
Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>

US Lets Allies Detain, Grill Terror Suspects

Program could lead to prisoner abuse, bad intel, critics say

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up its reliance on foreign allies to capture, interrogate, and detain mid-level terror suspects seized outside of Iraq and Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. In the last 10 months, Middle Eastern governments have handled the cases of about six al-Qaeda operatives. “It’s...

Ex-GI Spared Death Penalty for Iraq Murders

Green to be jailed for life for raping girl, killing her family

(Newser) - A former US soldier convicted of raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing her and her family has been spared the death penalty after a civilian jury failed to come to an agreement on his punishment, reports USA Today. Steven Green, 24, will be formally sentenced to life in prison...

Car Bomb in Baghdad Kills 41

(Newser) - A car bomb exploded today near several restaurants in a Shiite neighborhood of northwest Baghdad, killing 41 people and injuring more than 70. No group claimed responsibility, but the style and location of the attack suggested it was carried out by Sunni extremists, such as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, in an...

iPods Give War a Soundtrack
 iPods Give War a Soundtrack 

iPods Give War a Soundtrack

Our playlists are for running; soldiers' are for shooting—or relaxing

(Newser) - Thanks to iPods, the Iraq war has a soundtrack—and it’s different for each soldier, writes Jonathan Pieslak in his new book, Sound Targets. “People can put nanos in their flak jackets and they are ready to go,” Pieslak tells the New York Post, and CDs are...

Iraqi Hospitals Crumble as Drugs Vanish

(Newser) - Filthy, bug-infested Iraqi hospitals still lack basic equipment and supplies that could save thousands of lives, McClatchy reports. With sectarian violence down, doctors and aid groups are blaming government corruption for the nation's health woes. "The government has money," said a fourth-year resident at a Baghdad hospital....

Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons
Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons

Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons

VP wanted to link Iraq and al-Qaeda, not stop next attack: Powell aide

(Newser) - The interrogation methods Dick Cheney so highly touts were put in place in 2002 not to prevent another terror attack, a former aide to Colin Powell writes in the Washington Note, but to dig up an Iraq-al-Qaeda connection to justify going to war. And it was Cheney himself, “frightened”...

Obama Reverses, Will Block Release of Abuse Photos

In reversal, president says images would endanger US troops

(Newser) - President Obama has reversed position and will oppose the release of abuse photos of detainees in US custody, the Washington Post reports. "The publication of these photos would not add any additional benefit to our understanding of what was carried out in the past by a small number of...

Stress 'Broke' Soldier Shooter: Dad

Father of sergeant in Iraq 'fratricide' case speaks out

(Newser) - The stunned father of the soldier accused of killing five fellow service members in Iraq tells a local TV station his son snapped under stress. John Russell—a technician who used robots to detonate roadside bombs—thought the military was trying to force him out, and told his wife that...

Soldier Charged With 5 Murder Counts in Iraq Clinic Shooting

Sgt. John Russell was asked to seek help

(Newser) - The US Army today identified Sgt. John Russell as the man being held in the shooting deaths of five soldier at a stress clinic on a US base in Baghdad yesterday, CNN reports, as details of the assault emerged. Commanders had asked Russell, a 44-year-old Texan on his third tour...

Iraq, Economy Stalling, May Be Broke by Next Year

Drop in oil price has gutted nation's income

(Newser) - Some people thought Iraq wouldn't be affected by the worldwide economic downturn, says an Iraqi economist. "Those people were stupid." At the very least, they were wrong: Sales of consumer goods are in the basement, along with real estate, and the unemployment rate hovers around 25%. Surpluses from...

Militants Again Flow From Syria to Iraq

Border security troubled by funding cuts

(Newser) - For years, the threat of fighters entering Iraq through Syria seemed to have faded—but recent attacks show the al-Qaeda in Iraq pipeline is pumping again, the Washington Post reports. Soon after Iraqi elections, the number of militants entering via Syria had dropped to just a few, said an official....

US Soldier Held After Killing 5 at Baghdad Base

(Newser) - A US soldier has been charged today with killing five in a shooting at the stress clinic at an American base in Baghdad today, the AP now reports; earlier bulletins said the shooter died of self-inflicted wounds. A US officer said the clinic is for soldiers seeking relief from combat...

Killer Rapist: 'Joining Army Was Big Mistake'

Steven Green could face execution for killing raped Iraqi teen and her family

(Newser) - A former US soldier convicted of raping and murdering a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and shooting dead her parents and baby sister told investigators that joining the army was the "worst decision I ever made," reports CNN. "I suppose you think I'm a monster," Steven Green told...

US Troops Kill Boy in Iraq Grenade Attack

(Newser) - US troops in Mosul shot dead a 12-year-old boy who they said hurled a grenade at them, and American authorities complained that Iraqis are paying children to attack, Reuters reports. Iraqi police, however, denied the boy was involved. He was holding about $9 in his hand when he was killed....

Ex-US Soldier Guilty of Rape, Murder in Iraq

Private killed girl, 14, along with her family; faces death penalty

(Newser) - A jury in Kentucky convicted a former US soldier of raping a 14-year-old lraqi girl and killing her and her family, Reuters reports. Former Private 1st Class Steven Green faces the death penalty when the sentencing phase of his trial begins Monday. Green, 24, was the leader of a group...

Blackwater's Iraq Contract Ends

Virginia firm takes over security duties

(Newser) - Blackwater’s turbulent term in Iraq ends today with the expiration of its contract, CNN reports. The US opted not to renew the firm’s security services deal in January after Iraqi officials denied it a renewed operating license in the wake of a 2007 shooting in a public square....

45 Dead in Turkey 'Blood Feud' Strike
 45 Dead in Turkey 
 'Blood Feud' Strike 

45 Dead in Turkey 'Blood Feud' Strike

(Newser) - Masked assailants with grenades and automatic weapons attacked an engagement ceremony in southeast Turkey on Monday, killing 45 people. Two girls survived after the bodies of slain friends fell on top of them during the onslaught. Some media outlets reported that a "blood feud" among families had led to...

Man in Iraqi Uniform Kills 2 US Soldiers

3 others wounded in Mosul attack

(Newser) - A man in an Iraqi army uniform shot and killed two US soldiers and injured three others just outside Mosul today, Reuters reports. The attacker was killed in the firefight as well, initial reports say. An Iraqi police lieutenant-colonel said the man was an Iraqi soldier who also served as...

Fear Returns to Baghdad
 Fear Returns to Baghdad 

Fear Returns to Baghdad

(Newser) - The recent spate of violence in Iraq may pale in comparison to the relentless suicide bombings of 2006, but Baghdad is beginning to hunker down in fear again, the Los Angeles Times reports. Residents are curtailing their public activities, checking in with each other more often to make sure family...

Britain Ends Iraq Mission
 Britain Ends Iraq Mission 

Britain Ends Iraq Mission

(Newser) - Britain officially ended its combat operations in Iraq today, lowering the flags of its armored brigade and turning over control of its Basra base to US troops, the Guardian reports. “The role of British ground forces is finished,” a defense official confirmed. “Today, Iraq is a success...

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>