
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Oreos Are as Addictive as Cocaine

 Oreos Are 
 as Addictive 
 as Cocaine 
in case you missed it

Oreos Are as Addictive as Cocaine

At least when it comes to lab rats

(Newser) - You may feel downright criminal the next time you eat an Oreo, and you have a Connecticut College student to thank for that. Neuroscience major Jamie Honohan came up with the idea for a study, which dug into the effects of high-fat and high-sugar foods on the brain. The conclusions:...

Florida Cops' Coke Scheme Undone by Newspaper

Sunrise locals upset about criminals police 'brought to our city'

(Newser) - Police in Sunrise, Fla., spent years luring drug buyers into town before arresting them—and making a bundle in the process, according to an investigative report by the South Florida Sun Sentinel . The operation has since been stopped, thanks to the paper's revelations, which ran last week and shed...

Bolivians Toss $1M From Low-Flying Plane

And anti-drug cops swoop in to grab it

(Newser) - Kind of a risky way to pay people, isn't it? Alleged drug dealers ran into trouble last weekend by throwing more than $1 million from a low-flying plane in Bolivia, the BBC reports. Police saw the whole thing, arrested three Bolivian nationals on the ground, and grabbed the bag...

Across the Globe, We&#39;re Losing the War on Drugs
 Planet Losing 
 the War on Drugs 

Planet Losing the War on Drugs

Substances getting purer as prices drop: report

(Newser) - In countries around the world, law enforcement is losing the war on drugs, researchers say. Their evidence: Across two decades of data, purity of illegal substances is up and cost is down, the BBC reports. "These findings suggest that expanding efforts at controlling the global illegal drug market through...

Inside 30 Suitcases on Plane: 1.3 Tons of Cocaine

Paris seizure made on Air France flight from Venezuela

(Newser) - There's a joke about "high flying" in here somewhere: Cops at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport have found 1.3 tons of pure cocaine on an Air France jet. The coke was packed inside 30 suitcases on a flight from Venezuela, and had a street value of about...

Cops Find Drugs, Cash, Gun in Raid on ... Daycare?

1 kilo cocaine, 1K Oxy pills, wads of cash stashed at daycare center

(Newser) - Of all the places in the Bronx to find a stash of drugs, guns, and weapons, "Fun World Childcare" doesn't sound like the most likely candidate. But a raid on the building that houses the daycare center last week turned up more than just teddy bears and juice...

Cocaine May 'Teach' Addiction to Brain—Fast

Scientists see changes to mouse brains after 2 hours

(Newser) - Just one dose of cocaine may physically change the brain as the body begins "learning addiction," scientists say. They investigated the effect of the drug on mice, and noted that within two hours of being injected with the drug, brain changes were visible, the BBC reports. After two...

Barney Frank: Cut the Crap, Legalize Heroin

And lots of 'high-functioning people' are on cocaine anyway

(Newser) - As a not-so-shy congressman, Barney Frank pushed for marijuana to be legal (and copped to eating a pot brownie ). Now that he's retired, he's going further: He tells the Huffington Post that he thinks cocaine and even heroin ought to be legal, too. The only drugs that...

'Crack Babies' Not Such a Big Worry After All

Factors other than cocaine may have fueled 1980s fears

(Newser) - All that time spent worrying about "crack babies" in the 1980s may have been for naught: Researchers reviewed 27 previous studies involving some 5,000 teens whose mothers had been cocaine users during pregnancy and found little proof of any major long-term ill effects. Though the kids (all from...

Man Convicted of Murder Based on Victim's Blinks

Ricardo Woods rejected a plea deal

(Newser) - An Ohio man was convicted of murder and felonious assault today, in a case that hinged in large parts on the videotaped blinks of a dying man . Prosecutors on numerous occasions offered a plea deal to Ricardo Woods that would have seen him spend just 5 years in prison, the...

