorably to John Boehner's plan

(Newser) - Looks like a government shutdown has been avoided—for two weeks, at least. Democrats responded favorably last night to a Republican plan for a temporary, two-week extension that would allow the government to continue operating. The trade-off? It also requires a first installment of $4 billion in budget cuts to...

Pelosi Scrambles for Tax Vote Tonight or Tomorrow

Liberals want amendment on estate tax

(Newser) - Call it what you will—"liberal fury" ( Politico ), "liberal insurrection" ( the Hill ), "liberal uprising" ( Washington Post )—Nancy Pelosi is pretty sure she can deal with it and have the House vote on the overall tax deal tonight or tomorrow. The measure...

House Dems Push for Higher Estate Tax

They want to return it to 2009 levels

(Newser) - House Democrats are likely to pass the president’s tax cut deal, but not before changing its estate tax provision. House resolve to block the bill has largely faded in the wake of a strong Senate test vote. But after meeting with rank-and-file members yesterday, senior Democrats tell the Washington ...

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