
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Detroit's Ex-Mayor Gets 28 Years

Kwame Kilpatrick would be free at age 71 if he serves it all

(Newser) - One reason Detroit is such a mess: lousy leaders. Witness former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who got sentenced today to 28 years in prison for a slew of corruption charges stemming from his tenure from 2002 into 2008. The 43-year-old "appeared stunned" at the severity of the sentence, reports the...

Detroit Went Way Overboard Paying Pensions: Report

Money went to workers who hadn't retired

(Newser) - In its path to declaring bankruptcy , Detroit didn't help itself on the pension front: The city, it seems, was overly generous with its pension payments to the tune of billions of dollars. The city offered extra cash to workers still on the job, while retirees got bonuses and families...

Inmate Who Stabbed Detroit Cop Recaptured

Carjacker faces 11 new charges

(Newser) - A Detroit inmate who stabbed a deputy in the neck with a comb and stole his uniform has been recaptured after a day-long manhunt. Abraham Pearson, who uses the alias Derreck White, escaped from the courthouse just before he was due to receive a 15-year sentence for carjacking and he...

Detroit Inmate Flees After Stabbing Cop

Carjacked van found; man still on loose

(Newser) - A Detroit inmate is on the run after stabbing a cop and holding another deputy briefly hostage, the Detroit Free Press reports. The inmate fled the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice Courthouse, where the attack occurred, Fox 2 and ABC 7 report. The man, identified as Derek White, 25, stole...

Detroit's Pokey 911 Dispatchers May Face Charges

Woman shot; another stabbed to death amid slow response times

(Newser) - Detroit 911 dispatchers were slow to send cops during two recent emergencies that ended in tragedy; now, police are mulling criminal charges for the dispatchers. Last week, a woman called 911 multiple times as an argument turned dangerous, her mother says. Police say there were six calls in total; it...

Boston Mayor: Sorry I Said I'd Blow Up Detroit

Menino apologizes after Detroit mayor takes offense

(Newser) - Detroit's a little touchy these days , as Boston Mayor Tom Menino has found out. Menino apologized yesterday for his "poor choice of words" while offering a little constructive criticism about the bankrupt city, reports CBS News . The flap began when Menino told the New York Times magazine that...

On Streets of Detroit: Around 50K Stray Dogs

Dens of them lurk in abandoned homes

(Newser) - People aren't the only victims of Detroit's prolonged downward spiral. The depopulated city is crawling with stray dogs, with as many as 50,000 believed to be roaming the streets, Bloomberg reports. Few of the dogs are feral; most were abandoned in one manner or another by human...

Save Detroit. Sell it to Canada
 Save Detroit. 
 Sell It to Canada 

Save Detroit. Sell It to Canada

Land, art, giraffes—everything must go, writes John H. Fund

(Newser) - How can we save Detroit? Maybe with the mother of all yard sales, suggests John H. Fund in the American Spectator . The Detroit Institute of Arts' collection is worth some $2.5 billion, Belle Isle could be sold to investors as a "mini-Hong Kong" for $1 billion, and even...

Locals Beat Detroit Man Blamed in Teen's Rape

Neighbors say cops too slow; victim, suspect had disabilities

(Newser) - After a teen with Down syndrome was allegedly raped in Detroit, residents felt police were acting too slowly—so they took matters into their own hands. Using a baseball bat, several neighbors pursued and beat a man whom the victim's family and other locals accused of the sexual assault,...

Officer Bra Sizes Revealed to Entire Police Dept.
Officer Bra Sizes Revealed
to Entire Police Dept.

Officer Bra Sizes Revealed to Entire Police Dept.

Height, weight also included on mistakenly emailed spreadsheet

(Newser) - Well, this is certainly more embarrassing than most clerical errors: The bra sizes and weight of several female police officers were recently revealed to many of their colleagues in the Detroit Police Department. The information was included on a spreadsheet related to the ordering of bulletproof vests that was emailed...

