South Carolina primary

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South Carolina Poll Has Mitt Romney Ahead of Rick Santorum by Three Points
 Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC 
Poll Numbers

Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC

Newt Gingrich falls to third with 18%

(Newser) - Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich had a huge lead in South Carolina, and two months ago Rick Santorum was languishing at 1%. Times, they have a'changed. Santorum has vaulted into second with 24% of the vote in the latest Rasmussen poll , just behind Mitt Romney's 27%. Gingrich...

Forget New Hampshire: South Carolina Is the Prize
 Forget NH: SC Is the Prize 

Forget NH: SC Is the Prize

Conservatives hope to capitalize on anyone-but-Romney sentiment

(Newser) - With the proverbial fork stuck in Iowa , the GOP herd galloped off to next-up New Hampshire, but the real battleground lies in Dixie: Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed a victory in New Hampshire, so his GOP challengers' only chance is to expose the frontrunner's moderate Achilles heel in...

Rick Perry Isn't Dropping Out of the Race, Plans Trip to South Carolina
 Rick Perry  
 Won't Drop Out 

Rick Perry Won't Drop Out

'Here we come South Carolina!'

(Newser) - The Republican field will shrink by only one candidate today. Unlike Michele Bachmann , Rick Perry has decided to hang around despite his lackluster finish in Iowa, reports the National Journal . He will stay in a Texas for a few days, head to New Hampshire—which has two debates this weekend,...

Bachmann Axes Today's South Carolina Events

...and schedules news conference in their place

(Newser) - The hot scuttlebutt of the morning: Is Michele Bachmann dropping out of the race, even though she earlier vowed to stay in? "There are many more chapters to be written on our path to the nomination," she told supporters last night, but today's chapter apparently won't...

What Happens After Iowa
 What Happens 
 After Iowa 

What Happens After Iowa

There are three scenarios: Short, Long, and Weird

(Newser) - When the dust clears tonight, no one will be the Republican nominee. Instead, candidates will be jetting on, either to New Hampshire, or, in the case of Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, who’ve already signaled that they’re giving up on the Granite State, to South Carolina. What happens...

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits
 Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits 
William Kristol

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits

William Kristol gives a pep talk to early voting Republicans

(Newser) - Are you a Republican from Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Florida, wondering how to vote in your imminent primary or caucus? Then William Kristol has a pep talk for you in the latest Weekly Standard . Vote for the man or woman who you think will do the job best,...

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley Will Endorse Mitt Romney
 Haley Endorses Romney 

Haley Endorses Romney

SC governor says he's not part of Washington chaos

(Newser) - Another big endorsement for Mitt Romney, this one a bit more impressive than Christine O’Donnell : Nikki Haley announced her endorsement this morning on Fox and Friends. The South Carolina governor is one of the most coveted endorsements remaining, Politico notes. “When I look at the focus of what...

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina
Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

Romney Might Actually Win South Carolina

He wasn't expected to, but nobody seems to be challenging

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn’t supposed to win South Carolina. That’s been the conventional wisdom all election cycle, given his fourth-place finish here in 2008. And yet, CNN can’t help but notice that with the clock ticking, Romney’s still at or near the top of the polls in...

Herman Cain, Mitt Romney Lead in South Carolina, Florida Polls
 Cain, Romney Lead 
 Pack in SC, Florida 
polls say

Cain, Romney Lead Pack in SC, Florida

Rick Perry in single digits in both places

(Newser) - The GOP primary is a two-horse race at the moment in pivotal South Carolina and Florida—just not between the two horses you thought it would be last month. Herman Cain has taken the lead in both states, topping Romney 30% to 26% in South Carolina and by a slim...

South Carolina Sets Primary for January 21

Which means Iowa and New Hampshire will be even earlier

(Newser) - The dominos are toppling from Florida’s decision to hold its primary on Jan. 31 . South Carolina will today announce that it’s holding its vote on Jan. 21, in an effort to put some distance between itself and Florida, a pair of GOP sources tell CNN . “Last Friday,...

