Secret Service

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Report: Secret Service Chief Faces Perjury Charge

Office of Inspector General may be eying charges

(Newser) - Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan may soon be hit with perjury charges over his agency's prostitution scandal . Sources tell Fox News that an investigation from the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general indicates that Sullivan may have lied to Congress, and that the inspector general has been talking...

Secret Service Agent Gets Drunk, Hits Cop: Report

Aaron Francis Engler allegedly punched an officer in the face

(Newser) - At least this Secret Service agent wasn't trashing rented property or refusing to pay a hooker . No, Aaron Francis Engler was arrested in Miami this morning for disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest without violence, NBC Miami reports. It all started at 7am when a policeman allegedly saw Engler lying...

GOPer Retweets Romney Threats to @SecretService

Twitterverse in an uproar

(Newser) - Twitter might not be the best place to sound off about your deep-seated desire to, say, crash Mitt Romney's plane, but apparently lots of users haven't figured that nuance out, reports the Blaze . So one Todd Kincannon , a former South Carolina GOP honcho, is retweeting some of the...

Paul Ryan's Secret Service Code Name Is...


(Newser) - Paul Ryan now has a Secret Service code name: "Bowhunter." GQ revealed that little nugget today, pointing out that the name makes sense, since Ryan is indeed an avid archer and hunter—he'll even grace the cover of next month's Deer and Deer Hunting magazine. Of...

Oops: Secret Service Leaves Gun in Romney's Plane

Meanwhile, candidate is about to receive security briefings

(Newser) - There was something of a scare aboard Romney's charter jet yesterday, when a gun was found in the bathroom. The firearm turned out to be Secret Service gun presumably accidentally left there by a member of his security detail, CBS News reports. A member of the Service quickly retrieved...

Armed Man Busted for Obama Email Threat

He greeted Secret Service with shotgun

(Newser) - If you're going to email threats against President Obama to the FBI you can expect the Secret Service at your door—which is exactly what happened to a man in Washington state. Anton Caluori, 31, was apparently expecting the knock. He brandished a shotgun at a Secret Service agent...

DC Cop Accused of Michelle Shooting Threat

Motorcade officer told colleagues he'd shoot first lady

(Newser) - A Washington, DC, police officer who served in the motorcade security detail for President Obama and other dignitaries has been relegated to desk duty after allegedly threatening to shoot Michelle Obama. During a discussion of threats to the Obamas with other members of his unit, the officer allegedly said he...

Secret Service Partied Hard on Obama's Vacation

Anonymous Martha's Vineyard residents detail debauchery

(Newser) - Apparently when they're not allegedly picking up prostitutes , Secret Service agents throw some wild parties. Fox News tracked down some Martha's Vineyard residents who say the boys in black engaged in some serious debauchery during the Obama family's 2011 vacation there, trashing rented homes, inviting college girls...

Colombian Escort to Open Foundation for Prostitutes

Dania Londono Suarez gained notoriety in Secret Service scandal

(Newser) - The Colombian escort who set off the Secret Service scandal by refusing to quietly go away when she didn't get her money isn't leaving the spotlight so quietly, either. Dania Londono Suarez says she will take some of the money she's earned off her story to open...

Secret Service Boss: Sorry About the Hookers

Senate panel airs 64 sex misconduct cases

(Newser) - Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan testified on Capitol Hill today, apologizing for the first time for the Colombian prostitution scandal—even as the Senate Homeland Security Committee brought new indiscretions to light. Employees "did some really dumb things," Sullivan said, assuring lawmakers that the behavior "is not...

Secret Service Agents Fight Dismissal

Director to testify that sex scandal didn't threaten security

(Newser) - Four of the Secret Service agents forced out of their jobs over the Colombian sex scandal have decided that they're not going down without a fight, the Washington Post finds. The agents claim that they are being made scapegoats for behavior the agency has long tolerated . And so they'...

Secret Service's Real Problem: It Endangers the President

Lax rules, shortcuts are rampant

(Newser) - Ronald Kessler, the former Washington Post reporter who originally broke the Secret Service sex scandal story to the Post, has news for you: Prostitution is far from the agency's biggest problem. Much worse is its "lax management culture that condones cutting corners, directly endangering the life of the...

Secret Service Memo: No Booze 10 Hours Before Work

New rules also bar visits to 'non-reputable establishments'

(Newser) - Memo to Secret Service agents: no more drinking alcohol within 10 hours of working; no bringing foreigners to your hotel rooms; and, no going to "non-reputable" establishments. Those are just three items in a 10-point list of rules handed out to agency employees yesterday, as the Secret Service tries...

&#39;Curse of the Unpaid Prostitute&#39; Befalls Agents
'Curse of the Unpaid Prostitute' Befalls Agents

'Curse of the Unpaid Prostitute' Befalls Agents

Secret Service can learn a lot from 'drunken sailors': essay

(Newser) - Those Secret Service agents in Colombia got what they had coming to them because one in their midst violated a code of honor of sorts, writes a former merchant seaman in the Washington Post : He didn't pay his prostitute. "In my day, seamen were convinced that this was...

State Dept's 'Take Your Kids to Work Day' R-Rated

Children hear all about Secret Service sex scandal

(Newser) - "Take Your Kids to Work Day" was quite the titillating experience at the State Department this year. Despite the presence of youngsters, reporters didn't censor their questions about the Secret Service sex scandal at a Q&A yesterday, Politico reports. They mentioned sex seven times, prostitution four times,...

Secret Service Has Another Prostitution Scandal

They canoodled with ladies of the oldest profession in El Salvador, too

(Newser) - Looks like there are teeth to the rumors that the Secret Service's Colombian sex adventure wasn't a one-time thing . The Service is investigating reports that its agents were serviced by prostitutes on a trip to El Salvador in March of last year, according to the Hill . A government...

Fired Secret Service Agents: This Happens All the Time

Some claim punished unfairly, may fight back

(Newser) - Several agents who were pressured into resigning in the Secret Service prostitution scandal are contemplating fighting for their jobs—and naming names to do it, sources close to them tell the Washington Post . The agents say they're being unfairly punished, because managers have tolerated similar dalliances in the past....

Obama Blames 'Knuckleheads' for Scandal at Secret Service

3 more agents are out of jobs

(Newser) - President Obama tried to defuse the Secret Service scandal a bit during an interview with Jimmy Fallon that airs tonight, reports USA Today . The agents on the whole are "incredible," said Obama. “They protect me, they protect our girls. A couple of knuckleheads shouldn’t detract from...

Grassley: Those Prostitutes Could Have Been Spies

How do we know the Ruskies weren't behind the Secret Service scandal?

(Newser) - If you thought the Secret Service prostitution scandal was harmless, think again; Charles Grassley thinks it's "something that is very, very serious when national security might not be protected properly," he told an Iowa radio station, in a conversation spotted by The Hill . After all, the GOP...

Expect More Secret Service Firings: King

One agent was in Obama's hotel, agency reveals, as House and Senate close in

(Newser) - Heads probably haven't finished rolling at the Secret Service over its prostitution scandal, Rep. Peter King said today on Meet the Press, saying he expected "several" members to depart in the "near future." The House Homeland Security chair promised a thorough investigation, and has already sent...

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