Detroit Paying $275 an Hour for Bankruptcy Analyst, 22

Not everyone is thrilled with the revelation

(Newser) - Poor Wade P. Johnson: On the face of it, he's doing things exactly right. The 2012 Michigan State University grad landed a job in June as a financial analyst with Conway MacKenzie, a consulting company that's working on Detroit's restructuring. But to some he's become yet...

'Rosie the Riveter' Factory Faces Wrecking Ball

Campaigners fight to save Detroit-area plant

(Newser) - Campaigners in Michigan are battling to save a factory famous for being the workplace of the real-life Rosie the Riveter—and for rolling out 9,000 B-24 Liberator bombers during World War II. The Detroit-area Willow Run Bomber Plant is slated for demolition this fall, but donors hope to save...

Urban Sprawl Is Literally Stranding the Poor

Paul Krugman thinks social mobility is suffering, poor stay poor

(Newser) - Detroit spent the last decade spiraling into bankruptcy, while Atlanta spent it growing like mad. But the two cities have something in common: "Both are places where the American dream seems to be dying," writes Paul Krugman at the New York Times . Social mobility is low in both...

Welcome to &#39;Unsteady States of America&#39;

 Welcome to 'Unsteady 
 States of America' 

Welcome to 'Unsteady States of America'

'Economist' magazine sees Detroit as warning signal to nation

(Newser) - The Economist has a cheery new nickname for the US: "the Unsteady States of America." In an editorial that accompanies a cover story on Detroit's bankruptcy , the editors argue that other cities and states will make a huge mistake if they dismiss this warning. Yes, Detroit is...

Judge: Detroit Bankruptcy Can Go Ahead

Lawsuits from unions, retirees put on ice

(Newser) - Detroit's bankruptcy will charge ahead unhindered by lawsuits from retirees, a judge declared today. Federal bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes froze a number of lawsuits against the city and cleared the way for the bankruptcy to proceed, the Detroit News reports. Union lawyers asked Rhodes to stop the bankruptcy, on...

Who Killed the Motor City?

 Who Killed the 
 Motor City? 

Who Killed the Motor City?

Pundits weigh in on what doomed Detroit

(Newser) - In the wake of Detroit's bankruptcy a lot of fingers are being pointed. The city's been locked in a well-documented downward spiral , but whose fault is that? Here are what some pundits are saying:
  • Racism and corporate greed were the main culprits, argues Mark Binelli at the Guardian

Michigan Judge: Bankruptcy Unconstitutional

She orders it withdrawn, and state appeals

(Newser) - One little snag emerged today regarding Detroit's bankruptcy filing: A county judge declared the move unconstitutional and ordered the bankruptcy withdrawn, reports the Detroit Free Press . Judge Rosemary Aquilina also slammed the "rush to bankruptcy court" as unfair to the city's pension boards, which were in the...

Detroit: What Went Wrong, What's Next

A look at what led to the city's landmark bankruptcy filing

(Newser) - Detroit's bankruptcy may not have surprised many people"this has been coming for ages," one pained city worker tells the New York Times —but it does have everyone talking. What went wrong? What happens next? We're glad you asked. What happened:
  • Much of the

Detroit Mayor: We'll 'Have to Make the Best of It'

After city files for Chapter 9 bankruptcy

(Newser) - The emergency manager who filed Detroit's historic bankruptcy today says residents don't have to worry about basic services getting cut in the interim, reports WXYZ . "Nothing changes from the standpoint of the average citizen's perspective," says Kevyn Orr. At a joint news conference, Mayor Dave...

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy
 Detroit Files for Bankruptcy 

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy

It's the biggest municipal filing in the nation's history

(Newser) - Detroit just entered the record books for all the wrong reasons. The city's emergency manager today filed what is the biggest municipal bankruptcy in the nation's history, reports the Detroit Free Press . The city is seeking Chapter 9 protection from creditors owed about $18.5 billion. (The exact...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>