Hosni Mubarak

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Egypt Protesters: We'll Go Home—for Now

Main coalition promises weekly demonstrations to maintain pressure

(Newser) - Egypt coverage is mostly celebratory today—"a new dawn," is the phrase of choice for both al-Jazeera and the Guardian , while the New York Times has it that a "new era dawned"—as attention turns to the what-comes-next question. Along those lines:
  • The main coalition of

Mubarak's Net Worth? Figure $5B, Not $70B

Switzerland freezes his accounts

(Newser) - Switzerland has temporarily frozen all assets that might belong to Hosni Mubarak and his family. It's not clear how much that might be, but the AP notes there was $3.5 billion in Egyptian deposits in Swiss accounts at the end of 2009. Mubarak and his family probably have a...

Obama: 'Egypt Will Never Be the Same'

He promises that the US will provide whatever help is needed

(Newser) - President Obama praised the news of Hosni Mubarak's resignation and promised to provide Egypt whatever help it needs toward a peaceful transition. The Washington Post has the full transcript , and Mediate has video. Some highlights:
  • "The people of Egypt have spoken. Their voices have been heard. And Egypt will

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

  'Heart of Egypt Beats Again' 
reaction roundup

'Heart of Egypt Beats Again'

Reactions pour in via Twitter, media

(Newser) - The sudden ouster of Hosni Mubarak has Egypt celebrating in the streets—and in interviews, and on Twitter. The Global Post rounds up some of the best reactions. From Egypt:
  • Mohamed ElBaradei: “This is the greatest day of my life. The country has been liberated,” he told the

Egypt's Military Promises Civilian Rule

Elsewhere: US preps aid, Hamas celebrates

(Newser) - The commander of Egypt’s air force appeared on Egyptian TV today to assure the people that the Supreme Military Council was taking over the country, but only during the transition to another civilian government, CNN reports. He also praised both the “martyrs” among the protesters, and Mubarak himself...

'Egypt Is Free!': Mubarak Finally Resigns

Protesters celebrate vice president's surprise announcement

(Newser) - A new sound in Tahrir Square today: jubilation. President Hosni Mubarak finally resigned as protesters incensed over his refusal to do so yesterday brought Egypt to a dangerous tipping point. The news came via a brief televised statement from VP Omar Suleiman, reports CNN : "In these difficult circumstances that...

Mubarak's Play Puts Obama in the Hot Seat

Egyptian president says he gave White House what it wanted

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak’s non-resignation obviously caught the Obama administration by surprise—Obama after all, had hours earlier spoken glowingly of watching “ history unfold ” in Egypt, and CIA chief Leon Panetta had said there was a “ strong likelihood ” Mubarak would step down. But Egyptian officials say they...

Protesters March to Mubarak's Palace
 Egypt Army Backs Mubarak 

Egypt Army Backs Mubarak

Military backs Mubarak plan; Obama says it's not good enough

(Newser) - Egypt's powerful military says it is supporting Mubarak's plan to hand over most of his powers to vice president Omar Suleiman instead of resigning, striking a heavy blow to protesters who called on the military to take action to push Mubarak out after yesterday's announcement. The news enraged hundreds of...

CIA Chief Blamed for Getting Egypt's Hopes Up

Panetta testified to 'strong likelihood' of Mubarak exit

(Newser) - CIA director Leon Panetta is being blamed for prematurely raising the hopes of millions of Egyptians yesterday. Panetta testified before Congress that there was a "strong likelihood"of Hosni Mubarak stepping down before the day was out. His remarks spread like wildfire, and protesters in Cairo were left stunned...

ElBaradei: 'Egypt Will Explode'
 ElBaradei: 'Egypt Will Explode' 

ElBaradei: 'Egypt Will Explode'

Pro-democracy advocate says army must intervene

(Newser) - One of the first public reactions to Hosni Mubarak's non-resignation doesn't bode well for what happens next: “Egypt will explode," wrote Nobel laureate and pro-democracy advocate Mohamed ElBaradei on Twitter, reports the Los Angeles Times . "The Army must save the country now. I call on the Egyptian...

