Democratic National Convention

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Calif. Dem: Lying Ryan Is Like Goebbels

Delegation chief John Burton: I never used the word 'Nazi'

(Newser) - The head of the California delegation to the Democratic National Convention has triggered a storm of criticism after he compared Paul Ryan's "lying" to the actions of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. “They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie," John Burton...

5 Ways Dems Could Ruin Their Own Convention

Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and Occupy: all possible hazards

(Newser) - The RNC ran into its share of snags—a hurricane , Clint Eastwood , frustrated Ron Paul supporters—but the Democratic convention has a few potential pitfalls too. Politico lists five:

Dems Look to Michelle as DNC Kicks Off
 T-1 Day Til Dems' Convention 

T-1 Day Til Dems' Convention

Team Romney looks to steal some thunder from Charlotte convention

(Newser) - Counting the minutes til the Democratic National Convention begins? Here's what has been happening in advance of tomorrow's kickoff, and what you can expect when the Democrats' big shebang begins:
  • Yesterday saw weaker-than-expected protests: Some 800 protesters took to the streets in Charlotte to slam big banks, lax

Dems: RNC Bombed, Bring on Charlotte
 Dems: RNC 
 Bring on 

Dems: RNC Bombed, Bring on Charlotte

Democrats get ready for convention opening Tuesday

(Newser) - As the Republicans came off their convention week with very little bounce , Democrats descended on the Sunday talk shows today to drum up their own soiree in Charlotte, which kicks off Tuesday. "I think the race is exactly where it was before they walked in [to Tampa], and now...

'Pop-Up' Firms Skirt Ethics Rules, Party With Pols

Lobbyists find ways to throw convention shindigs

(Newser) - Where there's a pesky ethics rule, there's usually a way around it, and lobbyists have found a simple way to sidestep restrictions against throwing parties for lawmakers at the Republican and Democratic conventions, NBC finds. "Consulting firms" have been set up to throw parties for members of...

GOP Turncoat Charlie Crist to Speak at DNC

Republicans slam turncoat ex-governor

(Newser) - Looks like Charlie Crist has become the Joe Lieberman of this election cycle. The former Republican governor of Florida, who turned independent for a failed 2010 Senate bid, will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention next week, reports USA Today . Crist, who declared his support for President Obama over...

Dems, GOP Rush to Steal Each Others' Convention Thunder

Battle on for spotlight, even during convention close-up

(Newser) - In past years, Democrats and Republicans would lay low while the other team bathed in nearly uninterrupted media coverage for week. How quaint. This year, expect plenty of "counter-programming" from both sides, as each tries to steal as much of the other's convention coverage as possible, reports Reuters...

FBI: Anarchists Could Target Conventions

Bulletin warns of attempts to shut down Tampa bridges

(Newser) - Anarchists could turn violent at the Republican and Democratic conventions, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security say in a bulletin obtained by CNN . Such advisories are routine before big events, though this one is drawing attention because of its suggestion that hard-core protesters might use improvised explosive devices. Referring...

Dems Add 10 Women to Convention Slate

Including Eva Longoria, Sandra Fluke, and Lilly Ledbetter

(Newser) - Sandra Fluke, Eva Longoria, and the president of Planned Parenthood are among the 10 women Democrats added to their lineup of convention speakers today, in their effort to cast themselves as the most woman-friendly option in November. Also on the list are Lilly Ledbetter (of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act...

Atheist Billboards Go Up for Democratic Convention

Group puts up anti-Christianity, anti-Mormonism signs

(Newser) - People headed to the Democratic National Convention will be greeted by billboards condemning religion, thanks to American Atheists. The group is specifically targeting Mormonism and Christianity with the ads, which will be up starting today for a month in Charlotte, CNN reports. They read:
  • Christianity: "Sadistic God; Useless Savior,

Dems' Convention Secrets Revealed: GOPers Involved

Writing for Politico, Mike Allen shares details from planning documents

(Newser) - Politico's Mike Allen got his hands on the Democrats' convention planning documents, and they reveal a fierce, two-prong strategy: Portray Mitt Romney as, in Allen's words, a "heartless aristocrat" who doesn't understand the middle class (while proclaiming that Obama has long been its champion), and...

DNC Keynote Honors Go to ... Texas Mayor Julian Castro

37-year-old is in 2nd term at helm of San Antonio

(Newser) - Julian Castro will deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, per a video released today. If your reaction is "What? Who?", you're in good company. The Texas Tribune reports that President Obama himself mistook the San Antonio mayor for a White House intern in 2009. But...

Clinton's DNC Opening Act: Elizabeth Warren

That still leaves keynote spot open

(Newser) - The Democrats are trying to pack in all the headline-grabbers they can at their national convention. Elizabeth Warren has been tapped to do the big lead-in for Bill Clinton on the penultimate night at the convention, essentially presenting a "one-two punch" for the Dems, reports the Boston Globe . Warren,...

Democrats' Platform to Include Gay Marriage

It was unanimously included, Barney Frank says

(Newser) - The committee drafting the Democratic Party's official platform has, for the first time, included support for same-sex marriage on it. All 15 members of the committee voted unanimously to include the section, Rep. Barney Frank tells the Washington Blade . "Everybody was for it," he said, tracing support...

Clinton Lands Starring Role at Convention

He'll place Obama's name into nomination

(Newser) - He's back. Bill Clinton will play a major role in the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and will be the one to place Barack Obama's name into nomination after an address hammering home an economic argument for the president's reelection, reports the New York Times . Clinton is expected...

Claire McCaskill Skipping Democratic Convention

Aide says she needs to talk to Missouri voters

(Newser) - A major Obama ally won't be at his side in Charlotte this summer. A Claire McCaskill aide tells Talking Points Memo that the Missouri senator will not be attending the Democratic National Convention, making her the latest in a line of red- and purple-state Democrats snubbing the event. But...

W.Va. Democrats Skipping Obama's Nomination

Governor, senator, representative won't attend convention

(Newser) - You may not be surprised to hear that President Obama is not too popular in West Virginia, considering that a felon serving time in prison actually won more than 40% of the vote against him in last month's presidential primary. That unpopularity apparently extends to the uppermost echelons of...

Charlotte Looking Like Worse and Worse DNC Pick

It's home to Bank of America and a high unemployment rate

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention could be meeting on enemy territory come September. The state that flipped for Barack Obama last election, making him the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state in more than 30 years, is increasingly at odds with the White House. North Carolina just banned gay...

Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina
Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina

Thousands Demand Dems Yank DNC From N. Carolina

Gay marriage vote prompts outrage

(Newser) - Thousands of angry progressives are demanding the DNC pull the Democratic National Convention out of Charlotte in protest of North Carolina's vote to amend its constitution to ban same-sex marriage. A petition advocating the move has already drawn more than 27,000 signatures, and the same sentiment...

Charlotte Training Cops for Riot Duty Ahead of DNC

Federal government to pick up tab for training, equipment

(Newser) - Apparently, Charlotte is expecting trouble when the Democratic National Convention comes to town—or at least preparing for the possibility. Charlotte’s police department is already stocking up on riot gear and training officers in riot-control techniques in preparation for the event, WSOC TV reports. Though the city already has...

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