US Supreme Court

Stories 1381 - 1400 | << Prev   Next >>

Justice Stevens: I May Retire
 Justice Stevens: I May Retire 

Justice Stevens: I May Retire

Supreme Court's liberal leader says he'll leave within three years

(Newser) - John Paul Stevens would like to make a decision about retiring from the Supreme Court within the next month, he reveals in a new interview. “I still have my options open,” he tells Jeffrey Toobin in a lengthy New Yorker profile. “You can say I will retire...

Chief Justice Rips Obama's 'Very Troubling' Court Rebuke

Roberts irked by 'pep-rally' mood at State of the Union

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts says it's "very troubling" that President Obama criticized a Supreme Court decision amid a "pep-rally" atmosphere at his State of the Union address. Obama said in the speech that the decision to allow corporations to spend freely on campaign ads "opened the floodgates...

Chamber of Commerce Flexes Muscles, Goes Grassroots

Thanks to Supreme Court ruling, group's power skyrockets

(Newser) - The US Chamber of Commerce has become so powerful it almost rivals the major parties, thanks in part to recent Supreme Court rulings that have given its fundraising operations a shot in the arm. Flush with cash, the group has launched a concerted grass-roots operation, signing up 6 million individuals...

Supreme Court Takes on Anti-Gay Funeral Protest Case

Father of slain soldier wants damages from Westboro Baptist Church

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a lawsuit against the Westboro Baptist Church, the band of religious zealots who hold anti-gay protests at the funerals of slain soldiers. The case is being brought by the father of a Marine killed in Iraq, whose son's funeral was targeted by the...

Roberts Rumor Started by Gullible Law Students

Spoof part of lecture on unreliable sources

(Newser) - The wild rumor that John Roberts would retire from his Supreme Court gig for health reasons appears to have begun by overexcited Georgetown law students texting during class. At 9am yesterday morning, Professor Peter Tague told his 1L class that, just between them, don’t tell anybody, John Roberts would...

Chief Justice John Roberts Quitting? Um, No

Gossip site RadarOnline spreads rumor, then retracts

(Newser) - RadarOnline briefly tantalized readers with a juicy rumor saying Chief Justice John Roberts was "seriously considering" resigning for "personal reasons." It then posted an update declaring that he was staying on the court. The original didn't have any sourcing or specifics. The Huffington Post weighed in...

Supreme Court Seems Poised to Weaken Gun Bans

Scalia, others, suggest they're ready to strike down cities' rules

(Newser) - The Supreme Court suggested today it will strike down US cities' outright bans on handguns, a ruling that could establish a nationwide ownership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the "right to keep and bear arms."...

Obama Aide: Change Is Out, Reform Is In

Plan is to scale back agenda, focus on government clean up

(Newser) - President Obama’s new 2010 strategy, arrived at after weeks of internal debate, is to replace his sweeping “change” agenda with a more modest push for government reform. First up: a tough new campaign finance law, pushing back against the deeply unpopular Citizens United Supreme Court ruling. “Americans...

Dems Fight High Court's Campaign Finance Ruling

New law would seek to limit flood of corporate cash

(Newser) - Democratic legislators introduced a bill yesterday designed to mitigate the impact of the landmark Supreme Court ruling that gutted decades of campaign finance reform efforts. They’re hoping to get the bill passed ASAP, so corporate money can’t dominate the 2010 election—something that many fear would favor Republicans,...

Where Has Our Favorite Maverick Gone?
  Where Has 
  Our Favorite 
  Maverick Gone? 
Dana Milbank

Where Has Our Favorite Maverick Gone?

A John McCain fan laments the senator's new 'reflexive opposition'

(Newser) - Narry a whimper when the Supreme Court gutted the campaign finance laws he vowed to fight for "until I draw my last breath." No support for a bipartisan commission on the national debt that he had sponsored. Hectoring an admiral who supports the end of "don't ask,...

Clarence Thomas: State of the Union 'Too Partisan'

Justice makes a point of skipping them

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas says he skips State of the Union addresses—including President Obama’s last week—“because it has become so partisan,” he told a Florida law school this week. “It’s very uncomfortable for a judge to sit there,” he said. “There’s a...

Prop 8 Trial Is on YouTube
 Prop 8 Trial Is on YouTube 

Prop 8 Trial Is on YouTube

Filmmakers use transcripts, reports, blogs in recreation

(Newser) - Though the Supreme Court kept California’s gay-marriage trial off YouTube, some enterprising filmmakers have fixed that. Using court transcripts and various reports of the proceedings, they’ve put 12 “episodes” of the Prop 8 trial on the Internet, using Hollywood actors (including Oscar nominee Tess Harper) to play...

Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism
Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism

Justice Alito Mouths 'Not True' at Obama Criticism

Observers see 'Joe Wilson moment'

(Newser) - Though Supreme Court justices normally sit impassively during the State of the Union address, Justice Samuel Alito took unusual umbrage to President Obama’s criticism of the court’s recent ruling on campaign finance—mouthing “ not true ” when Obama said the decision “reversed a century of law...

Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell&mdash;or Not
Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell—or Not
opposing views

Campaign Ruling Is a Bombshell—or Not

Washington is 'hyperventilating,' but the impact may not be that profound

(Newser) - Most of the reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling on campaign spending presents it as a bombshell that will open the spigots of corporate and union coffers and radically change how races are run. Today's New York Times , for instance, notes that the ruling calls into question laws in no...

Obama Blasts Court Ruling on Campaign Finance

More influence for special interests is the "last thing" we need

(Newser) - President Obama blasted this week's Supreme Court decision easing limits on campaign spending by corporations and labor unions in his address this morning, saying, "I can't think of anything more devastating to the public interest. The last thing we need to do is hand more influence to the lobbyists...

Abortion Demonstrators Are Aging Out

 Abortion Demonstrators 
 Are Aging Out 
Roe v. wade turns 37

Abortion Demonstrators Are Aging Out

New generation less passionate, more tuned into technology

(Newser) - Don’t expect to see a lot of fresh young faces out to protest—or defend—Roe v. Wade today. It’s the 37th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, and as usual there will be demonstrations for and against abortion rights in Washington, but the demonstrators aren’t...

Judge Stevens Decries Court's Corporate Turn

89-year-old gives impassioned opinion but sounds weary

(Newser) - Justice John Paul Stevens railed against the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning decades of campaign finance reform, invoking the names of such revered justices as Sandra Day O’Connor, Thurgood Marshall, and Byron White. In giving the minority opinion yesterday, Stevens spoke for 20 minutes, twice as long as Anthony...

GOP Set to Cash In On Campaign Spending Ruling

Obama promises 'forceful response' to Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's decision to lift a ban on direct corporate campaign spending will be a bonanza for the Republicans and another blow to the Democrats ahead of this year's elections, analysts say. Business lobbies that had been persuaded to back President Obama's initiatives are now taking stock of the...

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
supreme court

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'

Democrats, good-government groups blast Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - Democrats and campaign reformers alike are railing against today’s Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to use their money how they please in the political arena. “This decision allows Wall Street to tap its vast corporate profits to drown out the voice of the public in our democracy,”...

High Court Rips Up Corporate Campaign Donation Limits

5-4 ruling repeals part of McCain-Feingold

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has ruled that corporations may spend freely to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress, easing decades-old limits on their participation in federal campaigns. By a 5-4 vote, the court today overturned a 20-year-old ruling that said corporations can be prohibited from using money from their...

Stories 1381 - 1400 | << Prev   Next >>