budget deficit

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Romesh Ratnesar: Pentagon Budget Must Shrink to Fix Deficit
Face It, Washington:
Defense Budget Must Shrink

Face It, Washington: Defense Budget Must Shrink

Pentagon's policies 'outdated'; deficit's the biggest threat: Romesh Ratnesar

(Newser) - The latest budget compromise may have resulted in “sweeping” and “historic” cuts, as the White House, Congress, and the media have claimed—yet “not a solitary penny” was cut from defense spending. Instead, spending will break $700 billion in 2011, which happens to be a post-World War...

Obama's Deficit Plan: Raise Taxes on Rich

White House to take stand on deficit on Wednesday

(Newser) - President Obama will weigh in on the deficit in a speech this Wednesday, calling for cuts to entitlement programs as well as a tax increase for the wealthy. Alongside calls for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid and a new plan for Social Security, the president will propose raising taxes on...

Where Are the Adults in DC?
 Where Are the Adults in DC? 

Where Are the Adults in DC?

Both parties are 'incompetent and cowardly,' says Kristof

(Newser) - Both the Democrats and Republicans are acting like squabbling adolescents, slams Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . "It’s unclear where the adults are, but they don’t seem to be in Washington," he says, adding "it’s painful how vapid the discourse is and how...

GOP to Vote on 1-Week Budget Extension

And Democrats aren't happy about it

(Newser) - With Republicans and Democrats still leagues apart on the 2011 budget , House Republicans will vote today on yet another extension. This one would only be for a week, but would include a full-year Pentagon budget. It would also include a lot of domestic cuts, as the price to keep the...

Paul Ryan Unveils Massive Cuts in GOP Budget

At the same time, it would lower taxes on corporations, the rich

(Newser) - Republicans unveiled a bold 2012 budget proposal today that, architect Paul Ryan boasts in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions.” Ryan’s budget comes in at $3.53 trillion , or $179 billion less than President Obama’s . But he...

GOP Wants to Make Unbalanced Budget Illegal

Mandate has full support from Republican senators, none from Dems

(Newser) - The GOP is hoping to tack a 28th amendment on to the Constitution: one that would mandate a balanced budget. All 47 GOP senators are behind the proposal, which was announced yesterday, but "the whole thing is a long shot," an analyst tells Reuters . Earlier attempts have fallen...

Dems Offer $33B in Cuts to Revive Budget Talks

But Senate democrats worry they're capitulating too easily

(Newser) - The White House jolted budget negotiations back to life yesterday, getting Senate Democrats to agree to $33 billion in cuts in the hopes of finding middle ground with John Boehner and Co., Politico reports. Joe Biden met with Democratic leadership yesterday evening, and emerged saying that the Senate and president...

Why I Joined the Budget Protest Fast
 Why I Joined the 
 Budget Protest Fast 

Why I Joined the Budget Protest Fast

The GOP budget will directly cause people to go hungry

(Newser) - More than 4,000 people are fasting in protest of the GOP’s proposed budget cuts—and food writer Mark Bittman is one of them. That may seem surprising—“after all, I eat food for a living”—but once he took a good look at the proposed cuts,...

As Shutdown Approaches, Congress Just Squabbles

Dems blame GOP-Tea Party divide, Cantor blames Dems, hilarity ensues

(Newser) - Negotiations between Democrats and Republicans are going so poorly that it’s looking more and more likely that the government will shut down when its current temporary funding measure expires April 8, the Wall Street Journal observes. Both sides spent yesterday criticizing each other, with Harry Reid blaming the lack...

Hunger Activists Starve to Protest GOP Budget Cuts

Cuts come 'on backs of poor, hungry,' say strikers

(Newser) - With the GOP salivating over budget cuts, a group of religious leaders and anti-hunger activists are going on a hunger strike in response to measures they say go too far. “The budget is a moral document,” said former Rep. Tony Hall, the head of the Alliance to End...

No. of Reps Who Donated to National Debt in 2010: 3

But even if they gave full salaries, they'd barely make a den

(Newser) - For a bunch of people so concerned with the growing national debt, the House of Representatives doesn't have a lot of members putting their money where their mouths are. The House has program that allows representatives to return a portion of their salaries toward debt reduction (the Senate doesn't even...

Dems to Offer GOP Another $20B in Spending Cuts

...bringing total to $30B, which may not satisfy Republicans

(Newser) - With the threat of a government shutdown less than two weeks away, all eyes are on the budget. The White House and congressional Democrats are working on a proposal to cut another $20 billion in spending, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . It’s the biggest cut the administration and...

Budget-Slashing Governors See Poll Numbers Plummet

Voters singing different tune as promises of tough cuts materialize

(Newser) - Last year, Americans voted in a wave of governors who vowed to cut spending—but now that leaders are actually doing so, their constituents seem to be having second thoughts. One poll finds just 30% approve of the performance of GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earlier this month outlined...

250K March in London Against Spending Cuts

More than 200 people are arrested

(Newser) - More than 250,000 people took to London's streets to protest the toughest spending cuts since World War II—one of the largest demonstrations since the Iraq war—as riot police clashed with a small group. More than 200 people were arrested. Although most of today's demonstration was peaceful, clashes...

Lesson From Europe: 'Savage Austerity' Won't Help

Paul Krugman: Portugal, Ireland, UK learned the hard way

(Newser) - Just a few years ago, global leaders knew they had to focus on job creation before they tackled deficits. But that strategy “has been abandoned in the face of phantom risks and delusional hopes,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Now, it’s all about reducing...

Why Are 64 Senators Writing a Letter, Not Laws?

'Odd' missive asks for help supermajority doesn't need: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - There’s something strange about the letter 64 senators have written to Barack Obama, requesting that he support comprehensive debt reduction. The language itself is standard enough, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post —but why did a powerful bloc of senators write it, rather than the legislation they...

Paul Krugman: Barack Obama, Congress Have Abandoned the Unemployed
 Washington Has 
 Abandoned the 
paul krugman

Washington Has Abandoned the Unemployed

Krugman: Why are we obsessed with the deficit when millions need jobs?

(Newser) - One-sixth of American workers can’t find full-time jobs, and things aren’t getting any better for them: There are nearly five times more jobless people than there are job openings, and the "average unemployed worker has been jobless for 37 weeks." Yet all we hear about from...

Obama's Lying About Social Security

 Obama's Lying About 
 Social Security 
Charles Krauthammer

Obama's Lying About Social Security

Charles Krauthammer thinks Obama's being dishonest about the so-called trust fund

(Newser) - Entitlement programs are choking our budget, but one of them, Social Security, ought to be “back-of-an-envelope solvable,” argues Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post : “Raise the retirement age, tweak the indexing formula, and means-test so that Warren Buffett’s check gets redirected to a senior in need....

Paul Krugman: GOP Budget Cuts Would Destroy Recovery
 GOP Cuts Would 
 Destroy Recovery  

paul krugman

GOP Cuts Would Destroy Recovery

House Republicans relying on 'Confidence Fairy' with job-killing measures

(Newser) - We’re finally clawing our way up from the bottom of the very deep hole that is the recession: Unemployment has dipped amid a "virtuous circle of rising incomes and improving finances." Yet House Republicans are pushing spending cuts that would send us right back down again, writes...

Boehner: We Will Cut Social Security, Medicare

'Most Americans don't have a clue' about the problem, says Speaker

(Newser) - John Boehner wants cuts to Social Security and Medicare in next year's fiscal budget, even if voters may not like it, he tells the Wall Street Journal in an interview. “Most Americans don't have a clue” about “how big the problem is,” and it’s time for...

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