Cocaine the True Cause of Financial Crisis: Claim

Ex-UK drugs adviser David Nutt claims it made bankers 'overconfident'

(Newser) - Forget all those complicated economic explanations. The real reason for the financial crisis was simple: Bankers were doing too much coke, says a professor and former UK government drugs adviser. The drug made bankers "overconfident," prompting them to take "more risks," says David Nutt. Cocaine fueled...

World's No. 1 Crack Market: Brazil

And it's just behind the US in total cocaine use

(Newser) - It turns out the next Summer Olympics will be held in the country that's the crack capital of the world, according to Federal University of Sao Paulo researchers who have concluded that the No. 1 crack market is none other than Brazil, the AFP reports. Nearly 6 million Brazilian...

Motorcycle Gunmen Take Out 'Cocaine Godmother'

Police surprised it didn't happen sooner

(Newser) - Griselda Blanco, the so-called "Godmother of Cocaine" who orchestrated a wave of horrific drug violence in the streets of Miami in the '70s and '80s, was gunned down in Colombia yesterday. Police say the 69-year-old was leaving a butcher shop when a pair of gunmen on motorcycles...

US Takes Drug War to Africa
 US Takes Drug War to Africa 

US Takes Drug War to Africa

Critics say United States just playing 'Whac-A-Mole,' risks blowback

(Newser) - Latin America has long been the United States' focus on the war on drugs. But increasingly that war is reaching Africa, too, as US forces are training counternarcotic squads in Ghana and are looking to start similar programs in Nigeria and Kenya, reports the New York Times . In addition, the...

Killing in Honduras: Is DEA Overstepping Its Bounds?

DEA says strategy is working, human rights groups not so sure

(Newser) - The Drug Enforcement Agency has confirmed that its agents shot a suspected drug pilot dead in Honduras last week, the AP reports. An agency spokeswoman says that a twin-engine plane carrying cocaine from Colombia crashed in eastern Honduras while being pursued by government aircraft. One pilot was injured in the...

How Mexico's Biggest Drug Cartel Looks Like Facebook

Joaquín Guzmán runs Sinaloa like a legitimate business

(Newser) - Joaquín Guzmán is bigger than Pablo Escobar ever was. The CEO of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, Guzmán is behind up to half the drugs that enter the US from Mexico. At 55, the short and stocky drug-runner with a third-grade education has become a driven, obsessed entrepreneur...

18 American Airlines Workers Hunted in PR Drug Raid

Sophisticated airport operation moved tons ofdrugs to US via commercial airlines: DEA

(Newser) - US drug agents nabbed dozens of baggage handlers, American Airlines workers and others in a raid on Puerto Rico's main airport. "We have dismantled the two most significant drug operations at the airport," said the acting special agent in charge of the DEA's Caribbean division. At...

55-Year-Old Housewife Arrested Over Cocaine Stash

Lindsay Sandiford traveling from Thailand to Bali when customs found drugs

(Newser) - A 55-year-old British woman has been arrested after allegedly trying to smuggle more than 10 pounds of cocaine from Bangkok into Bali, reports the BBC . Indonesian customs officials say the drugs were found in the lining of Lindsay Sandiford's bags as they went through an X-ray screening on May...

Victim of Naked Face-Eater Fights for Life

Miami police are quiet on details in the aftermath of gruesome attack

(Newser) - The man attacked Saturday in Florida by a naked man who tried to chew off his face is fighting for his life in a Miami hospital, reports the Miami Herald , which reveals that the attacker also reportedly tried to gouge out the victim's eyes. But beyond that, there are...

Cops Shoot Naked Guy Eating Man's Face on Highway

Bizarre fight occured by Miami highway

(Newser) - Some things can neither be made up or erased from one's psyche, and this one falls under both categories: A naked man was shot to death by police in Miami yesterday as he was chewing another man's face off on a highway off-ramp, reports the Miami Herald . A...

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