
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Navy Busts Marriage Fraud Ring
Navy Busts
Fraud Ring

Navy Busts Marriage Fraud Ring

Dozens of sailors charged with wedding foreigners for profit

(Newser) - Dozens of US sailors and Eastern European women have been arrested for their part in a purported mass-marriage fraud ring, CNN reports. Sailors allegedly tied the knot with women they barely knew, netting the wives green cards and the sailors marriage benefits totaling roughly $500,000. “What we see...

Ashlee Has Bun in the Oven
Ashlee Has Bun in the Oven

Ashlee Has Bun in the Oven

Pop star wants to 'walk down the aisle before she's showing,' spy says

(Newser) - A little morning sickness didn't stop Ashlee Simpson from spilling the news today: With her wedding to Pete Wentz looming next month, the 23-year old pop star told OK! Magazine that the couple is expecting a little one in October.

Beauty and Beast Spark Good Lovin'
Beauty and Beast Spark Good Lovin'

Beauty and Beast Spark Good Lovin'

Couples fare better if woman is more attractive: study

(Newser) - Trophy wives, take heart. A recent study shows that marriages fare better if the wife is more attractive than the husband. The University of Tennessee survey of 82 couples showed that men place a high premium on a woman’s beauty while women value a caring, supportive husband over chiseled...

Penns Call Off the Divorce
 Penns Call Off the Divorce 

Penns Call Off the Divorce

Sean and Robin Wright Penn call off divorce petition, hit rock concert

(Newser) - Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn have apparently decided their differences are reconcilable after all, E! Online reports. The on-again, off-again celebrity couple have canceled a divorce petition filed last December and were spotted together at an Eddie Vedder concert earlier this week. Sean got on stage with his buddy...

Merry Divorcées Plan Rites for Deceased Marriages

Break-ups marked by ceremonies, parties

(Newser) - An Atlanta divorce lawyer has a little gift for her clients: a mock coffin to bury their wedding rings in when the divorce comes through. "Funerals" for failed marriages—or just big parties—are becoming popular with the newly single keen to bury the past and celebrate a new...

534 Taken From Polygamist Ranch

Cops arrest one for interfering with evacuation

(Newser) - Texas officials have removed 534 people and arrested one in an ongoing raid of a polygamist ranch near Eldorado, the San Angelo Standard-Times reports. But the man they collared is only charged with obstructing the 4-day raid, not committing the rape that sparked it. Meanwhile, at a nearby historical fort,...

Hubbies Cost 7 Hours of Extra Housework a Week

But wives spend less time on chores than they once did

(Newser) - Husbands create seven hours a week of extra housework for their wives, while they themselves spend less time on housework than they did as singles, a new study has found. But it's not all bad news for women. Researchers tracking housework hours of single and married people also found that...

Female Troops' Divorce Rate More than Double Men's

Rate was much higher even in peacetime

(Newser) - Female troops divorce at nearly twice the rate of their male comrades, Divorce360 reports, and the military is stumped as to why. Data from 2006 show male soldiers divorce at a rate of 2.7%—lower than the general population's 3.6%—but that leaps to 7% among women. The...

Eli to Wed College Sweetheart
 Eli to Wed College Sweetheart 

Eli to Wed College Sweetheart

Giants' QB will wed college sweetheart

(Newser) - New York Giants’ QB Eli Manning will marry his college love in New York later this month, family sources told the New York Post. Manning, 27, and Abby McGrew, 24, picked up their marriage license in Manhattan this week, onlookers said. McGrew’s father and Manning’s brother (Cooper, not...

Jay-Z and Beyoncé Tie the Knot

Singer and rapper had been together 6 years

(Newser) - Beyoncé and Jay-Z got married last night, People reports, in a small ceremony followed by a lavish party for about 30 at the rapper’s Tribeca penthouse. “Jay wanted it to be a really private affair—friends and family,” a source tells People. For the do, the roof...

Army Battles High Divorce Rates

'Marriage education' aims to bridge gulf between love and war

(Newser) - A jump in divorce rates since the start of the Iraq war has the Army concerned. Marriages are falling apart as soldiers return home from tours of combat duty emotionally distant and unwilling to discuss their experiences. The military has now launched 'marriage education' retreats to try and repair the...

Army Allowing Spouses to Live Together in Iraq

Long-standing policy gives way in name of boosting morale, re-enlistment

(Newser) - Desperate to combat sagging morale from repeated deployments to Iraq, the US Army has quietly eased rules against married soldiers living together at war, the AP reports. Wedded soldiers in certain camps can now cohabitate in private trailers. "It makes a lot of things easier," said soldier and...

More Afghan Families Using Girls to Pay Debt

Farmers hit by crop woes give daughters as 'opium brides'

(Newser) - Besieged by debt, more Afghan farmers are paying lenders by handing over their girls as "loan brides," Newsweek reports. Often taken from their families forever, the girls—some younger than 5 years old—are commonly beaten or pushed to suicide by their fate. "My heart is still...

Her Least Favorite Things
 Her Least Favorite Things 

Her Least Favorite Things

How not to annoy your significant other

(Newser) - OK, she’s clearly ticked—but what set her off this time? Lisa Jones lets Men’s Health in on 8 things guys shouldn't do. Read up, she says, and "you'll be able to stop repelling the women you want to meet—or aggravating the one you have."...

Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK
 Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK 

Record Few Say 'I Do' in UK

Weddings at 144 year low

(Newser) - The number of marriages is plummeting in the UK, where newly released government figures have revealed the fewest weddings since the middle of the 19th century. Fewer than 23 men in every 1000 said "I do" in 2006 as more couples opt for cohabitation without a marriage license. The...

New NY Gov Admits Affair
 New NY Gov Admits Affair 

New NY Gov Admits Affair

Paterson and wife were both unfaithful for years

(Newser) - David Paterson, who succeeded Eliot Spitzer as governor of New York yesterday, has his own history of extramarital relations. He and his wife Michelle admitted in a joint interview with the New York Daily News that they were unfaithful during a rocky period in their 15-year marriage. But both denied...

Court: Italian Women Can Lie About Adultery

Judges say they can fib, even to police, to protect their honor

(Newser) - Italian adulterers have made their bed, and now the country’s top appeals court says they can lie in it: The Court of Cassation has ruled that married women can tell fibs to cover up an affair to protect their honor, the BBC reports. The judgment stems from the case...

Here Comes the Bride, No Matter the Cost

Women going to unhealthy extremes in bid to look perfect

(Newser) - Wedding dress? $1,500. Ceremony? $30,000. Rapid weight loss, whitened teeth, artificial tan, laser surgery and a shot of Botox? Apparently, priceless—but they may come at a health cost as brides-to-be try to look picture-perfect with "red carpet-worthy good looks" on their wedding day. Such extremes can...

Leap Day Cocktails Lost to Time
Leap Day Cocktails Lost to Time

Leap Day Cocktails Lost to Time

Drinks passé, along with Sadie Hawkins-style man-chasing

(Newser) - Feb. 29 still comes once every four years, but celebratory cocktails marking the bissextile have gone out of fashion—along with a leap-year tradition that requires plenty of liquid courage, Eric Felten notes in the Wall Street Journal. Women who proposed marriage during the leap year could not be denied;...

Women Reclaim Virginity Through Faith, Surgery

Growing number seek to stake a new claim to innocence

(Newser) - Efforts to reclaim lost virginity appear to be gaining steam across the country, MSNBC reports. More young women are declaring a sexual do-over, with some even opting for surgical replacement of the hymen, say doctors who’ve seen an increase in the procedures. “I felt really bad from a...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>