Tucson, Arizona

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Court: Loughner Can Refuse Meds

No forced medication for Tucson suspect while appeal is pending

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner's right to refuse antipsychotic medication trumps the federal government's interest in making him sane enough to stand trial for the Tucson shootings in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was injured, an appeals court has decided. The court ruled that its injunction against forcibly medicating Loughner should...

Gabrielle Giffords Heads Home to Tucson

Trip home 'will mean the world to her,' says rep

(Newser) - Barely released from the rehab center where she's spent the last five months, Gabrielle Giffords made a beeline for her hometown Tucson yesterday for the first time since she left it 13 days after she was shot. "We've been dreaming of this trip for some time,"...

Endeavour Commander Mark Kelly Sends Message from Space to Gabrielle Giffords
 Mark Kelly 
 Sent Space 
 to Giffords 

Mark Kelly Sent Space Shout-Out to Giffords

Endeavour commander surprises during U2 concert

(Newser) - Not content to boast one of the best live shows on planet Earth, U2 went even further for a cameo during a recent concert. Space shuttle Endeavour commander Mark Kelly delivered a message to his wife, Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, during the band's concert Saturday night at Seattle's...

College Bares Chilling Loughner Behavior

Bizarre outbursts by suspect in Rep. Giffords' shooting troubled staff

(Newser) - Staff and students at a Tucson college were deeply concerned about Jared Lee Loughner's strange and aggressive behavior, newly released emails reveal. The emails, released by Pima Community College after a lawsuit from the Arizona Republic , show that administrators balanced their concerns about Loughner with their wish to respect...

The Truth About Gabrielle Giffords' Recovery
 The Truth About 
 Giffords' Recovery 
in case you missed it

The Truth About Giffords' Recovery

Her progress needs to be viewed in relative terms

(Newser) - It all sounds remarkable: Friends and colleagues have told the media about their "lengthy" conversations with Gabrielle Giffords, who is "running a campaign from the hospital." Indeed, she is getting better—but her progress might not be as speedy or extensive as those comments suggest. When you...

Judge Orders Mental Exam for Loughner

He'll be transferred to Springfield, Mo., for videotaped evaluation

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner needs to have his head examined ASAP, according to a federal judge. US District Judge Larry Burns ordered a psychiatric evaluation yesterday to determine whether the alleged Tucson shooter is fit to stand trial, the AP reports. The evaluation must be carried out no later than April...

Jared Lee Loughner Pleads Not Guilty in Tucson, Smiles as He Enters Courtroom
 Loughner Pleads Not Guilty 

Loughner Pleads Not Guilty

He smiles as he enters the courtroom

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner pleaded not guilty today to dozens of new federal charges that accuse him of killing six people and wounding 13 others. Loughner, who smiled as he was led into the courtroom, entered the plea to charges that included trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, attempting to kill...

Tucson Shooter Didn't Miss Once: Autopsies

Jared Lee Loughner's lawyers want to delay trial until 2013

(Newser) - Three of the six people shot dead at a political gathering in Tucson that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords last month were shot in the head, according to autopsy results released by the county medical examiner. The youngest victim, 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, died from a single shot that tore through...

Photo Shows Giffords a Minute Before Shooting

Rep talks with constituents in only photo released from that day

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords' hands are clasped, and she's listening to two of her constituents at a "Congress on Your Corner" event, just moments before a gunman walked up and opened fire. Giffords' office released the image—the only one it's released of that day—yesterday via Facebook, reports the AP,...

Southern Arizonans Seek Own State

'Baja Arizona' could be 51st state

(Newser) - More weird news brewing in the Ol' West: A political committee called "Start Our State" has officially registered in Arizona, seeking statehood for Pima Country in the southern part of the state. Organizers in Tucson are apparently so frustrated with disagreements in policy that they want to break away...

New Jared Lee Loughner Mugshots Released
 New Loughner Mugshots Out 

New Loughner Mugshots Out

Lawyers had sought to block them

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner's second set of mugshot photos—shot by US marshals when he was taken into federal custody—have been released, despite his lawyers' best efforts. He's still smirking, though not as broadly as in the widely distributed mugshot taken by the Pima County Sheriff's Office, and sports an...

Firefighter Refused to Respond to Giffords Shooting

Cited political reasons at first, but later said he was just too distraught

(Newser) - A Tucson firefighter may have slowed down his unit’s response to the Jan. 8 shooting spree targeting Gabrielle Giffords—because he refused to go out on the call. According to city memos, Mark Ekstrum, a 28-year veteran, “mentioned something about 'political bantering' and he did not want to...

Loughner to Speak at Trial—Through Videos He Made

Suspected shooter may not testify, but jury will likely hear from him

(Newser) - Jared Loughner probably won't testify at his trial, but the jury will likely hear from him all the same, thanks to videotaped messages found on a computer at his home. In the videos, Loughner talks about various topics including assassination, an official tells the New York Times . “There are...

Loughner Trial Heads to Tucson

First two proceedings had been in Phoenix

(Newser) - Despite a previous report that Jared Loughner’s trial would be moved to California , the accused shooter of Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others will actually get a trial closer to home—much closer. The judge ordered the case moved from Phoenix to Tucson, where the shootings occurred, the Wall Street ...

Even If Convicted, Loughner Unlikely to Be Executed

Federal death penalty has been carried out just 3 times in 23 years

(Newser) - Even though the prosecution is looking hard at the death penalty for Jared Lee Loughner in the Tucson shootings, he could still die an old man behind bars, reports the LA Times . Loughner faces charges in federal court, where death penalties are rarely given out—only three out of 182...

Before Assault, Loughner Researched Lethal Injection

He also read up on political assassinations, solitary confinement

(Newser) - His mugshot might have the look of a crazy man, but Jared Lee Loughner apparently knew full well what was in store for him after the Tucson shooting spree he stands charged in. In the weeks before the attack, Loughner used his computer to look up the subjects of lethal...

Giffords Heard Cheers, Teared Up

Rep looks 'spectacular,' has 'great rehab potential,' say new team

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords' Tucson doctors handed her over to Houston rehab officials in a "flawless transfer" yesterday, and the congresswoman responded to Arizona crowds cheering along her route by "smiling and even tearing up a little bit," says one of her doctors. Giffords' plane flew 14,000 feet...

Gabrielle Giffords Leaves Hospital

Well-wishers speed her way to Houston

(Newser) - Following her first trip outside yesterday , Gabrielle Giffords today departed on an even bigger one: She left her Tucson hospital for a rehabilitation center in Houston. Crowds saw her off holding “Get well” signs and flags as an ambulance carried her to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, MSNBC reports. Giffords...

Giffords Takes First Trip Outdoors

Congresswoman gets first fresh air, sunlight since shooting

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords was taken outside yesterday for her first fresh air and sunshine since she was shot in the head almost two weeks ago. Giffords— who can now stand, with assistance , and has attempted to speak—was taken on a brief stroll in a wheelchair to the Tucson University Medical...

230 Mayors to Sign Tucson 'Civility Pact'

Mayors aim to take lead in bringing civility back to politics

(Newser) - More than 230 mayors are meeting in Washington this week and they plan to sign a "civility accord" thought up by Tucson's mayor after the shootings in his city. Mayor Robert Walkup aims to have mayors take the lead in restoring civility to politics. His accord urges mayors to...

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