Democratic National Convention

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Denver Can 'Corral' Convention Protesters: Court

Judge rules security concerns take priority over free speech

(Newser) - A federal judge has ruled that protesters can be confined to a fenced-in zone at the Democratic National Convention because security concerns outweigh activists' right to free speech, Reuters reports. The ACLU and a coalition of protest groups had brought a lawsuit against Denver and the Secret Service over plans...

Dems: 'Say it Ain't So, John'
 Dems: 'Say it
 Ain't So, John'

Dems: 'Say it Ain't So, John'

Convention role in Jeopardy unless Edwards settles mess

(Newser) - John Edwards is under increasing pressure from senior Democrats to address published reports he has been having an affair with a former campaign worker and is the father of her child. Edwards' status in the party and his role in the upcoming national convention are at stake, reports the Charlotte ...

DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy
 DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy

DNC Plans Tribute to Teddy

Kennedy not expected in Denver... but who knows?

(Newser) - Camera crews spent the weekend on Cape Cod, collecting footage for a 15-minute tribute to Edward Kennedy to air during the Democratic National Convention. The video will include statements from the senator, who many expect won't make it to Denver while he battles brain cancer. But as a source reminded...

Gore a Likely Convention Star
 Gore a Likely
 Convention Star

Gore a Likely Convention Star

Nobel prizewinner perfectly poised to take spotlight

(Newser) - The Democrats haven't finalized the lineup for their upcoming convention in Denver, but one man seems certain to land a central role in the proceedings: Al Gore. Once mocked for his wooden style, Gore now enjoys even higher approval ratings than Barack Obama, Reuters reports. Tickets for a recent Gore...

Hillary Nabs Key Speech at Convention

Second night will be 'Hillary night' to mark women's vote

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will deliver the main address on the second night of the Democratic National Convention, reports CNN. Insiders say the erstwhile candidate will be accompanied on stage with all female senators for a speech marking the 88th anniversary of the day women won the right to vote. "Tuesday...

Want Denver Coronation Tix? Be Prepared to Work

Activists with a plan will be rewarded with seats at Dem's acceptance speech

(Newser) - Barack Obama wants you to help fill Denver’s Invesco Field for his coronation at the Democratic convention—but you’ll have to work for it, the Denver Post reports. A campaign official says would-be spectators will have to outline a plan for activism before and after the Aug. 28...

Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy
 Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy 

Hatch Pens Ditty for Teddy

GOP senator's ballad may be played at Democratic convention

(Newser) - Orrin Hatch is not only a veteran senator but also a songwriter, and he’s put pen to paper again—this time for longtime friend Ted Kennedy, who’s battling cancer. The Utah Republican was approached by several senior Democrats, and the resulting song, Headed Home, could be played at...

On Running Mate, Obama Can Jog, Mac Should Sprint

Republican needs the publicity; convention trump card could benefit Democrat

(Newser) - Timing the unveiling of one's running mate is a crucial publicity challenge, David Von Drehle writes in Time—and John McCain would be best served by playing his card soon, while Barack Obama should keep his ace up his sleeve. Obama could run into trouble from rabid Hillary Clinton fans...

Dems Taking Their Platform to the States—All 50 of 'Em

Obama campaign, DNC want more voter input on party's guiding document

(Newser) - Voters in all 50 states will get their chance to weigh in on the Democrats' official election platform, the AP reports, with Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee set to hold meetings nationwide. Policy experts will sit in on the July 19-27 meetings, which members of the public...

Obama Planning Huge Convention Rally

Democratic nominee will give speech before 76,000-seat stadium

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn’t canceling the last day of the Democratic National Convention, as was rumored earlier this week—he’s turning it into a massive rally at the Denver Bronco’s Invesco Field, sources tell the Los Angles Times. Obama is confident he can fill the 76,000-seat stadium...

Candidates Grapple With Timing of VP Picks

2 conventions, 1 Olympic games, and an August birthday complicate matters

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain must do more than pick VP candidates—they have to time the announcements carefully, a key tactical move in a busy summer, the New York Times reports. Two national conventions, the Beijing Olympics, and Obama's Aug. 4 birthday all help or hinder the timing, but...

Delicately, Team Clinton Gets Behind Obama

Hillary's camp offers support in exchange for aid on debt

(Newser) - Under the eye of one of Washington's most powerful lawyers, Barack Obama is negotiating with Hillary Clinton over a tangle of issues, from how to retire her campaign debt to what role she will play in this summer's convention. The Democratic party is slowly recovering from its bruising primary fight...

Not So Easy to Green a Dem Convention

Organizer can't find hats that are organic and union

(Newser) - You can pledge to make your Dem convention “the greenest…in the history of the planet” (as Denver’s mayor recently did), you can hire a Director of Greening—but it’s still no small task to throw a sustainable presidential nominating conference. That's what the Journal discovered in...

Short On Cash, Democrats Trim Convention

Long primary slows Denver fundraising; having nominee helps

(Newser) - Democrats are scaling back their national convention plans in the face of fundraising shortfalls, the AP reports. The Denver host committee has just $29 million of the $40.6 million it promised to deliver by yesterday. The committee says it’s confident it’ll get the money before the convention...

Party Conventions: the Last Loophole for Big Donors

Issue may test McCain and Obama on their zeal to stop influence of big money

(Newser) - Big donors are pumping big money into both party's conventions, one of the last remaining loopholes in the rules governing so-called soft money contributions, the New York Times reports. And while it's all perfectly legal, the issue may test the conviction of both Barack Obama and John McCain on their...

Democrats Can't Find Cash for Convention

$15M short, Denver fundraisers hawking political access

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t just wringing their hands over who they’ll nominate at their national convention—they’re also wondering who's going to pick up the tab. The Denver host committee has raised just $25 million of the $40.6 million it needs by June 16, the New York Times ...

Clinton Ready to Take It to Convention

Defiant candidate emphasizes the importance of Florida's vote

(Newser) - A defiant Hillary Clinton signaled yesterday that she might take the nomination fight all the way to the convention, the New York Times reports, again emphasizing the importance of seating Florida and Michigan delegates in a swing through the Sunshine State. Those delegates still wouldn't erase Barack Obama's lead, but...

Superdelegates Rejected $1M 'Deal' From Clinton Donor

Billionaire offered Young Dems big bucks to back Clinton, say sources

(Newser) - A billionaire Clinton backer offered to donate a million bucks to the Democratic Party's unofficial youth arm if its two uncommitted superdelegates endorsed his candidate, sources told the Huffington Post. Entertainment mogul Haim Saban allegedly made his million-dollar proposal to the Young Democrats of America just before the Indiana and...

A Closer Look at the Math Problem Edwards Averted

Three-way race could have dragged on through the summer

(Newser) - The long-tern effect of John Edwards’ early exit is that Barack Obama will wrap up the nomination by early June, a grateful Steve Kornacki writes in the New York Observer. A  slower withdrawal would have spelled trouble for the Democrats, who are having enough trouble making up their minds. "...

Michigan Settles on Delegate Plan
Settles on
Delegate Plan

Michigan Settles on Delegate Plan

Clinton would get 69, Obama 59 in new compromise

(Newser) - The Michigan Democratic Party agreed yesterday to a plan to split its delegates to the August convention: The state wants to award 69 to Hillary Clinton and 59 to Barack Obama, who did not appear on the ballot in the primary, which was voided because it broke party rules. Michigan...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>