
Stories 1361 - 1380 | << Prev   Next >>

Petraeus Could Be Tapped to Head NATO

Pentagon mulls Iraq commander's next assignment

(Newser) - Iraq’s top commander could be at the helm of NATO by the start of next year, the New York Times reports. While no final decisions have been made, the Pentagon is considering nominating Gen. Petraeus in September, installing him before the election dust settles in a new, highly prestigious,...

Iraqi Attacks Mar Shiite Rite
Iraqi Attacks Mar Shiite Rite

Iraqi Attacks Mar Shiite Rite

Second day of bloodshed kills 9 as millions mourn death of prophet's grandson

(Newser) - Bombs and rockets killed at least nine worshipers in two northern Iraqi cities today as millions of Shiites marked the climax of a holy rite under increased security. It was the second day of clashes between security forces and a militant Shiite cult knowns as Soldiers of Heaven. At least...

A Taste of China Opens in Baghdad

War-torn city gets its first taste of dumplings in Karrada restaurant

(Newser) - The central Baghdad neighborhood of Karrada has seen its share of brutal changes over the past few years, but saw a sign of life in January, when a Chinese restaurant opened its doors, reports Middle East Online. "Like security in Baghdad, it will get better," said one of...

US Sees Huge Gains in Baghdad Security

City sees dramatic improvement in security from a year ago

(Newser) - US and Iraqi forces have secured 75% of Baghdad's neighborhoods, a sharp increase from pre-surge days, USA Today reports. The combined forces "basically own the streets," said a US colonel. Military figures say that 356 of 474 of the city's neighborhoods have returned to some semblance of normalcy,...

Sick Soldiers Sent to War Zones
Sick Soldiers Sent to War Zones

Sick Soldiers Sent to War Zones

Deployed with injuries to meet goals

(Newser) - Soldiers who are unfit because of injuries or illness are being sent to Iraq to meet deployment goals. Physicians reveal that 52 soldiers from Colorado's Fort Carson were deployed despite suffering from nerve damage, mental health problems and other ailments, the Denver Post reports. "Because of issues reaching deployable...

Blackwater Probe Hits Roadblocks
Blackwater Probe Hits Roadblocks

Blackwater Probe Hits Roadblocks

DOJ runs up against immunity deal, possible gaps in US law

(Newser) - The Justice Department warned Congress last month that major legal obstacles stand in the way of any prosecution of private security firm Blackwater for a September shooting in Iraq, the New York Times reports. Immunity granted by the State Department to Blackwater employees represents a possible roadblock; Justice also has...

Iraq Expects Decade of US Involvement
Iraq Expects Decade of US Involvement

Iraq Expects Decade of US Involvement

Domestic assistance needed through 2012, Baghdad says

(Newser) - Iraq won’t be ready to defend its borders until 2018 at the earliest, the defense minister said yesterday, offering a pessimistic update of an earlier estimate. The country will also require internal security help through at least 2012, Abdul Qadir said. The estimates are more specific—and longer—than...

Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil
Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil

Bush Asks OPEC for More Oil

Warns even rogue Iranian attack would have 'serious consequences'

(Newser) - OPEC should start producing more oil, President Bush told Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah today, or it risks damaging “consuming economies,” like the US. Bush said high oil prices were reducing consumer purchasing power, and said more supply “would be helpful.” He also warned Iran to...

US Pushes for Sunni-Shiite Reconciliation

New strategy aims to integrate 'concerned' locals into government

(Newser) - Convincing Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government to embrace the former Sunni insurgents known as “Concerned Local Citizens” is the key priority for US leaders in Iraq, the LA Times reports. The US-funded CLCs have been vital to Iraq’s improving security, patrolling areas without a regular police presence. But Iraqi...

PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars
PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars

PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars

Combat trauma continues to plague returning soldiers

(Newser) - Records of post-traumatic stress disorder go as far back as The Odyssey, and Iraq veterans are adding to the list. Combat trauma has been repeatedly linked with rates of unemployment, substance abuse, domestic violence and criminality above the national average. Yet  PTSD victims aren't getting the treatment they need, and...

