Dick Cheney

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Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36
 Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36 

Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36

Meanwhile, Cheney and McCain visited the country touting successes

(Newser) - A female suicide bomber killed 36 and wounded at least 50 in the Shiite city of Karbala today, even as John McCain and Dick Cheney visited Iraq to tout American successes in increasing security, reports the Los Angeles Times. A roadside bomb also killed two American soldiers on a road...

Cheney Makes Surprise Visit to Baghdad

Promises 'unwavering commitment' of US as war begins 6th year

(Newser) - Leading Iraq war architect Dick Cheney made an unannounced visit to Baghdad today, beginning a nine-day Middle East tour by promising Iraq the "unwavering commitment of the United States in finishing the difficult work that lies ahead." John McCain, traveling as a member of the Senate Armed Services...

Vt. Towns Vote to Indict Bush, Cheney

'Crimes against the Constitution' make prez, veep wanted men

(Newser) - Two Vermont towns have voted to arrest President Bush and Vice President Cheney if they ever set foot within their boundaries, the AP reports. The measures, which also call for the pair to be extradited to face trial for unspecified "crimes against the Constitution," passed after a public...

Gitmo Lawyers Probe Cheney Link to Leak

VP's office accused of tampering with high-profile trial

(Newser) - Lawyers for a Canadian held at Guantanamo Bay since 2002 are investigating allegations that Dick Cheney's office defied a court order and leaked a damning video about their client to "60 Minutes," the National Post reports. The footage, which appears to show Omar Khadr building a roadside bomb,...

Cheney Bucks Bush, Wants DC Gun Ban Overturned

Signs Congressional brief saying the District's gun law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - Dick Cheney yesterday went against his own administration, signing a Congressional brief which urges the Supreme Court to uphold a ruling that found Washington DC's handgun ban to be unconstitutional. In so doing Cheney took a stronger Second Amendment stance than his boss, the Washington Post reports, adding that it's...

Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations
Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations

Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations

As CIA boss concedes tactics may be illega

(Newser) - Dick Cheney yesterday defended the use of controversial interrogation techniques, crediting them with possibly “foiling an attack against the US," just as the director of the CIA was conceding to a congressional committee that waterboarding may be illegal. The VP defended the use of  “a tougher program...

Cheney Resists Testifying in 'Attack' Lawsuit

Alleged attacker wants veep to clear up encounter in court

(Newser) - A man collared on suspicion of assaulting Dick Cheney two years ago wants the veep to testify in court—but is it likely? Cheney would only have to if his testimony is unobtainable by other means, one expert said—exactly what Cheney's lawyer argued last week in court. But one...

Cheney May Testify in 'Assault' Arrest Lawsuit

Turmoil in Cheney's Secret Service detail

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney may be questioned under oath in a free-speech and civil rights lawsuit brought by a man who was arrested and threatened with assault charges when he approached Cheney at a ski resort. The 2006 incident has sparked a storm of controversy inside the Secret Service with...

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney
McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

Former Dem. nominee rails against duo's 'high crimes and misdemeanors'

(Newser) - Now is the time to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney, declares former Democratic nominee George McGovern in a passionate, if quixotic, plea in the Washington Post. The duo have committed a plethora of "high crimes and misdemeanors," says McGovern, including illegal wiretapping, systematic torture, and substantial...

EPA Chief Ignored Staff on Calif. Ruling

Auto industry pushed White House to sway him, sources say

(Newser) - The EPA chief—under heavy pressure from the auto industry—rejected his own staff's advice in denying California’s request to set its own fuel economy standards, the Los Angeles Times reports. Stephen Johnson told the state that it’s request was unnecessary in the wake of the new energy...

White House Neighbor on Fire
White House Neighbor on Fire

White House Neighbor on Fire

Eisenhower Office Building evacuated, no injuries reported

(Newser) - The Eisenhower Executive Office Building caught fire today. Firefighters rushed to evacuate the historic building, which stands next to the White House and holds Dick Cheney's ceremonial offices, CNN reports. The blaze began on the third floor, in an electrical closet or phone bank, and according to the Secret Service...

Cheney: Iraq Self-Governing in 1 Year

Veep talks war, blasts Democrats in rare interview

(Newser) - Politico sits down for a rare interview with Dick Cheney, where the vice president once again predicts that Iraq will be fully self-governing—this time, he says, by January 2009. Cheney also cautions against an early withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, which for him sends the message that "...

Bush Blocking Plame Probe, Says Waxman

He wants Mukasey to defy new boss, release documents

(Newser) - A House committee chairman investigating the Valerie Plame affair says the White House is blocking special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald from providing key documents from his investigation, the Washington Post reports. Fitzgerald agreed to hand over his findings before the Bush administration stepped in, says Henry Waxman, who has called on...

‘Anti-Rumsfeld’ Cools Iran War Rhetoric

Servant to 7 presidents prefers 'soft power' to VP's battle plans

(Newser) - Dubbed the “Anti-Rumsfeld,” Defense Secretary Robert Gates is soothing fears that the US will bomb Iran—while trying to guard against mishaps that might trigger a war. Certain that a Tehran strike would spark a wider conflict and terror in Europe, Gates coolly tries to “lower the...

Cheney Home After Heart Treatment
Cheney Home After Heart Treatment

Cheney Home After Heart Treatment

Veep okay, will return to work tomorrow

(Newser) - Dick Cheney returned home today after doctors shocked his heart back to a normal rhythm, the AP reports. He arrived at George Washington University Hospital at around 5 pm. and left 2 1/2 hours later. "The procedure went smoothly and without complication," a spokeswoman said. "The vice...

Cheney Will Have Heart Procedure
Cheney Will Have Heart Procedure

Cheney Will Have Heart Procedure

Veep may require electrical impulse to clear up fibrillation

(Newser) - Dick Cheney has an irregular heartbeat and may need to have an electrical impulse delivered to his heart. The VP visited his doctor this morning complaining of a lingering cough, Reuters reports, and was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, which a Cheney spokeswoman described as "an abnormal rhythm involving the...

The Cheney Behind Cheney
The Cheney Behind Cheney

The Cheney Behind Cheney

VP's chief of staff is architect of some of his most extreme positions

(Newser) - A new book by former Bush insider Jack Goldstein, The Terror Presidency, spotlights David Addington, the reclusive counsel and key player to Dick Cheney. Called "Cheney's Cheney" in some circles, Addington has designed some of the White House's most controversial policies, including rendition, warrantless wiretapping, and the use of...

Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War
 Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War

Bush Hails 'Noble' Iraq War

President marks Veterans Day in Texas

(Newser) - President Bush marked the fifth Veterans Day since the beginning of the war in Iraq at an emotional ceremony at an American Legion Post in Texas where four fallen servicemen were honored. Bush was expected to use the opportunity to scold Congress for not sending him a veterans spending bill,...

Chavez Calls Cheney & Co. 'Ignorant Fools' After Slip-up

Veep confused Venezuela with Peru

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez had a little fun at Dick Cheney's expense yesterday; after the US vice president confused Venezuela with Peru in a weekend speech, the bombastic Venezuelan president said the slip-up showed that "those who govern the United States are a bunch of ignorant fools. "They don't know...

Impeach Cheney Resolution Hits House Floor

Kucinich bill sent off to committee, not fast enough for some Dems

(Newser) - Dennis Kucinich's dogged campaign to impeach Dick Cheney had its moment in the spotlight today, when Kucinich brought his bill to to the House floor and, with an unexpected assist from Republicans hoping to embarrass the majority party, it was nearly opened for debate. GOP members voted to allow debate...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>