nuclear disarmament

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N. Korea Suspends Nuclear Shutdown

Country threatens to restore weapons plant to working order

(Newser) - North Korea has halted the disablement of its nuclear facilities and says it may restore a reactor that can make material for atomic weapons, Reuters reports. Analysts say the move, which follows a visit to arch-enemy South Korea by pseudo-ally and Chinese President Hu Jintao, appears to be an effort...

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia
Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

US disarmament partly to blame for Georgia war, says Schoenfeld

(Newser) - Diplomats and pundits have debated what led Russia to attack Georgia so forcefully, pointing to everything from newfound economic strength to a sense of national humiliation. But Gabriel Schoenfeld, editor at neoconservative magazine Commentary, has another explanation: it's Russia's growing nuclear advantage, especially with short-range arms, that has "helped...

North Korea Sticks on 'Axis of Evil' List

Rice says Pyongyang hasn't made progress on nuclear issue

(Newser) - The US will not remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, Reuters reports. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told her Japanese counterpart that Pyongyang had not made sufficient progress on a verification plan for its nuclear programs, which was a condition for removing it from the...

Bush Warns Korea on Nukes
Bush Warns Korea on Nukes

Bush Warns Korea on Nukes

In Seoul, tells North to follow through or be 'most sanctioned regime in world'

(Newser) - President Bush urged North Korea to keep its pledge to end its nuclear program ahead of a looming American deadline, reports Bloomberg. Speaking in Seoul alongside South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Bush said that Pyongyang must either "verifiably do what you say you are going to do, or you'll...

N. Korea OKs Nuclear Inspections
N. Korea OKs Nuclear Inspections 

N. Korea OKs Nuclear Inspections

But process may be mired in details until after Bush presidency

(Newser) - North Korean disarmament talks took another halting step today, as the nation agreed in principle to a deal for invasive nuclear inspections, the Washington Post reports. Pyongyang has promised to finish dismantling its Yongbyon reactor by October, and will let inspectors verify that it's down. But negotiators in the six-nation...

Iran Considering Nuclear Talks: Foreign Minister

New incentives could bring Tehran to table, enrichment freeze

(Newser) - Iran’s foreign minister turned heads yesterday with optimistic talk about nuclear negotiations with the international community, the Wall Street Journal reports. Tehran is “carefully examining” an offer of economic incentives, Manouchehr Mottaki said, and won’t rule out halting enrichment work during negotiations. “We see the potential...

N. Korea Blows Up Nuclear Tower

Move both symbolic and practical, since tower would take year to rebuild

(Newser) - North Korea demolished the biggest symbol of its nuclear program today, destroying the water tower of its Yongbyon plutonium facility, which had been used to extract plutonium to build nuclear weapons until it was decommissioned last year. But the huge implosion wasn’t just symbolic—the tower would take at...

Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea
Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea

Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea

Secretary sees 6-nation framework as only certain end to nukes

(Newser) - Diplomacy is working with North Korea, and the US has made few concessions to bring the rogue state closer to eliminating its nuclear ambitions, Condoleezza Rice writes in today’s Wall Street Journal. "We and the other four parties will expect North Korea to cooperate with us in verifying...

North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data
North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data

North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data

White House moves to remove Pyongyang from 'axis of evil'

(Newser) - The North Korean regime has submitted a long-awaited rundown of its nuclear program to China, 6 months after its due date. The report is expected to detail the nation's plutonium enrichment efforts, but will probably leave out details of its nuclear arsenal, reports the BBC. The White House responded by...

US to Press N. Korea on Nukes: Bush
US to Press
N. Korea on Nukes: Bush

US to Press N. Korea on Nukes: Bush

Prez disputes rumor that Washington will compromise

(Newser) - President Bush challenged rumors today that Washington will go easy on North Korea's nuclear program, the AP reports. Pyongyang must "provide a full declaration of its nuclear programs" and disable its reactor, Bush said at US talks with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. "Some people are precluding, you...

US Reports Some Progress in North Korean Nuke Talks

But envoy says no 'major breakthrough' yet

(Newser) - Six-country negotiations aimed at producing a formal disclosure of North Korea's nuclear activities have advanced, Reuters reports, but aren't close to being settled. "We've definitely made some progress," said US envoy Christopher Hill today. "We still have a lot of work ahead of us. I don't want...

Irked North Korea Fires Test Missiles

Pyongyang flexes military muscle as Seoul grows testy

(Newser) - North Korea test-fired a number of short-range missiles into the waters off its west coast, according to South Korean officials, in an apparent show of anger at Washington and the new government in Seoul, Reuters reports. "We are monitoring the situation," said a South Korean presidential spokesman. The...

North Korea Boots Officials from S. Korea

Relations sour as South demands an end to nuclear program

(Newser) - South Korean officials left North Korea this morning, after receiving their eviction notice from Pyongyang. Relations have soured between the Koreas since the South demanded the North cease its nuclear activities, but the South said it was “undaunted” by the expulsion of its men. “We will deal with...

Sarkozy: France Will Cut Nuclear Arsenal

Country will maintain 300 weapons, half its Cold War max

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said today the country will cut its nuclear weapons arsenal to 300, or “half the maximum number we had during the Cold War,” the BBC reports. The move is aimed at cutting costs and modernizing the arsenal; Sarkozy said he is committed to maintaining...

North Korea Still Balking Over Nuke Shutdown

Action slow until aid comes through: officials

(Newser) - North Korea is still dragging its feet in disabling its nuclear program, Reuters reports. The slowdown, which began last week, is due to delays in delivery of energy aid promised to North Korea as part of a deal reached earlier this year, authorities said. "We have no choice but...

Bush Pulls About-Face on North Korea

Offers normal ties to former 'axis of evil' player for nuke secrets

(Newser) - In a sharp reversal from the days when he labeled North Korea part of the "axis of evil," President Bush has sent a letter to Kim Jong Il saying that if the dictator reveals the details of his nuclear program by the end of the year, the US...

Bush, Japanese PM Boost Ties
Bush, Japanese PM Boost Ties

Bush, Japanese PM Boost Ties

Leaders offer assurances on Afghanistan, North Korea

(Newser) - President Bush and new Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda today vowed to reconcile hot-button issues concerning North Korea and Afghanistan that have strained relations, Reuters reports. In his first visit to the White House, Fukuda pledged to do his "utmost" to renew a refueling mission for coalition forces in Afghanistan,...

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