terror suspects

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Passenger 'Heard Pop, Saw Smoke and Fire'

Response made Michigander proud to be American

(Newser) - A passenger sitting three rows behind the 23-year-old Nigerian man who allegedly tried to detonate an explosive aboard a Detroit-bound flight heard “a pop and saw some smoke and fire.” Then, Syed Jafry tells the Free Press , “a young man behind me jumped on him.” Jafry,...

Mumbai Gunman Recants Confession

Kasab says he was framed, tortured

(Newser) - The only surviving suspect from last year's Mumbai terror attacks has withdrawn his confession, saying police tortured it out of him. Mohammed Kasab—who was photographed carrying an assault rifle at a railway station during the attacks—told an Indian court that he was framed by police who arrested him...

'Guantanamo, NY,' Awaits 9/11 Accused

Rights advocates complain about treatment of terror suspects

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-accused can expect conditions little different from Guantanamo at its harshest when they arrive in New York for trial. The terror suspects are certain to be placed under what the Justice Department calls "special administrative measures"—SAMs—requiring 23-hour-a-day lockdown, constant video surveillance,...

Living Costs for UK Terror Suspects Top $1M

House arrest program for dangerous extremists under fire

(Newser) - Terror suspects have been paid over $1 million in living expenses in the last two years under a controversial British program that keeps them under virtual house arrest. The suspects—who security services say pose a threat, but who can't be prosecuted because evidence against them is too sensitive to...

CIA Officer: We 'Broke the Law' With Kidnapping

She's one of 23 Americans convicted in Italy for 2003 rendition

(Newser) - One of the CIA agents convicted in Italy today of kidnapping a Muslim cleric in 2003 says the mission "broke the law" and that she feels "abandoned and betrayed" by the US government. The case involving ex-officer Sabrina DeSousa and 22 other Americans is the first challenge to...

Italy Convicts CIA Agents of Kidnapping

2003 case is first to challenge practice of extraordinary rendition

(Newser) - An Italian judge today convicted 23 Americans of the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric on a Milan street, in a landmark case involving the CIA's extraordinary rendition program in the war on terrorism. Judge Oscar Magi acquitted three other Americans, citing diplomatic immunity. Former Milan CIA station chief Robert...

'Tortured' Rendition Victim Told He Can't Sue

Canadian sent to Syria plans to appeal

(Newser) - A Canadian citizen sent to Syria after being mistakenly arrested at JFK Airport cannot sue US authorities, a court has ruled. Maher Arar, who says he was tortured during the year he was held in Syrian custody, was told by a New York court that it has no legal right...

Terror Suspect Zazi Pleads Not Guilty

(Newser) - Najibullah Zazi has pleaded not guilty to plotting a terrorist attack on New York City using common chemicals. The Afghan immigrant's lawyer entered the plea today in Brooklyn. Zazi was ordered held without bail during the brief hearing. Zazi's defense attorney says what he's seen so far "does not...

Terror Suspect Doubled as Friendly Coffee Vendor

(Newser) - When he pushed his family's coffee cart on the streets of New York, Najibullah Zazi greeted people with friendly hellos and made a point to remember how regulars liked their joe. Now, feds say he trained with al-Qaeda and planned a massive bomb attack on the same city. The New ...

NYPD Yanks Top Cop From Terror Unit
NYPD Yanks
Top Cop From
Terror Unit

NYPD Yanks Top Cop From Terror Unit

Official replaced after unit's imam informant tipped off suspect

(Newser) - A top official from one of the NYPD's two counterterror units has been replaced after his unit disrupted a federal terror probe by inadvertently alerting the prime suspect to the investigation. Paul Ciorra of the Intelligence Division—which sometimes competes with the city's Counterterrorism Bureau and clashes with federal partners—...

Closing Spruced-Up Gitmo Would Be a Waste

Task force steams ahead with quality-of-living improvements

(Newser) - Money is being poured into improving the quality of life for Guantanamo detainees just as the government works toward closing the detention center, writes a puzzled Judith Miller after a tour. Recreation facilities and classrooms are being expanded, and inmates have access to satellite TV. Prisoners are given a choice...

Feds Arrest Denver Terror Suspect
Feds Arrest Denver Terror Suspect

Feds Arrest Denver Terror Suspect

Shuttle driver, father in custody after cutting off talks with FBI

(Newser) - The Denver shuttle bus driver who may or may not be a terrorist with al-Qaeda links has been taken into custody by federal authorities, the Denver Post reports. Najibullah Zazi and his father were arrested late tonight, but the charges weren't immediately known. The FBI had questioned Zazi on three...

Man In Terror Probe Skips FBI Questioning

Defense team denies he is considering a plea deal

(Newser) - A man under investigation in a terrorism probe in New York and Colorado did not report for a fourth day of FBI questioning today so he could spend a much-needed day with his attorney, the attorney's spokeswoman said. Najibullah Zazi had been scheduled to go to the Federal Building in...

NYC Terror Suspect May Have al-Qaeda Ties After All

Zazi admits possible run-ins in Pakistan

(Newser) - The man federal officials are questioning in Denver over a terror plot in New York might in fact have some ties to al-Qaeda, the Times reports. After first denying any connections, Najibullah Zazi has told officials he could have come into contact with extremists in his native Pakistan, and there...

Denver Man in NYC Raids Denies Terror Link

Police swooped over alleged plot after city visit

(Newser) - A Colorado man believed to be a central figure in a New York City terror investigation denies he has links to al-Qaeda or any other terrorist group, the New York Times reports. Police raided three apartments in Queens after Najibullah Zazi visited the city last week. Materials were removed for...

Bush Must Apologize for Torture
Bush Must Apologize
for Torture

Bush Must Apologize for Torture

Don't let subordinates take the fall, Sullivan urges former president

(Newser) - The only way to remove the stain of torture from America's name is for the man who authorized it to step up and take responsibility, Atlantic editor Andrew Sullivan writes in an open letter to George W. Bush. Dodging blame while his subordinates take the fall—and watching the country...

Memos: CIA Kept Prisoner Awake, Chained for 6 Days

(Newser) - In late 2007, a year after the Bush administration abandoned its harshest interrogation methods, CIA operatives used severe sleep deprivation tactics against a terror detainee twice, keeping him awake for 5 and then 6 straight days, with permission from government lawyers to go over the 4-day limit. Interrogators kept the...

Pentagon Tells Red Cross Who's in Secret Prisons

Military grants group access to prisoners

(Newser) - After years of refusing the Red Cross information about terror suspects held in two secret camps in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Pentagon has quietly reversed course, the New York Times reports. The military has begun providing the identities of prisoners at the sites in Balad, Iraq, and Bagram, Afghanstan. Under...

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case
Prosecutors Compete
for 9/11 Case

Prosecutors Compete for 9/11 Case

Va., NY vie for high-profile trial of alleged mastermind

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors in New York and Virginia are fighting for the chance to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four of his co-conspirators on trial, the Washington Post reports. Justice Department sources say offices in Alexandria and Manhattan have been lobbying hard to prosecute the self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, both stressing their...

WH Eyes US Prison, Court Complex for Gitmo Detainees

Obama mulls domestic military-civilian facility

(Newser) - Pressed by President Obama's January 2010 deadline to close Guantanamo Bay, as well as congressional skittishness over holding terrorist suspects at prisons around the US, the administration is considering a plan to house them at a single maximum-security prison facility in Michigan or Kansas, the AP reports. The site would...

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