
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Dozens Die as Plane Slams Into Neighborhood

At least 30 killed, Indonesian authorities say

(Newser) - At least 30 people were killed when an Indonesian military transport plane smashed into a neighborhood in one of the country's biggest cities today, and that number could go up, officials tell Reuters . The military says at least 12 people were on board the C-130 Hercules, which crashed just...

End of Road for Frenchman Set to Die in Indonesia

Court denies Serge Atlaoui's final appeal; execution planned after July 17

(Newser) - An Indonesian court today denied the final appeal of a French citizen who faces execution for drug offenses, setting the stage for diplomatic retaliation by France after executions of other foreigners strained relations with Australia and Brazil. Eight people were executed in April; Serge Atlaoui , 51, wasn't part of...

Priest: Firing Squad Victim Didn't Understand Fate

Schizophrenic man heard voices telling him things would be OK

(Newser) - One of the eight inmates killed by firing squad in Indonesia this week was far too mentally ill to understand what was happening to him until the very end, according to a priest who tried to comfort the Brazilian man before his execution. Rodrigo Muxfeldt Gularte suffered from bipolar disorder...

8 Inmates Refused Blindfolds, Sang at Firing Squad

Pastor says the scene was 'breathtaking'

(Newser) - "Breathtaking" is probably not a word you'd usually associate with the executions of eight people , but that's exactly how a pastor describes the scene in Indonesia just after midnight local time. Seven foreigners and a local man refused blindfolds as they stood in front of a firing...

Indonesia Firing Squad Executes 8, Spares Woman

Nation goes ahead with executions over drug charges

(Newser) - Intense international pressure failed to sway Indonesia: It executed seven foreigners and one of its own citizens today via firing squad over drug-smuggling charges, reports the Jakarta Post . However, the newspaper says that a Filipino woman, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, was spared at the last moment because the drug courier...

Ambulances Reach Indonesia Prison —Hauling Coffins

Executions of 9 inmates loom, despite international pressure

(Newser) - The pleas for mercy weren't enough, apparently. Despite uproar from several foreign governments, Indonesia is readying for the executions of eight foreigners and one local man convicted of drug trafficking. A dozen ambulances—nine of which were carrying coffins—boarded a ferry to Besi prison on Nusakambangan Island today,...

Indonesia to 9 Foreigners: State Your Last Wish

Outcry as execution of convicted drug traffickers nears

(Newser) - The execution of 10 convicted drug traffickers is imminent in Indonesia, with the country this weekend issuing a 72-hour notice for the nine foreigners and one local man; the Guardian reports that means they could be put in front of a firing squad as soon as midnight Tuesday, local time....

Attempt to Salvage AirAsia Fuselage Again Foiled

1 body retrieved; most of remaining believed to still be inside

(Newser) - The second attempt to lift the fuselage of the crashed AirAsia jetliner failed today as the wreckage sank back to the ocean floor when a rope linking the lifting balloons broke. Navy spokesman Manahan Simorangkir said strong current was the main obstacle. The rope had been fastened and linked to...

Indonesia: AirAsia Plane Climbed Like Fighter Jet

It was rising 6K feet per minute, which passenger jets aren't built to do

(Newser) - Initial speculation about what doomed an AirAsia jet appears to have been on the mark: It climbed way too fast and stalled, reports the BBC . Indonesia's transportation minister told parliament today that Flight 8501 was climbing at 6,000 feet per minute before the engines died, which he quickly...

Fuselage of AirAsia Plane Discovered

Many victims believed to be inside; photos of plane posted on Facebook

(Newser) - More than two weeks after AirAsia lost contact with Flight 8501 , the plane's fuselage has been found in the Java Sea, the BBC reports. Photos of the body of the plane, taken by a search robot, were posted on the Singaporean defense minister's Facebook page. The company's...

Divers Retrieve 2nd AirAsia Black Box

Cockpit voice recorder freed from wreckage

(Newser) - Divers have retrieved the crashed AirAsia plane's second black box from the bottom of the Java Sea, giving investigators the essential tools they need to start piecing together what brought Flight 8501 down. An Indonesian Transportation Ministry official says the trapped cockpit voice recorder was freed from beneath the...

AirAsia Black Box Recovered
 AirAsia Black Box Recovered 

AirAsia Black Box Recovered

Divers working to free 2nd recorder from wreckage

(Newser) - Divers retrieved one black box today and located the other from the AirAsia plane that crashed more than two weeks ago, a key development that should help investigators unravel what caused the aircraft to plummet into the Java Sea. The cockpit voice recorder was found hours after officials announced that...

Divers Raise Tail Section of AirAsia Plane

But no black boxes were inside

(Newser) - A tail section from the AirAsia plane that crashed into the Java Sea late last month became the first major wreckage lifted off the ocean floor today, but the all-important black boxes were not found inside. The red metal chunk, with the words "AirAsia" clearly visible across it, was...

Divers Spot AirAsia Tail
 Divers Spot AirAsia Tail 

Divers Spot AirAsia Tail

First confirmed sighting of major wreckage

(Newser) - Divers and an unmanned underwater vehicle spotted the tail of the missing AirAsia plane in the Java Sea today in the first confirmed sighting of any major wreckage 11 days after Flight 8501 disappeared with 162 people on board, officials say. Powerful currents and murky water continue to hinder the...

Quarter of AirAsia Victims From Same Church
Quarter of AirAsia Victims From Same Church

Quarter of AirAsia Victims From Same Church

Official says jet's tail section has been found

(Newser) - The crash of AirAsia Flight 8501 took a very heavy toll on the Christian minority in Surabaya, Indonesia, with more than a quarter of the 162 presumed dead belonging to the same church congregation. Around 41 members of the Mawar Sharon church were on the plane, and another 10 passengers...

3 Bodies Found as Weather Blocks AirAsia Search

Fresh set of woes hits airline

(Newser) - Rough weather again prevented searchers from reaching a large object on the ocean floor believed to be the fuselage of the AirAsia plane that crashed a week ago. Rolling seas stirred up silt and mud, leaving divers with zero visibility, said the chief of Indonesia's National Search and Rescue...

4 Big Pieces of Plane Found in AirAsia Search

But divers haven't been able to reach them yet

(Newser) - Search teams in Indonesia may have found the main fuselage of the AirAsia plane where most of the remaining victims and the plane's black boxes are expected to be. Authorities found "four big parts of the plane we're looking for," says the official in charge of...

Data Suggest Plane Climbed Too High, Too Fast

But investigation of AirAsia crash is still in early stages

(Newser) - The investigation into why AirAsia crashed is just getting underway, but Reuters reports that a leading theory based on radar data is emerging: The plane climbed too high, too quickly in a bid to avoid storm clouds, then stalled and went down into the Java Sea. It quotes an anonymous...

Sonar Spots AirAsia Wreckage on Seafloor

As bad weather sends wreckage drifting up to 30 miles

(Newser) - A day after debris was first spotted, Indonesian searchers have confirmed that sonar equipment has detected wreckage from AirAsia Flight QZ8501 at the bottom of the sea—though whether the plane is in one piece or broken up remains to be seen, reports CNN . The wreckage was found between 60...

Debris Spotted in AirAsia Search
 Recovered in 
 AirAsia Search 

Bodies Recovered in AirAsia Search

Debris is from missing plane, Indonesian authorities say

(Newser) - The fate of Flight 8501 now appears to be a tragedy, not a mystery: Indonesian officials say search-and-rescue teams have recovered debris and bodies from the sea around 10 miles from where the AirAsia jet was last heard from on Sunday, in a spot roughly 100 miles from land. The...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>