Iraq Ends Ban on Saddam-Era Baath Officials

Will allow thousands of civil servants to reapply for jobs, pensions

(Newser) - The Iraqi parliament today cleared the way for former members of Saddam's Baath party to rejoin the government and military, the BBC reports. The move is seen as a way to smooth tensions between Shiites, who control the new government, and Sunnis, who ruled under Saddam and dominated the Baath...

Rare Snowfall Hits Baghdad
Rare Snowfall Hits Baghdad

Rare Snowfall Hits Baghdad

It's the first time in 100 years—some blame global warming

(Newser) - Light snow flurries fell on Baghdad today for the first time in about 100 years, AFP reports. Residents were by and large delighted: "Snow falling in Baghdad in such a magnificent scene was beyond my imagination," said one retiree. A local baker agreed: "This snow will bring...

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib
US Officer
Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

Only officer charged with a crime in torture scandal will face no punishment

(Newser) - The only officer who faced a court-martial over the torture at Abu Ghraib has been cleared of all criminal wrongdoing. The BBC reports that Lt. Col. Steven Jordan was convicted in August of disobeying a gag order, but that decision was annulled and his record is now clean. No officer...

US Bombs al-Qaeda Sites in Iraq
US Bombs al-Qaeda Sites in Iraq

US Bombs al-Qaeda Sites in Iraq

Strike was aimed at al-Qaeda safe havens north of Baghdad

(Newser) - US bombers and fighters dropped 40,000 pounds of explosives on al-Qaeda stronghold Arab Jabour, an agricultural area just north of Baghdad. The 10-minute strike flattened 40 targets ahead of ground troops as part of Operation Phantom Phoenix, a new offensive against al-Qaeda, the AP reports. Nine US troops have...

Iraq Booby-Trap Blast Kills 6 US Troops

Nine dead in first two days of new offensive against al-Qaeda strongholds

(Newser) - Six US soldiers and their Iraqi interpreter were killed when a booby-trapped house in Diyala province exploded, the Washington Post reports. Four others were injured. Another three soldiers were killed Tuesday as tens of thousands of US and Iraqi troops, along with many local volunteers, began sweeping through northern Iraq...

151,000 Iraqis Killed, Study Says
151,000 Iraqis Killed, Study Says

151,000 Iraqis Killed, Study Says

New survey touted as most reliable yet, but definite figure hard to come by

(Newser) - More than 150,000 Iraqis—about 120 a day—were killed in the first three years of the Iraqi war following the US invasion in 2003, a new study says. The estimate, from the WHO and the Iraqi government, is said to be the most scientific study yet of the...

Kurds Lead Charge to Oust Iraqi Leader

US tries to stave off no-confidence vote against PM Maliki

(Newser) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is under fire again, this time from Kurdish politicians who say he hasn’t followed through on promises he made after the Kurds propped him up last summer. A Kurdish/Sunni coalition against Maliki almost has enough votes to depose him, a development the US fears...

Big Mac Back From the Brink
Big Mac Back From the Brink

Big Mac Back From the Brink

Wheels are back on the 'Straight Talk Express'

(Newser) - After his national operation was dismantled last summer for lack of funds, John McCain's aides thought New Hampshire would be just a trip down memory lane before results drove the final nail in his campaign's coffin. Instead, the Arizona senator now finds himself arguably the GOP frontrunner after his big...

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops
Iraqi Soldier
Kills Two
US Troops

Iraqi Soldier Kills Two US Troops

He turned on them during joint patrol; 3 others wounded

(Newser) - An Iraqi insurgent who joined the country’s military force shot and killed two American troops, the BBC reports. Three other US soldiers were injured in the Dec. 26 shooting, which happened during a joint patrol in northern Iraq. After the patrol was besieged by gunmen, the Iraqi soldier “...

Why Iowa's a Slog for Hillary
Why Iowa's a Slog for Hillary

Why Iowa's a Slog for Hillary

As memo predicted in May, the state has been an uphill battle

(Newser) - The Hillary Clinton camp was convinced that the road to the nomination must go through Iowa, but right about now they may be wishing they'd taken the advice of an aide who urged her to bypass the first caucus state completely. Politico revisits the aide's May memo for keys to...

Stories 1361 - 1380 | << Prev   Next >>