Rick Perry to Announce Run in SC

May not be formal launch, but will make intentions clear

(Newser) - Fresh off his weekend prayer rally, Rick Perry will head to South Carolina on Saturday to make clear he's going to toss his hat into the 2012 presidential race, reports Politico. In so doing, the Texas governor will upend the current field of Republicans seeking the nomination, as well...

Budget Cuts May Kill SC Primary

Gov. Haley expected to veto state funding for GOP contest

(Newser) - South Carolina's first-in-the-South Republican primary may no longer be first in the South or even a primary next year thanks to money troubles. GOP Gov. Nikki Haley is expected to veto a budget proposal that provides state funding for the primary, the State reports. The move could force the...

Bachmann: Tax Code Is a WMD

Also, Obama makes Carter 'look like Rambo'

(Newser) - Michelle Bachmann labeled the US tax code as a “weapon of mass destruction," calling for “a radically different system” in a speech to GOP activists in South Carolina. The congresswoman slammed President Obama’s handling of protests in Egypt and Iran, saying he’s “making Jimmy...

SC Dems Stick With Greene
 SC Dems Stick With Greene 

SC Dems Stick With Greene

Party rejects Vic Rawl's primary challenge

(Newser) - Alvin Greene will be South Carolina's Democratic nominee for the US Senate, the executive committee of the state's Democratic Party decided last night. The committee rejected defeated candidate Vic Rawl's bid to oust the surprise nominee and hold a new primary, the State reports. Rawl argued that faulty voting machines...

Alvin Greene: I Should Be Man of the Year
Alvin Greene: I Should Be Man of the Year

Alvin Greene: I Should Be Man of the Year

Unlikely SC candidate has no computer, cell phone or headquarters

(Newser) - Alvin Greene seems to be having trouble starting his campaign. Time got a look at the unlikely candidate’s “headquarters”—which is to say, his 81-year-old dad’s house—and discovered that Greene doesn’t have a computer, a cell phone, or staff, let alone any campaign plans....

South Carolina GOP Battles Against Haley

National party wants her, but locals are going rogue

(Newser) - National Republicans may be throwing themselves behind Nikki Haley, but much of the South Carolina GOP is doing everything it can to thwart her ahead of the June 22 runoff primary. Many lawmakers, and one former candidate, are backing GOP congressman Gresham Barrett, as is the state Chamber of Commerce....

SC Loser Lodges Formal Protest

Rawl blames machines for Greene's win

(Newser) - Vic Rawl is crying foul over his defeat by total unknown Alvin Greene in the South Carolina Democratic primary for the US Senate. Rawl, a former judge and state lawmaker, has filed a formal protest with the state's Democratic Party over what he calls the "strange circumstances" surrounding his...

Surprise Winner: Felony Rap Won't Bump Me From SC Senate Race

Dems tell Alvin Green to quit

(Newser) - South Carolina's Democratic Party wants surprise Senate nominee Alvin Greene to hurry up and go back to being an unknown. The leader of the state party says she has asked Greene to pull out of the race because of his pending felony charge for showing an obscene photograph to a...

Jobless Guy Who Didn't Campaign Wins SC Primary

Alphabet helped, says Democratic chief

(Newser) - Alvin Greene's surprise victory in South Carolina's Democratic Senate primary has left much of the state asking: "Who?" The 32-year-old unemployed Army veteran had no campaign funds and no website but still managed to defeat former judge Vic Rawl, and will now be running against incumbent Republican Sen. Jim...

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee
 Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee 

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee

Winner-take-all primaries favor unpopular Palin

(Newser) - She may be hugely polarizing, but Sarah Palin’s the odds-on favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, thanks to the party’s winner-take-all primary system. The party establishment may not want Palin, but if she can maintain, say, 35% support in a multi-candidate field, she could win...

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