Arab Israeli conflict

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

UN to Israel: Stop Demolition of E. Jerusalem Homes

City planning crisis means thousands of illegally built Palestinian houses

(Newser) - In East Jerusalem, overcrowding and strict rules about where Palestinians can build houses have led to the illegal construction of thousands of homes. Nearly a third of all Palestinian homes in the sector, occupied by some 60,000 people, were  built without permits. In response, the city government has issued...

Prof's Nazi-Israeli Comparison Stirs Uproar

Students, faculty defend instructor amid anti-Semitism charges

(Newser) - A UC Santa Barbara professor's decision to send his students an email comparing graphic photographs of the Holocaust's Jewish victims to similar shots taken of Palestinians during the recent offensive in Gaza has caused an uproar. Many students and faculty members have expressed support for the professor, who is Jewish,...

Israel Finds No War Crimes in Gaza Attacks

Officials say civilian deaths isolated, unintentional

(Newser) - An Israel Defense Forces probe has found that no Gaza civilians were intentionally harmed in Israel’s recent incursion into the region, Haaretz reports. IDF colonels who weren’t involved in the fighting found that the IDF “adhered to international law and maintained a high level of professionalism and...

Obama Invites Middle East Leaders to DC

Netanyahu, Abbas will meet president—but maybe not each other

(Newser) - Barack Obama has invited the leaders of Israel, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority for talks in Washington in a new bid for a Middle East peace agreement, reports the BBC. Obama extended the invitations after a meeting yesterday with Jordan’s King Abdullah, at which the president spoke of "...

Israelis Learn to Adapt&mdash;and Argue
 Israelis Learn 
 to Adapt—and Argue 

Israelis Learn to Adapt—and Argue

Israel's national "disputatiousness" is irritating, but survival mechanism

(Newser) - American Jews are “taught to go all gooey-eyed at the thought of Israel,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times, but this isn’t the appropriate reaction. It’s not so much a sentimental place as it is “exhausting, admirable, annoying, impressive, and foreign.” After...

Divisive Camps Square Off in Lebanon Vote
Divisive Camps
Square Off in
Lebanon Vote

Divisive Camps Square Off in Lebanon Vote

One pushes liberal economy, the other Islamic militancy

(Newser) - Hezbollah is inching towards greater control in Lebanon as the nation gears up for June’s parliamentary elections. The Shiite group, which favors spurning the West and resisting Israel with arms, is in a minority coalition, but winning a handful of seats could change that, GlobalPost reports. Its opposition, led...

In Easter Message, Pope Backs Israel-Palestine Peace

Sends message to Italy earthquake survivors

(Newser) - In his Easter message, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged Israel-Palestine peace efforts, acknowledged Italy’s earthquake survivors, and called for hope in trying times, Reuters reports. “At a time of world food shortage, of financial turmoil, of old and new forms of is urgent to rediscover grounds for...

Despite 'Skepticism,' Blair Nudges Netanyahu on Talks

Urges negotiations for two-state solution, more freedom for Palestinians

(Newser) - Though “there is a great deal of skepticism out there” about the motivation of Israel’s new prime minister, Middle East envoy Tony Blair today encouraged Benjamin Netanyahu to resume Palestinian peace talks amid efforts to improve the West Bank’s economy, Reuters reports. A “credible political negotiation...

UN Picks Judge to Probe Israeli 'War Crimes'

Jewish South African will investigate allegations of abuses

(Newser) - The UN has named a Jewish judge from South Africa to lead a high-level mission to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, reports the AP. Richard Goldstone, the UN's former chief prosecutor for war crimes in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, will head the probe ordered by...

Prepare for War: New Israeli Foreign Minister

Lieberman douses Palestinian peace hopes in debut speech

(Newser) - Israel’s new foreign minister, a renowned hawk, wasted no time in drumming up war rhetoric. On his first day on the job, Avigdor Lieberman said, “Those who want peace should prepare for war,” as he dismissed his predecessor’s negotiations with the Palestinians, the New York Times...

Israel Defends Conduct of Gaza War

Cases of excessive force were rare, army says

(Newser) - The Israeli army is defending its actions during the recent Gaza conflict, claiming that, contrary to reports, its soldiers did not act with excessive force or with disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, the New York Times reports. Officials have moved to discount one story in particular: an...

Anchor Problems Capsized NFL Players' Boat

(Newser) - The fishing boat that capsized earlier this month leaving three football players presumed dead was improperly anchored, the AP reports. After interviewing the lone survivor, a Florida agency has determined that when the passengers attempted to free the anchor by gunning the boat’s motor, the craft was swamped and...

Israel Committed Gaza War Crimes: Rights Group

Human Rights Watch finds army fired white phosphorus at civilians

(Newser) - Israel's military committed war crimes by repeatedly firing white phosphorus into crowded areas of Gaza, Human Rights Watch said today. A report by the group alleges that Israel chose not to use less dangerous smoke shells and even fired the incendiary agent at the main UN compound in the Strip....

New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US
New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US

New Israeli Government on Collision Course With US

Is confrontation ahead between Obama and Netanyahu?

(Newser) - Israel’s incoming governing coalition is expected to take a harder line on a Palestinian state than its predecessors, even as the US may be moving more toward a conciliatory position, reports the Washington Post. Incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks American-backed talks are a waste of time, and he...

Failed Intelligence Pick Blasts Israel Lobby

Freeman accuses; some deny, some take credit

(Newser) - Charles Freeman, the Obama choice to chair the National Intelligence Council who was forced to withdraw his name, thinks he knows what did him in. Though critics point to a number of factors—his stance on human rights, his financial ties to Saudi Arabia and China—Freeman is convinced that...

Clinton Visits West Bank, Names Syrian Envoys

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton met separately with the Palestinian president and prime minister in the West Bank today, after sitting down with Israeli leaders yesterday, and announcing the appointment of two senior envoys to Syria. Palestinian leaders implored Clinton to push for a freeze on expanding Israeli West Bank settlements, and open...

Israel Vows 'Strong' Reply to Hamas Rockets

Six more Qassams hit following announcement

(Newser) - Ongoing rocket attacks on southern Israel will elicit "a serious, painful, strong and uncompromising" response, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said today. At least eight rockets from the Gaza Strip struck the western Negev desert Friday and Saturday, with no casualties or injuries, the Jerusalem Post reports. Six...

Under Tight Security, Israeli Makes Dubai Tennis Debut

UAE accepts player after barring his fellow citizen from competition

(Newser) - A week after denying a visa to one Israeli tennis player, Dubai ushered in another yesterday amid tight security—and his match went smoothly, the Guardian reports. After fines and criticism for its decision to reject female player Shahar Peer’s bid to play, the United Arab Emirates made Andy...

Cairo Blast Kills French Teen, Injures 17 Schoolmates

Tourists targeted in possible Gaza retaliation

(Newser) - A French teenager was killed and 17 others in her visiting school group were injured when a bomb tucked beneath a bench exploded in a bustling Cairo bazaar last night, the Times of London reports. Police later dismantled a second device in a souvenir market. Three suspects are in custody....

Hamas Agrees to Gaza Truce
 Hamas Agrees to Gaza Truce 

Hamas Agrees to Gaza Truce

(Newser) - Hamas says its negotiators have a reached a deal with Israel for a long-term Gaza truce, Reuters reports. A senior leader said the truce ensures the opening of all commercial crossings and will be announced over the weekend. The Egyptian-brokered pact would replace a tentative truce put in place last...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>