US Supreme Court

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Listen to Court's Audio in Gay Marriage Case

Supreme Court releases recording, transcript

(Newser) - Analysts are in overdrive trying to predict what the Supreme Court may or may not do in terms of gay marriage, but if you want to listen to today's arguments for yourself, Slate provides a link to the audio here . The same link brings up the full transcript. The...

Gay Marriage Backers Should Hope Court Punts
Gay Marriage Backers
Should Hope Court Punts

Gay Marriage Backers Should Hope Court Punts

Sweeping decision could backfire: David Cole

(Newser) - David Cole is all for gay marriage—yet he's still hoping that when it comes to California's Prop 8, which the Supreme Court considered today , the justices will "decide not to decide the gay marriage issue at all," he writes in the New York Times . It...

High Court Split in Gay Marriage Questioning

SCOTUSblog predicts a no-decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has finished hearing the arguments in the Proposition 8 case, and prognosticators are busy reading the tea leaves for what it might be thinking. Here's what went down:
  • Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and, perhaps surprisingly, John Roberts, peppered Charles Cooper, the lead attorney

1st of Landmark Gay Marriage Cases Hits SCOTUS Today

What to expect as high court considers Prop 8, DOMA

(Newser) - The Supreme Court hears two landmark gay rights cases this week, starting today. Here's what to expect:
  • What's on the docket for today? The court will consider California's voter-approved Prop 8, which banned same-sex marriage after the state Supreme Court allowed it, the AP reports. A federal

Landmark Gay Rights Cases Head for Supreme Court

Calif. gay marriage ban before court tomorrow

(Newser) - The gay marriage debate moves to the Supreme Court this week, where justices will hear arguments for and against the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 ban tomorrow. The federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as being between a man and a woman, will be before the court...

Court Sides With Student on Textbook Copyright

Publisher loses case at Supreme Court over resales

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled today that textbooks and other goods made and sold abroad can be re-sold online and in discount stores without violating US copyright law. The outcome was a huge relief to eBay, Costco, and other businesses that trade in products made outside the US. In a 6-3...

Why We Must End DOMA
 Bill Clinton: 
 Why We Must 
 End DOMA 


Bill Clinton: Why We Must End DOMA

Ex-president calls on Supreme Court to reject law he signed

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is preparing to take up the Defense of Marriage Act—and the very president who signed it is urging justices to strike it down. DOMA came at "a very different time" in US history, writes Bill Clinton in a Washington Post editorial. No state recognized same-sex...

White House Urges Court to Uphold Gay Marriage

Justice Department weighs in on California's Prop 8 case

(Newser) - The Obama administration has ramped up its fight for gay marriage at the Supreme Court ahead of two big cases in late March. The Justice Department today issued a legal brief urging the court to strike down California's Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage, reports the Los Angeles Times...

More High-Profile GOPers Sign Pro-Gay Marriage Brief
More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

More GOPers, Companies Back Gay Marriage

Deadline for Obama to do same is today

(Newser) - Prominent Republicans keep coming out of the woodwork to sign onto a legal brief that pushes the Supreme Court to throw its weight behind gay marriage. More than two dozen have added their names since the amicus brief first made headlines , bringing the total signatures up to more than 100....

Court Seals It: We Live in a 'Surveillance State'

Glenn Greenwald: Justices protect Obama's 'Kafkaesque' warrantless wiretapping

(Newser) - The Supreme Court yesterday gave the green light to the Justice Department to continue eavesdropping on Americans without need of a warrant. In so doing, the court's five conservative justices agreed with the "Kafkaesque reasoning" of the Obama administration, which was borrowed and expanded upon from the Bush...

High Court Looks Poised to Gut Voting Rights Act

Conservative justices sound skeptical it's still necessary

(Newser) - If today's questions from the conservative wing of the Supreme Court are any guide, the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 is doomed. In fact, writes Tom Goldstein at SCOTUSblog , expect a 5-4 decision in favor of striking down Section 5 of the act, one of its core provisions....

Supreme Court Rules No Challenges to FISA

Surveillance law, wiretaps stand, 5-4

(Newser) - Is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the warrantless wiretapping of US citizens it allows for, constitutional? We may never know, because the Supreme Court just ruled that the law can't be challenged in federal court. In a 5-4 decision, the court today agreed to a government request to...

75 GOP Bigwigs Sign Brief Backing Gay Marriage

Top Republicans show support before key Supreme Court case

(Newser) - Scores of prominent Republicans have made an unprecedented show of support for gay marriage. The GOPers, including Jon Huntsman, former George W. Bush administration officials, and four former governors, have signed a legal brief arguing that gay people have the constitutional right to marry, the New York Times reports. The...

Supreme Court Upholds Corporate Donation Ban

Meanwhile, it lets man whose IQ is too low to execute go

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has been notoriously friendly to corporate speech rights, but it today rejected two Hillary Clinton donors' attempt to argue that corporations should be able to donate directly to candidates. William Danielczyk and Eugene Biagi, who are accused of illegally funneling $150,000 of corporate cash into Clinton'...

Sotomayor Hits Prosecutor on Racist Comments

'I hope never to see a case like this again'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court won't be hearing a defendant's appeal in a drug case—but Justice Sonia Sotomayor made her views clear on a federal prosecutor's earlier comments, CNN reports. The prosecutor had said, "You've got African Americans, you've got Hispanics, you've got a...

White House Brief Makes Strong Case for Gay Rights

Urges Supreme Court to kill DOMA, suggests Obama will weigh in on Prop 8 case, too

(Newser) - The White House looks poised to make a robust defense of gay marriage before the Supreme Court. The first step came yesterday when the Justice Department filed a legal brief urging the court to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, reports CNN . DOMA defines a marriage as a union...

Supreme Court to Consider Campaign Donation Limits

Case challenges the limit on how much an individual can give

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to a campaign finance law that limits how much an individual can give to political campaigns. The justices today decided to hear an appeal from Shaun McCutcheon of Alabama and the Republican National Committee. They're arguing that the "aggregate limit" is...

Farmer, 75, Takes on Monsanto
Farmer, 75, Takes on Monsanto

Farmer, 75, Takes on Monsanto

Soybean seed case hits Supreme Court this week

(Newser) - Vernon Hugh Bowman, a 75-year-old Indiana farmer, is taking on agribusiness heavyweight Monsanto in a case hitting the Supreme Court tomorrow. Monsanto says Bowman, who has been using Monsanto's soybean seeds happily for years, is infringing its patents when he plants a second crop of soybeans each year. The...

ObamaCare Contraception Suits Pile Up

Get ready, Supreme Court

(Newser) - The lawsuits over ObamaCare's contraception mandate are appearing almost weekly in federal courts, and it's just a matter of time before the Supreme Court addresses the issue, experts tell the New York Times . It's not just religious groups that are suing: Private companies like Hobby Lobby have...

Justice Thomas Speaks for 1st Time Since 2006

He appeared to have been making a joke

(Newser) - Justice Clarence Thomas did something at a Supreme Court argument today for the first time in nearly seven years—he spoke. But what Thomas said is not clear; he appears to have joked about Ivy League lawyers. The argument transcript only records four words. It quotes Thomas as saying, "...

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