
Read the latest news stories and cases of hacking on Newser.com

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Pascal Out as Head of Sony Pictures

Co-chair was massively embarrassed by leaked emails in Sony hack

(Newser) - Amy Pascal is out as co-chair of Sony Pictures Entertainment, the highest profile head to roll in the company's disastrous hack that exposed her private emails and the company's inner workings . But Pascal isn't going far, reports the Hollywood Reporter : She'll head up a new production...

Hackers Hit Malaysia Air: '404 - Plane Not Found'

'Lizard Squad' says it swiped passenger data, 'ISIS will prevail'

(Newser) - A hacker group that's claimed responsibility for PlayStation and Xbox network outages in recent months has hit a new target. Hackers claiming to be from "cyber caliphate" Lizard Squad took over Malaysia Airlines' website for at least seven hours today, replacing the homepage with an image of a...

'Worst Passwords' List Shows How Lazy We Are

'123456,' 'qwerty,' sports teams, birthdays, and swear words all make the top 100

(Newser) - If your computer blares "WEAK!" whenever you try to come up with a new password, your "secret" code may be an honoree on this year's "Worst Passwords" list. Using 3.3 million leaked passwords from mostly North American and Western European users, SplashData has released...

Report: US Hacked North Korea Years Ago

Meanwhile, unknown hackers have trashed Kim Jong Un video game

(Newser) - The US was able to pin the Sony Pictures cyberattack on North Korea with confidence because the National Security Agency hacked its way into North Korean systems years earlier, according to the New York Times , which cites American and foreign officials as well as computer experts and a newly disclosed...

Security Firm to FBI: Sony Hack Was Inside Job

Cyberintelligence firm tells federal agents that signs don't point to North Korea

(Newser) - Despite the FBI's firm assertion earlier this month that North Korea was definitely behind the Sony hack attack, not everyone has been satisfied with that conclusion. A Chatham House cybersecurity expert , conservative blogger Charles C. Johnson , a hacking conference security director , and plenty of theorists on Twitter and Reddit...

Sony Hack Suspects Send FBI a Video: 'You Are an Idiot'

Studio says it's looking at alternatives for releasing The Interview

(Newser) - The hackers allegedly behind the hack of Sony Pictures are congratulating the FBI on its work and offering the bureau a "Christmas gift." "The result of investigation by FBI is so excellent that you might have seen what we were doing with your own eyes," a...

North Korea: Sony Hack 'Righteous,' But Not Ours

Pyongyang not amused with being blamed by 'South Korea puppet group'

(Newser) - North Korea had nothing to do with the massive hack on Sony, thank you very much, but Pyongyang is totally down with whoever did the deed: In a long-on-drama statement to state-run KCNA , a government spokesman says that the Sony hit "might be a righteous deed of the supporters...

Sony to Blame North Korea for Giant Hack

Plus, more on what was leaked

(Newser) - It may or may not have been over North Korea's thin skin about a Seth Rogen movie , but Sony Pictures Entertainment is set to lay the blame for last week's crippling hack directly at the feet of Pyongyang, reports Re/code, citing two sources close to the investigation. An...

Did North Korea Hack Sony Over a Seth Rogen Film?

Country has pledged 'retaliation' if 'The Interview' is released

(Newser) - Sony Pictures was recently hacked, and investigators are looking into whether North Korea might have had something to do with it, insiders tell Re/code . The country has expressed outrage over an upcoming movie starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, which features the pair trying to assassinate Kim Jong Un. North...

Chinese Hackers Infiltrate US Weather Network, Satellites

Though the breach happened in late September, it was kept quiet for weeks

(Newser) - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which oversees the National Weather Service, announced in October that it was conducting "unscheduled maintenance" on its network. Turns out the reason was likely a security breach by hackers in China, reports the Washington Post . NOAA hasn't specified whether any classified...

Russians Eyed in White House Hack

Unclassified networks breached, US thinks it might be the Russians

(Newser) - Land of the free, home of the hacked? Just hours after the Wall Street Journal reported that a cybersecurity firm found breaches in the networks of a US firm holding military secrets, it's been revealed the White House has apparently been hacked as well. Officials who spoke on condition...

FBI Charges NOAA Worker With Swiping Data on Dams

Sherry Chen's arrest raises security concerns

(Newser) - A worker at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been arrested and charged with stealing data on US dams, which Dayton Daily News reports carries "deep security implications" for the nation's power grid. Xiafen "Sherry" Chen has also been accused of lying to federal officials about...

Kmart Payment Data Breached in Latest Hack

Customer credit card information at risk: company

(Newser) - If you've shopped at a Kmart store in recent weeks, it may be time to check your credit card records: The company is the latest retailer to fall victim to hackers, it says. Hackers apparently got into Kmart's systems in early September; some credit and debit card numbers...

JPMorgan Attack Hit 10 Financial Firms

Hackers likely working from Russia: report

(Newser) - The hacking of JPMorgan Chase—which was on par, size-wise, with the attack on Target —affected about nine other financial companies, too, the New York Times reports. Exactly which banks and brokerages those were isn't clear, nor is it certain if those breaches were as extensive as JPMorgan'...

No, Jennifer Lawrence Shouldn't 'Laugh It Off'

And don't tell her she should have expected it either, say columnists

(Newser) - Jennifer Lawrence is getting all kinds of advice from strangers on how to handle the leak of her private photos , and two unfortunate themes have emerged, observes Amanda Hess at Slate . Lawrence should "laugh it off," and she should stop taking nude photos of herself because what did...

Celeb Photo 'Hack' Really a Sex Crime

Blaming the celebs is like blaming any sex-crime victim

(Newser) - Jennifer Lawrence and the other celebrities who had their personal nude photos dumped online have not merely been "scrutinized" or "hacked"—they've been sexually violated for the whole world to see, writes Van Badham at the Guardian . As a sex crime, "it deserves the same...

PlayStation, XBox Services Hacked; Tweet Points to ISIS

Sony exec's plane diverted over threat

(Newser) - Multiple major gaming networks faced technical trouble this weekend, and reports suggest hackers are to blame. Sony's PlayStation Network was down yesterday; Microsoft's Xbox Live and Blizzard's Battle.net were among other services apparently affected, the BBC reports. Meanwhile, a Sony executive was threatened in the air:...

Chinese Hack Data of Feds With Top-Secret Clearance

'NYT': Office of Personnel Management was hit in March

(Newser) - Hackers gained access to the Office of Personnel Management, which houses the personal data of all federal employees, and an official tells the New York Times that the hit was traced to China—though it's not clear whether Beijing sanctioned it. The March breach appeared to target the files...

'Energetic Bear' Is Attacking Our Energy Sector

'The potential for sabotage is there,' says Symantec director

(Newser) - "Energetic Bear" has roared its way into the Western oil and gas sector: Over the past year and a half, more than 1,000 companies in 84 countries have been hit by the malware, which was first uncovered in August 2012 and further described in a report released yesterday...

Iran Spies Built Fake News Site to Trick US Targets

Hackers also used bogus Facebook accounts, says security firm

(Newser) - Iranian hackers savvy with social media created a fake news site and false Facebook credentials to spy on top-ranking officials in the US and elsewhere, the Wall Street Journal reports. Cybersecurity firm iSight Partners uncovered what it says is the most elaborate such scheme it has ever seen, reports Reuters...

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