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Libya Protests: Rebels Advance Toward Sirte, Moammar Gadhafi's Hometown, as NATO Announces it Will Assume Aerial Command
 Rebels Advance 
 Toward Gadhafi 
plus: nato takes over

Rebels Advance Toward Gadhafi Hometown

Plus: NATO will assume command of all aerial operations

(Newser) - Libyan state television reports that international airstrikes are targeting Moammar Gadhafi's hometown and stronghold of Sirte for the first time. Foreign journalists in the city reported loud explosions and warplanes flying overheard. Sirte is strategically located about halfway between the rebel-held east and the Gadhafi-controlled west along a key coastal...

NATO Strike Kills 7 Afghan Civilians, Including 3 Kids
 NATO Strike Kills 3 Afghan Kids 

NATO Strike Kills 3 Afghan Kids

7 dead in total; helicopter was trying to hit Taliban leaders on the road

(Newser) - Seven civilians were killed when a NATO helicopter fired on two vehicles believed to be carrying Taliban fighters, say Afghan officials. The international alliance said it was investigating the strike, which occurred yesterday in Helmand province. Two women and three children were among the victims, who were traveling in a...

In Tripoli, There's Still Love for Gadhafi

Meanwhile, French warplane destroys Libyan plane

(Newser) - Despite Libyans’ revolt against their leader, many in the country, and Tripoli in particular, still fervently support Moammar Gadhafi, reports the Washington Post . The paper tells of "near round-the-clock displays of devotion" in the capital, with residents clad in Gadhafi green chanting while holding pictures of their leader. His...

NATO Takes Over No-Fly Zone in Libya

But that's all for now

(Newser) - After days of hard bargaining among its members, NATO agreed late today to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya—but not other military operations yet. The agreement, announced in Brussels by the alliance's secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will allow the United States to hand over command and control of part...

Libya Allies Bicker Over Who Will Lead

US calls 'not it'

(Newser) - The coalition policing Libya’s skies is facing an internal conflict, as well: it can’t agree on who will lead the effort going forward. The US is currently in charge, but President Obama has made it clear that he’d like to hand off control . But to who? The...

NATO Accidentally Kills Karzai Relative

Afghan president again calls for more care in avoiding civilian casualties

(Newser) - NATO forces accidentally shot and killed a member of the Karzai family during a botched night raid, Ahmed Wali Karzai told reporters today. He described the victim only as "our father's cousin," the Telegraph reports. "The forces conducted an operation, he was at his home, he came...

Gadhafi Sics Tanks on Women, Children

People are trapped as tanks, troops descend, say witnesses

(Newser) - Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi has sent in tanks in a bid to crush the rebellion in the refinery town of Zawiyah, cutting down women and children, witnesses report. Defeat of rebel forces in the town just 30 miles from Tripoli—already claimed twice by the government—could mark a turning...

6 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing

No nationalities given, but most forces in south are American

(Newser) - An explosives-packed minibus blew up at the entrance of a joint NATO-Afghan base in southern Afghanistan today, killing six NATO troops and two Afghan soldiers as they prepared to head out on patrol. NATO has claimed improvements in security after months of raids, patrols and strikes on insurgents in Kandahar...

27% of Afghans Say Insurgent Attacks Are Justified

Last year, only 8% thought so

(Newser) - A new poll shows a striking increase in the number of Afghans who support insurgent attacks against American troops: 27%, compared to just 8% last year, called such attacks justified. The increase parallels an increase in Afghan civilian casualties—fatalities and injuries were up 31% in the first half of...

Putin: We'll Use 'Strike Forces' Against Missile Shield

Russian PM even warns of 'new nuclear technologies'

(Newser) - If NATO builds a missile shield near Russia without Russia’s help and involvement, the Kremlin will deploy “strike forces” and even “new nuclear technologies” in response, Vladimir Putin warned last night in an interview with Larry King. Asked about Dmitry Medvedev’s “ new arms race ”...

Medvedev: 'New Arms Race' Looms

Russian leader says new missile deal essential

(Newser) - A new arms race will erupt if Russia can't agree with the West about a joint European missile defense program, Dmitry Medvedev warned today in his annual address. A NATO summit this month proposed an alliance missile-shield plan and invited Russia to participate. Questions remain about possible joint command of...

Kids Safer in Kabul Than NYC: NATO Official

Top envoy claims children in Kabul also safer than in London, Glasgow

(Newser) - Seventy-four children were killed by bombs or suicide attacks in Afghanistan during the first half of this year—but even so, a NATO's senior civilian envoy to the country claims that "children are probably safer here than they would be in London, New York, or Glasgow or many other...

NATO, US See Lengthy Stay in Afghanistan

Combat operations might end in 2004, followed by support mission

(Newser) - The NATO summit resulted in lots of talk about "transition goals" for Afghanistan, but the only thing for certain is that US and NATO troops aren't going anywhere anytime soon. The official proclamation promises that allied forces will push to end combat operations by the end of 2014—but...

Obama Secures NATO's OK on Missile Defense

Russia will be invited to participate in its development

(Newser) - After a rough month, President Obama scored a badly needed success in Lisbon yesterday when NATO leaders agreed to a long held US desire to establish a missile-defense shield that will ultimately cover all member states. Two major stumbling blocks were overcome when Turkey dropped its objections after receiving assurances...

Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014
Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014
nato summit

Obama Plans to Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014

President brings new strategy to NATO summit

(Newser) - As the NATO summit in Lisbon begins today, President Obama has a new plan for Afghanistan—and it calls for the US and others to stick around beyond 2014, the Christian Science Monitor reports. NATO forces, the plan says, will turn over the country to Afghan forces by 2014, but...

US Blows Up Booby-Trapped Afghan Homes

Taliban left hundreds of surprises in Kandahar

(Newser) - US forces are systematically destroying hundreds or, by some estimates, even thousands of homes in newly-captured parts of Kandahar, after finding that they’d been booby-trapped by the Taliban, the New York Times reports. NATO has been attempting to compensate the homeowners, but the effort still isn’t going over...

US Plans 2014 End to Afghan Combat

Phased withdrawal echoes Iraq exit strategy

(Newser) - The Obama administration has worked up a plan to complete the US combat mission in Afghanistan by 2014, gradually shifting security into the hands of Afghan troops, insiders tell the New York Times . The piecemeal strategy, which echoes the phased Iraq withdrawal, will be presented at a NATO meeting in...

Taliban Retreats in Kandahar: NATO

Coalition thinks they've made big progress

(Newser) - NATO and Afghan forces have been wiping the floor with the Taliban in Kandahar in recent weeks, using new high-precision mobile rockets to rout insurgents from their long-held strongholds, NATO commanders, Afghan officials and local residents tell the New York Times . Western officials believe the Taliban has been dealt a...

NATO Escorts Taliban Elite to Afghan Peace Talks

Talks have included commanders at the highest level of insurgency

(Newser) - NATO troops have been helping top Taliban commanders get to Kabul for face-to-face peace talks with Hamid Karzai, sources tell the New York Times. In at least one case, Taliban leaders actually hopped aboard a NATO aircraft to make the journey, and in others NATO has secured roads, promising leaders...

Bin Laden in House, Not Cave: Official

Al-Qaeda bosses living comfortably in Pakistan, says NATO insider

(Newser) - “Nobody in al-Qaeda is living in a cave”—instead, Osama bin Laden and other top figures are likely to be living rather comfortably in houses in Pakistan, under the protection of locals and some Pakistani intelligence, a NATO official tells CNN . Bin Laden has likely been roaming from...

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