
Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>

Military: AP Photog Linked to Insurgents

New evidence surfaces implicating journalist held since 2006

(Newser) - The US military says it has evidence that an Iraqi photographer who works for AP is connected with the anti-American insurgency, CNN reports. Bilal Hussein Zaidon has been in custody since April 2006 and will face trial in the Iraqi court system. The Pentagon did not specify the charges but...

MTV Banks on Vice Video
MTV Banks
on Vice Video

MTV Banks on Vice Video

Online sticks with mag’s ‘raw’ aesthetic, is a training ground for TV content

(Newser) - MTV has put its hippest foot forward with, the online video channel run by Vice magazine’s editors. The web presence, originally pitched as “‘60 Minutes’ meets ‘Jackass,’” is a toehold in youth web programming, the Times reports. “Our aesthetic is raw,...

Petraeus Comes Home to Pick New Generals

Army needs his help finding innovative leaders—like him

(Newser) - David Petraeus is returning to Washington this week to help select the next generation of generals, an unusual move highlighting the Army’s desperation to inject Petraeus-style unconventional thinkers into its leadership, the Washington Post reports. “It's unprecedented for the commander of an active theater to be brought back...

US Won’t Force Diplomats to Serve in Iraq

Volunteer officers step forward to fill last open spots

(Newser) - The State Department won’t have to assign diplomats to open posts in Iraq because enough staff members have volunteered for the spots, the AP reports. The department planned to require foreign service officers to serve at the US embassy in Baghdad and in nearby provinces if there weren’t...

House OKs War Funds Tied to Troop Withdrawal

Bush promises veto, but measure expected to fail in Senate

(Newser) - The House tonight defied President Bush and tied a $50 billion bill to fund the war in Iraq to a timetable for troop withdrawal. The measure, which passed 218-203, is not expected to make it out of the Senate. If it does, however, Bush has promised to veto it. The...

Blackwater Investigator's Brother Has Ties to Firm

State Dept. official steps aside after admitting "ugly rumors" are true

(Newser) - The State Department’s top official investigating Blackwater withdrew from the probe today after a dramatic admission that his brother has links to the private security contractor. At a congressional hearing, Howard Krongard initially called the alleged ties “ugly rumors,” but after a recess during which he called...

Vets' Mental Issues Slow to Surface: Study

Troops more likely to report disorders 3-6 months after return from combat

(Newser) - US troops report worse mental health several months after returning from Iraq than immediately after getting home, an Army study shows. Upon return home, one general said, “you’re almost euphoric,” but later “the stress starts to resurface.” The study also found that National Guard reservists...

14 of 17 Blackwater Killings Unjustified: FBI

But prosecution of guards responsible may be stymied by immunity guarantees

(Newser) - Fourteen of the 17 Iraqi civilians Blackwater guards killed at a busy Baghdad intersection in September were unjustified shootings, FBI investigators have concluded. Three deaths—including a mother and son in a car—could be considered a valid use of lethal force in response to a perceived threat, the New ...

Dems: Hidden Costs Double Price of War

$1.5T price tag on Iraq, Afghanistan tallies to $20,000 per family

(Newser) - The costs of waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan is actually $1.5 trillion, Democrats say in a report out today—far above the $802 billion spent or appropriated by Congress. Citing "hidden costs" such as higher oil prices, veterans' care, and interest on war debt, the report estimates...

US Begins Surge Reversal
US Begins Surge Reversal

US Begins Surge Reversal

One brigade is heading home; others will follow in coming months

(Newser) - The US is slowly beginning to reduce the number of troops deployed in Iraq, the first real test of whether the surge has been effective, the AP says. One of 20 combat brigades is heading home now, and another four will leave by July, dropping the number of troops in...

Turkish Gunships Strike Kurdish Outpost in Iraq

Turkish Prime Minister warned a strike was 'nearing'

(Newser) - Turkish helicopter gunships have struck a suspected Kurdish guerrilla base inside the Iraqi border, AP is reporting. Turks targeted an area near the town of Zakho before dawn today. Iraqi officials said there were no casualties in the attacks on what they characterized as "abandoned villages"  that housed...

