Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Conservative Groups Eclipsing GOP as Campaign Organizers
Shadow Campaigns
Taking Over GOP

Shadow Campaigns Taking Over GOP

Supreme Court allowed groups to spend freely

(Newser) - Conservative groups operating outside the public eye are carrying much of the water for Republican campaigns, the New York Times reports. Thanks to a Supreme Court decision that uncaps contribution limits, right-wing organizations like Americans for Prosperity and Karl Rove's American Crossroads are spending hundreds of millions of dollars—...

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

 Gingrich: Throw 
 in Jail 
GOP Debate

Gingrich: Throw Democrats in Jail

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank should pay for collapse, not Wall Street bigs: Newt

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has an interesting idea for resolving political conflicts: Jail Democrats. That was the former House speaker's surprising recommendation in last night's GOP debate . The suggestion came up as he expressed sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street movement, saying protesters have every right to be angry. But...

Rep. Landry Stands by 'Gestapo' Dig Against Oil Regulator

Not into 'political niceness,' says Jeff Landry

(Newser) - Louisiana Rep. Jeff Landry is standing by his charge that the nation's leading offshore oil and gas regulatory agency is acting "like the Gestapo." Asked if he had any regrets using the name for Hitler's deadly security force, Landry replied: "Absolutely not. I didn't...

Palin: There's Still Time to Get in the Race

Still not declaring, and still dropping hints

(Newser) - Don't write off Sarah Palin for the 2012 race—yet. That's not to say she has declared she's running, but Palin is still teasing the public ... and leaving the door open. “There is still time, and I think on both sides of the aisle I think...

Bachmann: I Just Passed On Stranger's Vaccine Fear

'I wasn't attesting to her accuracy' she tells AP

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is again backing off her vaccine scare story , admitting she really didn't know what she was talking about when she linked the HPV vaccine to a risk of retardation. She was simply passing on the concerns of a stranger who approached her. "All I was doing...

Obama Blinks, Reschedules Jobs Talk

He switches day at John Boehner's request

(Newser) - Chalk up another one for the Republicans. In the standoff over President Obama's schedule for his urgent jobs speech, Obama blinked. He has agreed to move the date a day later, to next Thursday, which is the same time as the NFL season opener. John Boehner complained about the...

Karl Rove: I'm Serious, Sarah Palin Is Running

It's do or die for the 'teaser,' he warns

(Newser) - Karl Rove predicted again that Sarah Palin will run for president—and that she'll announce soon. The GOP strategist pointed to upcoming Palin events in Iowa and a new campaign-styled video as strong indications that the former Alaska governor will jump in . But she's got to speak up...

Rick Perry: I Don't Buy Global Warming

It's another contrast with Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Maybe we'll see a cage match between Al Gore and Rick Perry. The GOP presidential hopeful told an audience of New Hampshire business owners that he isn't convinced humans have contributed to global warming, reports the National Journal . “I do believe that the issue of global warming...

Obama to GOP: 'Stop Drawing Lines in the Sand'

President winds up bus tour, says Republicans blocking economic growth

(Newser) - President Obama accused Republicans of keeping a politically motivated stranglehold on the US economy as his three-day bus tour of the Midwest wrapped up today, the Los Angeles Times reports. "I need you to send a message to folks in Washington," he told voters at a seed-production facility...

Senate to Stay in Session Until Debt Deal Done
 Reid: Senate Is Open 
 Until Debt Deal Done 

Reid: Senate Is Open Until Debt Deal Done

Obama says he will veto proposed budget amendment to Constitution

(Newser) - So much for the weekend plans of the United States Senate: The Chicago Tribune notes that Harry Reid said today he'll hold session every single day "from now until Congress passes legislation that prevents the United States from defaulting on our obligations." While little progress was made...

Bachmann: Gay Lifestyle Is 'Personal Despair'

Candidate bares view in speech

(Newser) - If anyone is still confused about where GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann stands on gays, Gawker has discovered a quote that should settle the matter. "We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and...

House GOP Refuses All Defense Cuts

Military spending a major point of contention at federal budget talks

(Newser) - House Republicans resoundingly rejected even modest cuts in defense spending last week, sending an uncomfortable message to leaders negotiating cuts for a debt ceiling deal. After three days of floor debate, the GOP shot down even modest reductions of military spending, including cuts for military bands or the Pentagon's...

Bible &#39;Obey&#39; Edict Raises Issue for Bachmann Presidency
Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls
Bachmann Presidency

Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls Bachmann Presidency

Who would be in charge: Michele or her hubby?

(Newser) - "The Lord says be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands," Michele Bachmann has said. So if Bachmann believes wives should always obey their husbands, who would be in charge if she becomes president? Bachmann? Or hubby Marcus? That's what the Daily Beast wants...

Bachmann &#39;Feels&#39; Right
 Might Just 
 'Feel' Right 


Bachmann Might Just 'Feel' Right

'Personal populist' is moving ahead of pack, notes Chris Cilizza

(Newser) - Forget the history bloopers and the messages from God —if Michele Bachmann "feels" right to voters, then she may have a shot at winning the Republican nomination. "The reality of presidential politics—and all politics—is that voters tend to make their decisions not on dry policy...

NY Senate Will Vote on Gay Marriage

'Up or down' vote could come as soon as tonight

(Newser) - Republicans in the New York Senate agreed today to allow a full vote on legalizing gay marriage; it could come as soon as tonight. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos says the bill will come to the floor and be brought up for an "up or down vote," calling...

GOP Freshmen Promise Cuts, Spend Big in First Quarter

PR, car leases cost taxpayers a bunch

(Newser) - Despite campaign promises to slash the federal budget, some GOP House freshmen are sparing no expense on cars and PR at taxpayer expense. At least 15 newly elected Republicans have spent tens of thousands on mailings that boost their exposure in their districts, says House quarterly disbursement reports. Many also...

Resolute GOP Stands by Ryan's Medicare Overhaul

Despite its divisive nature, Republicans still fighting for Ryan's plan

(Newser) - Despite the five Senate Republicans who voted against Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul yesterday, the GOP remains wedded to the divisive, and increasingly unpopular , plan. Rather than back off, Republicans are responding by increasing attacks on the Democrats’ position, the Wall Street Journal reports. "We need to make it...

New Tell-All: Palin Happy to Ditch Gov Job for Money

Leaked book by Frank Bailey on sale tomorrow

(Newser) - Sarah Palin couldn't wait to ditch her job as Alaska governor for a more lucrative future, failed to make commitments, and broke campaign laws. That's a taste of the revelations in a new book penned by former Palin insider Frank Bailey. Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir ...

Boehner to Dems: Cut 'Trillions' ... or Else

Speaker wants Medicaid part of the 'conversation' to boost debt limit

(Newser) - House Speaker John Boehner has warned Democrats to agree to at least $2 trillion in budget cuts or GOP legislators won't back measures to raise the federal debt ceiling, he told a rapt crowd of Wall Streeters and political leaders yesterday. He also insisted that Medicare is still on...

Latest Addition to GOP 2012: Rick Santorum

Conservative ex-senator will test financial backing

(Newser) - It's official. Sort of. Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum announced last night that he's launching an exploratory committee to begin raising funds for a possible run at the presidency. Santorum, popular with social conservatives, revealed the new step on Fox News last night. Earlier in the day the wanna-be candidate,...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>