
Stories 1881 - 1900 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran Promises Female Soldier's Release

Britain steps up pressure by freezing business activity

(Newser) - Iran promised to release by Friday the female sailor captured along with 15 men in a British patrol boat last week. England stepped up pressure to free  the soldiers by cutting off "bilateral business" and publicizing secret documents which mark its boat nearly two miles from Iranian waters at...

Tillman's Mom Wants Hearings On Cover-Up

"This was an attempt to dupe the public and to promote this war."

(Newser) - Congress should investigate the Army's cover-up of Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death, his mother told ESPN Radio yesterday. A military inquiry concluded Monday that nine high-ranking military officials would face "corrective action," not criminal charges, for their role in claiming Tillman was killed by enemy fire long after they...

Bill Would Put Ba'athists Back in Power

Aim is to woo Sunnis into Shiite-dominated government

(Newser) - Ba'athists will be allowed back in government posts if a bill proposed yesterday, aimed at  reconciling dissident Sunnis with the Shiite-dominated government, passes the Iraqi parliament.  The U.S has been pushing for the law to law to woo the former Saddam loyalists —mostly Sunnis— into the political...

Judge Throws Out Rumsfeld Torture Suit

Abuse and humiliation regretted, but officials are immune

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld can't be held personally responsible for the alleged mistreatment of prisoners held in overseas military prisons on his watch. Calling the case “lamentable,” U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan nevertheless dismissed a suit against the former defense secretary on behalf of nine former prisoners in Iraq...

Senate Backs Troop Pullout Timetable

Bill ties troop funding to March 2008 withdrawal deadline

(Newser) - Democrats in the Senate  pulled off a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to bring troops home from Iraq—deflecting a GOP effort to kill the troop withdrawal plan. The Democrats’ proposal sets a March 2008 deadline for ending the conflict and is folded into a...

War Games Should Include Media, Civilians

"I yearn for the days when 'Battleship' reflected real war"

(Newser) - Modern warfare calls for modern war games, and that means the players can't be just armies and navies, but also civilians, the media, and the international community. Gary Anderson, the Marines' first director of war gaming, writes that victory in post-Cold War combat is no  longer determined by battlefield fighters,...

Sadr City Safest Spot in Baghdad
Sadr City Safest Spot in Baghdad

Sadr City Safest Spot in Baghdad

(Newser) - Six weeks into the surge the vast Baghdad slum called Sadr City is the safest and best-run part of  the city—but not because of the stepped-up efforts on the part of government forces.  Moqtada al-Sadr is said to be somewhere in Iran, but his representatives run hospitals, school,...

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck
Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

(Newser) - The FT catalogs a litany of the obstacles for President Bush achieving anything meaningful in his last 22 months in office. At the core of it all is the Iraq war, which has reduced Bush’s popularity to the point where he has no more political capital to spend.

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary
Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Iraq vote may not have been anomaly

(Newser) - Hillary  may be more hawkish than liberal supporters realize, Michael Crowley concludes after a lengthy look at the senator's history. Many assume she supported the Iraq war to look tough and won’t back down to avoid the label of flip-flopper. But long before 9/11, she was scornful of those...

Sunni Baghdad Lies in Ruins as Shiites Rebuild

Insurgents target efforts to provide food, fuel, services

(Newser) - Baghdad's Sunni neighborhoods are in collapse, lacking food, fuel,  electricity and health care even as their Shiite neighbors have regained basic services, Alissa Rubin reports. In Shiite areas, the Mahdi Army fills in for the government by keeping order and organizing resources, but Sunnis now find themselves under attack...

Blair Blasts Seizure of British Patrol

Iran said to be looking for swap deal

(Newser) - Tony Blair is furious over Iran's capture of 15 sailors and Marines, but so far, diplomatic efforts have not even yielded where they are being held. “I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this is for us,”   Blair sputtered at a European summit,...

Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction
Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction

Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction

U.S. aid to small businesses works only if it's invisible. Otherwise, companies get 'immediately shot or blown up.'

(Newser) - The American military is staging fake raids on Iraqi small businesses to confirm that US aid is being well spent—without tipping off insurgents that they have any US connection. "The only way things will work is if the US contribution is totally invisible," says a civil-affairs officer,...

Iraqi Refugees Flood Into Syria and Jordan

Iraqis are fleeing to their neighbors by the millions, while the U.S. sits pretty

(Newser) - The Iraq war has created nearly two million refugees, and they're going largely ignored by world governments, the UN warns. "There has been an abject denial of the impact, the humanitarian impact, of the war," says a UN refugee agency spokesperson. Most of the refugees stream into neighboring...

Iraqi Bombers Use Kids to Get Through Checkpoint

(Newser) - Insurgents in Baghdad used two children in the backseat of a car to lower suspicion at an American security checkpoint, then blew up the car, with the children in it.  Once they cleared the checkpoint, the bombers parked near a school, ran from the car, and detonated the bomb,...



Taha Yassin Ramadan is executed, despite protests of lack of evidence

(Newser) - Saddam’s loyal vice president was hanged today for the same crimes as his boss. Taha Yassin Ramadan became the fourth to be executed in Iraq for the 1982 massacre of Shias in the city of Dujail. Ramadan’s original sentence of life in prison was found on appeal to...

The Man Who Toppled Saddam Has Second Thoughts

Says US rule is worse than Hussein's

(Newser) - The former Iraqi weightlifting champion who used a sledgehammer to topple the infamous 20-foot-tall bronze statue of Saddam Hussein four years ago now feels remorse at his symbolic role in the US victory. "I really regret bringing down the statue," Kadhim al-Jubouri says. "The Americans are worse...

Kelley: Bush Offspring Should Be Serving in Iraq

(Newser) - While the president has been busy assuring Americans that Iraq is a "noble" war, among those who haven't been listening are his wife, his children and his nieces and nephews, observes Kitty Kelley, who chronicled the Bush clan in 2004. The first family is AWOL on the war effort,...

U.S. Stiffs Brits in Friendly Fire Investigation

British coroner calls soldier's 2003 death "criminal"

(Newser) - The British government is taking aim at the U.S. military for its role in covering up the 2003 friendly-fire death of a British solider in Iraq. A coroner’s report Friday ruled Lance Cpl. Matty Hull’s death at the hands of American pilots avoidable—and criminal—but the...

The Uncontainable Kurds
The Uncontainable Kurds

The Uncontainable Kurds

(Newser) - Tehran resident and frequent commentator on Iran, Christopher de Bellaigue, travels west to Turkey to examine the status of Kurds in Turkey. He describes how some have become the fully assimilated Turks that the government so much wanted them to become; but that many have maintained a separate ethnic and...

The Women's War
The Women's War

The Women's War

The Unprecedented Deployment of Women's in the Iraq War Has Created Unprecedented Challenges for Them and the Armed Forces

(Newser) - Sara Corbett writes in The New York Times Magazine about the role of women soldiers in the Iraq war and the extraordinary toll it is taking on many of them.

Stories 1881 - 1900 | << Prev   Next >>
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