Guards Kill Baghdad Taxi Driver
Guards Kill Baghdad
Taxi Driver

Guards Kill Baghdad Taxi Driver

Workers for security contractor accused of unprovoked slaying

(Newser) - A convoy run by American security contractor DynCorp International shot and killed an Iraqi taxi driver on a Baghdad roadside Saturday, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said yesterday. “They just killed a man and drove away,” said a spokesman. Witnesses said the driver posed no apparent threat; an Iraqi...

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions
Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Says 'Chemical Ali', 2 others should be handed over to hang

(Newser) - US forces have yet to hand over three prominent figures in Saddam Hussein's regime sentenced to death in September, and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is accusing the US of dragging its feet—not to mention violating the constitution.  Though "Chemical Ali" is the star of the three, the...

US Finding More Iranian Arms in Iraq

Easing tensions between Washington and Tehran not stemming weapons flow

(Newser) - US soldiers are finding more Iranian weaponry in Iraq than ever before, despite an apparent easing of tensions between Washington and Tehran, Reuters reports. Iran has vowed to stop funneling armor-piercing explosives into Iraq, and such attacks are down, but Iran is still exerting extensive influence in Iraq, a top...

US Probes Hemorrhage of Yank Arms in Iraq 'Bazaar'

190,000 guns gone as arms sold 'by truckload'

(Newser) - An Iraqi businessman charged with distributing American guns to Iraqi policemen turned the cache into a personal arms bazaar in 2004-2005, selling massive amounts of weapons to foreign security guards, Iraqi militias and US contractors, reports the New York Times. “This was the craziest thing in the world,”...

Sunni Chiefs Killed in Iraq Suicide Bomb

5 leaders in fight against al-Qaeda in Diyala province dead in blast

(Newser) - A suicide bomber detonated his vest in a meeting yesterday of anti-al-Qaeda Sunni chiefs, killing five leaders in the battle to drive al-Qaeda from Diyala province, in central Iraq. The bomb went off in the home of Sheikh Faez al-Obeidi, 30 miles north of Baghdad; killed were the sheikh and...

Only Obama Can Mend Boomer Rifts
Only Obama
Can Mend
Boomer Rifts

Only Obama Can Mend Boomer Rifts

Sullivan: He's the man to win a truce in the culture wars

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the only presidential candidate who can take the US past the “debilitating, self-perpetuating” Vietnam-vintage divisions within the Baby Boom generation, conservative Andrew Sullivan asserts in an Atlantic cover story. Sullivan is so disturbed by the “nonviolent civil war” keeping America busy at home while the...

Syria to Let US Screen Iraqi Refugees

Move clears way for some to come to America

(Newser) - Syria, home to more than 1 million refugees from Iraq, will for the first time allow US officials into the country to clear the way for their possible resettlement in America, the AP reports. The US, under criticism for not doing more to ease the growing refugee crisis in the...

US Releases 9 Iranian Prisoners
US Releases
 9 Iranian Prisoners

US Releases 9 Iranian Prisoners

Men arrested in Iraq said to be no threat after nearly a year

(Newser) - The American military released nine Iranian prisoners in Iraq today, including two captured when US forces stormed the Iranian consulate in Irbil last January. The men were initially accused of being members of Iran's Quds Force, an arm of the Revolutionary Guards Washington has accused of funding and arming Shiite...

House to Battle Bush on Troops
House to Battle Bush on Troops

House to Battle Bush on Troops

Bill will tie war money to withdrawals

(Newser) - The House could vote as soon as tomorrow on a bill that would provide $50 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars—a quarter of President Bush's request—and tie the money to a troop-withdrawal timetable. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the money is intended to fund about four month months...

Stories 1461 - 1480 | << Prev   Next >>