Dick Cheney

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Bush Returns to Oval Office After Surgery

Cheney era over after docs remove polyps from president

(Newser) - George Bush resumed his duties as president today, two hours after voluntarily handing them over to VP Cheney while he underwent a colonoscopy. Bush is eager to get back to work, a White House spokesman said; Cheney spent his moment in the sun reading at home, and "nothing occurred...

Cheney to Take Reins During President's Colonoscopy

Routine exam briefly gives VP power

(Newser) - President Bush will undergo a routine colon exam tomorrow, leaving Dick Cheney in the driver's seat for roughly 2½ hours while he's under anesthesia. Bush's personal physician will supervise the procedure, in the medical facility at Camp David. This will be the second time the VP has acted as president;...

Judge Tosses Ex-Spy's Suit Against Cheney

Court rules Plame's civil action vs. VP, Rove, Libby won't go forward

(Newser) - A judge today dismissed outed CIA operative Valerie Plame's civil suit against Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Scooter Libby, saying that the revelation of her identity "was incidental to the kind of conduct that defendants were employed to perform." Furthermore, the judge ruled, Plame and her husband, ex-ambassador...

Cheney Pushing Bush Toward Military Option On Iran

Winning debate against Rice & Gates

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is winning a West Wing power struggle, pushing the president toward the threat of military action against Iran, the Guardian reports. After an internal review over the last month, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates favor continued diplomacy, but are said to be losing the argument. "Bush is...

Bush, Cheney Should Quit Over Scooter

Resignation, impeachment the only options, argues Olbermann

(Newser) - MSNBC's Keith Olbermann came out swinging last night, demanding the resignation of both the president and VP—"two men who are now perilous to our democracy." Drawing on both John Wayne and James Madison, the anchor donned his commentator hat to contend that commuting Scooter Libby's sentence was...

Why Bush Let Scooter Skate
Why Bush Let Scooter Skate

Why Bush Let Scooter Skate

President, 'liberated' by his unpopularity, acted unilaterally

(Newser) - President Bush's dwindling popularity played a major role in his decision to commute the prison sentence for Scooter Libby, according to the Times. The ostracized president had little left to lose by saving Libby from prison and, in the words of one Republican observer, knew he was "going to...

Domestic Spying Probe Reaches West Wing

Frustrated Senate committee doles out subpoenas

(Newser) - Patrick Leahy came out swinging against the Bush administration's "sweeping assertions of secrecy and privilege" today, issuing subpoenas to the White House, Dick Cheney's office, the Justice Department, and the NSC. The documents demanded by the Senate Judiciary Committee relate to the warrantless wiretapping of terrorism suspects and the...

GOP Weighs Hollywood Ending for Cheney

Sally Quinn: Thompson offers perfect solution

(Newser) - GOP decision-makers are so fed up with Dick Cheney that they've been searching for a replacement, without much success—until recently. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post, inveterate insider Sally Quinn lays out an ingenious plan: Use heart surgery scheduled for this summer as an excuse to oust the...

Dems Threaten to Pull VP Funds
Dems Threaten to Pull VP Funds

Dems Threaten to Pull VP Funds

Pols pressure Cheney to comply with rules requiring justification of classified documents

(Newser) - Angry Democrats are threatening to ax Dick Cheney's budget if the vice president continues to defy regulations on classified documents, the Hill reports. Executive branch agencies are required to provide reports justifying secret documents to an oversight office; Cheney has refused, claiming that his office is neither solely executive nor...

Cheney: A Law Unto Himself?
Cheney: A Law Unto Himself?

Cheney: A Law Unto Himself?

Veep refuses to comply with executive order signed by President Bush

(Newser) - Vice President Cheney is refusing to comply with an executive order to compile classified documents used by his office. Cheney's theory is that because he has a limited role in the Senate – President he can break ties – he has immunity from executive orders.

Secretive Veep Won't Give Up Documents

Cheney defies executive order to provide sensitive info

(Newser) - For the past 4 years, Dick Cheney's office has declined to file reports on classified information in its possession, flouting an executive order. When pressed, the VP's staff recently proposed abolishing the oversight office, reports the Washington Post. Says the chair of the House committee that released a chronology...

White House Splits Over Closing Gitmo

Legal puzzles stump Bush aides as shutdown gains momentum

(Newser) - President Bush is under mounting pressure to shut the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, but top aides remain deeply divided over the fate of 375 detainees there. Bush has said he wants to the close the prison, but WaPo reports senior officials including Dick Cheney are opposed to shipping detainees...

Scooter Won't Need to Beg for Pardon

Slate's political wiz doesn't see Libby landing behind bars

(Newser) - President Bush will step in and save Scooter Libby for two reasons, argues Slate's John Dickerson. First, to repay Dick Cheney for not throwing Karl Rove under the bus. And second, pardoning Libby could help Bush regain Republican support by appeasing conservatives who opposed the CIA leak investigation from the...

Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'
Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'

Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'

The War on Terror could take some pointers from NBC show, says Juan Cole

(Newser) - With the ratings on Jack Bauer's "24" fading almost as fast as those of George Bush's White House, it's time for the principals in the war in Iraq to start studying "Heroes"—the most-watched show on television this year—writes Salon's Juan Cole. In fact, think of...

Prosecutor Keeps an Eye on Cheney
Prosecutor Keeps an Eye
on Cheney

Prosecutor Keeps an Eye on Cheney

Froomkin: Even after the fact, CIA leak case evidence leads to VP

(Newser) - Scooter Libby is about to be sentenced, but the government prosecutor and lawyers for the VP's ex-chief of staff aren't letting up, the Washington Post's Dan Froomkin blogs today. The jousting continued in a court filing last week in which, Froomkin posits, "the special counsel evidently felt obliged to...

Cheney Drops In On Baghdad
Cheney Drops In On Baghdad

Cheney Drops In On Baghdad

VP meets with brass, government, as attacks spread to Kurdistan

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney made a surprise visit to Baghdad this morning, hours after the White House alerted 35,000 more troops of impending deployment to the fractious capital. Cheney met with top general David Petraeus and top envoy Ryan Crocker, and is expected to consult with PM Maliki and...

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups
Hoon Admits
Iraq Screwups

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups

British defense minister regrets mistakes, underestimating Dick Cheney

(Newser) - In a confessional interview about his Iraq war regrets, the former British defense secretary tells the Guardian that the Brits' biggest miscalculation was underestimating Dick Cheney. Geoff Hoon said he and other senior ministers would air disagreements with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Powell, and they'd come away thinking they'd made their...

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

Bush Calls Withdrawal Plan 'An Invitation to Attack America'

Mud-slinging on Iraq gets even uglier

(Newser) - President Bush yesterday accused the Democrats of “offering an invitation to our enemies to attack America.” With the House and Senate poised to vote this week on a war funding bill with a troop drawdown deadline, the Washington Post reports, the dispute between Congress and the White House...

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo
Gates Pushed
to Close Guantanamo

Gates Pushed to Close Guantanamo

New defense secretary butted heads with Cheney, Gonzales

(Newser) - Newly appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates pushed hard for shutting down the controversial detention center at Guantanamo Bay, but  was blocked by Cheney and Gonzales, until Bush pulled the plug on the argument.  Gates at least succeeded in halting a $100 million expansion of the prison he felt had...

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