Hosni Mubarak Again Refuses to Step Down

Protesters are newly enraged, despite his transfer of more power to VP

(Newser) - Egypt's Hosni Mubarak defied expectations today and again refused to resign as president. His televised address instantly turned the mood of the expectant throngs in Tahrir Square from jubilant to incensed, and violence is expected through the night and into tomorrow. Protesters are expected to try to march on the...

Egyptian Minister Denies Mubarak Stepping Down

'Everything you hear in the media is a rumor'

(Newser) - Egypt's information minister has denied reports that Hosni Mubarak will step down today, issuing a statement on the country's state-run TV, the AP reports. He repeated the same thing to foreign journalists. "The president is still in power and he is not stepping down," Anas el-Fiqqi told Reuters...

Military: Mubarak Will Meet Protesters' Demands

President expected to step aside; 'They won,' party's secretary-general says

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak will address the nation today to announce that he will meet the protesters’ demands, Egypt’s military and ruling party officials tell the AP . After an all-day meeting of the military's supreme council, the military issued a televised statement pledging its "support of the legitimate demands of...

Labor Unions Join Egypt Protests

Thousands more join demonstrations

(Newser) - Thousands of workers went on strike today across Egypt, adding a new dimension to the uprising on its 16th day. In addition to Tahrir Square, protesters gathered at parliament, the Cabinet, and the Health Ministry buildings, and blocked Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq from his office. Strikes erupted in a breadth...

Mubarak Won't Go to Luxe German Clinic

He's not sick, vice president says

(Newser) - OK, forget that exit plan: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has said thanks, but no thanks, to an offer of an escape to Germany. Rumors had swirled that Mubarak might be suffering from cancer and could thus make a graceful exit by moving to a swanky German clinic , but Vice President...

Tahrir Square Sees Biggest Protest Yet

Hundreds of thousands flood in

(Newser) - Even as life returned to normal in some parts of Cairo, Tahrir Square saw its largest day of protests yet as hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gathered to call for the removal of Hosni Mubarak's government, the BBC reports. Protesters are not satisfied despite government concessions and Mubarak’s promise...

Mubarak Creates Committees to Suggest Reforms

He also orders investigation into clashes

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak took another stab at appeasing protesters today, setting up one committee to recommend the kind of constitutional amendments pro-Democracy advocates are clamoring for, and another to monitor the implementation of such reforms, the AP reports. He also promised an investigation into last week’s violent clashes between his...

Is This Luxe Clinic Mubarak's Way Out?

Talks are being held with hospitals in Germany

(Newser) - Is Hosni Mubarak planning to exit stage left by way of a luxury clinic in Germany? It's looking more and more likely, reports Der Spiegel . Over the weekend, the New York Times reported that the US government and Egyptian military officials were secretly talking about a plan in which Mubarak...

Freed Google Exec: I'm Proud I Helped Spark Egypt Revolt

We are not traitors, sobs Wael Ghonim

(Newser) - A Google executive freed after 12 days in Egyptian detention admitted yesterday he was behind the Facebook page that helped spark the nation's uprising—and he sobbed as he spoke passionately about needed change in his homeland. He ripped authorities for calling him a traitor, reports AP . "Anyone with...

Political Corruption in Hosni Mubarak's Egypt Should Hold Mirror to US
 Egypt Holds 
 Mirror to US 
Glenn Greenwald

Egypt Holds Mirror to US

But American press would never admit it

(Newser) - Egypt, the media have been breathlessly informing us, is a corrupt state where money buys power and vice versa. Sound familiar? asks Glenn Greenwald of Salon . “How many American politicians with a national platform over the last thirty years have failed to convert their political standing into great personal...

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