
Stories 1641 - 1660 | << Prev   Next >>

Iraqi Civilian Deaths Spike in August

Almost half the 1,809 casualties killed in a single day

(Newser) - August was the second deadliest month for Iraqi civilians since the US troop surge began, the AP reports, with almost half the deaths occurring on just one disastrous day. At least 1,809 Iraqis were killed last month, compared to 2,100 in December, just before the surge began. On...

Iraqi Police Force Should Be 'Scrapped'

Infighting, corruption force recommendation that US 'start over'

(Newser) - Corruption and sectarian biases are so deeply entrenched in the Iraqi police ranks that the force's structure must be “scrapped,” an independent panel will report to Congress next week. The recommendation stems from an examination of the 26,000-member police force that concludes “we should start over,...

Senators&rsquo; Plane Draws Iraqi Fire
Senators’ Plane Draws Iraqi Fire

Senators’ Plane Draws Iraqi Fire

Flight crew of VIP aircraft used evasive maneuvers in 'close call'

(Newser) - An airplane carrying three US senators and a congressman was fired upon by rockets as it left Baghdad last night, forcing the pilot to resort to evasive maneuvers to avoid being struck. Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby described the rocket attacks as “near misses,” CNN reports. “Our plane...

US Firm Paid Bribes for Iraq Contracts: Army

21 others barred from government work in ongoing scandal probe

(Newser) - An American company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to secure some $12 million in contracts in Iraq and Kuwait, despite poor performance on earlier work, according to court documents obtained by the New York Times. Lee Dynamics International was suspended from seeking government work after an Army...

Nerve Gas Found at UN Building
Nerve Gas Found at UN Building

Nerve Gas Found at UN Building

Building evacuated after vials of dangerous chemical turn up in office

(Newser) - Weapons inspectors cleaning out an office in a United Nations building near its Manhattan headquarters found six to eight vials of a nerve gas believed to have been recovered from Iraq in 1996, the AP reports. A UN spokeswoman said there was no immediate danger from the substance, identified as...

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'
Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Congressional auditors say most key goals unfulfilled

(Newser) - The Iraqi government has failed to meet most of the key political and military goals—the so called benchmarks—designed to measure the success of the US troop surge, congressional auditors say. An investigation by the Government Accountability Office has concluded that 13 of the 18 benchmarks remain unmet as...

No Chemical Ali, But Saddam's Soldiers Wanted in Army Again

Iraqi forces desperate for skilled officers

(Newser) - The Iraqi Army and police need a few good men, and they’re more and more willing to look in Saddam’s old ledger. Many of the new forces’ problems are said to stem from the 2003 decision by the US to disband the standing army; now recruiters are trying...

Al-Sadr Tells Mahdi Army to Stand Down

Cleric orders six-month suspension of activity to reorganize

(Newser) - Radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has called for a six-month suspension of activity by his Mahdi Army to reorganize the force. The hostile group has splintered into multiple factions recently, some of which may be trained and supplied by Iran.

Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered
Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered

Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered

Workers' lives are in danger, but exit routes are clogged

(Newser) - Iraqis who have worked with the occupation forces, endangering their own lives, face overwhelming obstacles if they want to enter the US as refugees. Tens of thousands of locals work for contractors, but because they're not directly employed by the US government, they're not eligible for special immigration status. The...

Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria
Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria

Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria

Anchor plans 10-day trip through Mideast before surge report

(Newser) - Katie Couric leaves today for a 10-day trip to Iraq and Syria, where she will cover the war and the turbulent Middle East as the Pentagon's September 15 deadline for a report on Iraq looms. Couric will spend six days in Iraq, twice anchoring "CBS Evening News" live from...

Shiite Factions Fight Amid Pilgrims in Karbala

1 million evacuated from holy city

(Newser) - A million pilgrims were ordered to evacuate the holy city of Karbala yesterday as Shiite militias fought each other for control of southern Iraq, killing 51 people. Another 200 were injured in chaos after gunmen loyal to anti-US cleric Moqtada al-Sadr fired on members of the Badr Organization, the armed...

Iran is Ready to Fill Power Vacuum in Iraq

Ahmadinejad chides US, dismisses threat of action against Iran

(Newser) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech today that Iran is ready to fill a coming power vacuum in Iraq. "The political power of the occupiers is collapsing rapidly," said the leader, who earlier this month assured Nouri al-Maliki that Iran would be happy to help stabilize Iraq...

Britain Defies US on Iraq Pullout
Britain Defies
US on Iraq Pullout

Britain Defies US on Iraq Pullout

New foreign secretary says Americans have no say on UK operations

(Newser) - The UK foreign secretary has challenged American criticism, asserting that only his government will dictate the pace and timing of a British withdrawal from Iraq. David Miliband responded to allegations from a retired US general that the UK army must step up efforts in Basra. "The British national interest,...

Criminal Probes Launched Into Iraqi Arms Deals

One of scores of investigations focus on aide to Gen. Petraeus

(Newser) - Scores of investigations are under way into fraud, bribery and other criminal activity relating to billions of dollars worth of arms and other war materiel supplied to forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait, the New York Times reports. The focus of the investigations range from the misappropriation of a few...

Iraqi Insurgents Enlist Kids for Dirty Work

US detention center adds school for captured child fighters

(Newser) - Iraqi children are playing an amplified role in insurgent attacks, and the US is struggling to cope with the consequences. The ranks of minors detained by American forces have grown from 100 to 800 since March, the LA Times reports. Boys as young as 11 set off roadside bombs for...

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough
US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

US Hails Iraq Breakthrough

Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders announce deal on key issues

(Newser) - In what is being hailed as a breakthrough in Iraq, Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders yesterday  announced that they have reached a consensus on key political issues, Reuters reports. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the other leaders claimed to have forged an agreement on releasing some detainees, easing curbs on...

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq
Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Senators, candidates use Sunday shows as firing range to lob verbal bombs at Maliki

(Newser) - Verbal bombs flew over the fate of US troops in Iraq this morning, heating up the debate as Congress awaits next month's troop surge report. John Warner, on “Meet the Press,” warned President Bush to “put teeth in these comments that we are not there forever” while...

Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%
Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%

Iraq Detainees Swell by 50%

Most are Sunni, and many say they're motivated by lack of jobs, not jihadism

(Newser) - Since the January troop surge the number of detainees held by the American military in Iraq has increased by 50%, reports the New York Times. The overwhelming majority of those in custody, nearly 85%, are Sunni. And while Jihadism drives some Iraqi insurgents to plant roadside bombs, for many there...

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut
Top General
to Advise Iraq
Troop Cut

Top General to Advise Iraq Troop Cut

Gen. Pace's position may clash with that of Gen. Petraeus

(Newser) - Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is expected to advise President Bush to cut the troop level in Iraq next year by nearly half, the Los Angeles Times reports.  He will be conveying the Joint Chiefs' concern that attempting to maintain elevated troop levels in...

Intelligence Community Doubts Iraqi Leadership

Big insurgent offensive may be in the works

(Newser) - A National Intelligence Estimate released today reveals that the US intelligence community doubts Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki has the ability to lead the country effectively, CNN reports. Coming one day after President Bush defended Maliki in a speech, the report by US intelligence agencies also expresses worry over a possible...

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